Thursday, April 12, 2012

Club Penguin has sent us a new EPF Message!

Club Penguin has sent us a new EPF Message from Dot!

Thanks for the info...

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. Wow! I didn't see that coming :)

    Waddle On!

  2. Hello Mimo!
    Did you see through the telescope in the Beacon? When you see through it you will see something red and shiny? could it be rockhopper sending S.O.S signal? or is it herbert up to no good?

  3. Hey Mimo what book do u like? I like Skulduggery Pleasent written by Derek Landy Somewhere in Ireland Dublin Im in Dublin by the way :) wanna meet him!And I like Cp books wriitne by the clubpenguin team.


  4. Hey Mimo the clubpenguin blogs tells us three runner ups check it out


  5. Well the red shiny light is just the new beacon we built when we got to ride on rockhoppers ship!!!Anyways my comment is that i got my epf paycheck on april 12!I cant belive you didnt see that mimo!

  6. Modhesh1 that is the beacon that we made on Rockhopper's Quest.

  7. i got the epf checks it says april12

  8. Do you play toontown online? It's awesome! add me im super chip!

  9. Modhesh1 said...
    Hello Mimo!
    Did you see through the telescope in the Beacon? When you see through it you will see something red and shiny? could it be rockhopper sending S.O.S signal? or is it herbert up to no good?
    Hi Modhesh1! Thank's for this ;-) Keep an eye Mimo's Blog for more Info. ~Mikey8w (CPG MOD)~
