Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Club Penguin Field Op Number 69 Cheats!

The Club Penguin Field Op Number 69 cheats are here!

Step 1. Click your Spy Gadget.
Step 2. Click "Go there."
Step 3. Click Field Op board. (or click Field Ops on the Spy Gadget)
Step 4. Click "Accept Field-Op."

Step 5. Click your map. 
Step 6. Go to the Mine.
Step 7. Go into the Recycle Center.

Step 8. Click your spy gadget and click "Engage."
Step 9. Now you can complete the puzzle!

Once the Field Op is complete, you will get this message from Dot:

Step 10. If you are a member you can click "Elite Gear" and get something cool! If you are not a member, you can get the EPF earpiece, and then enjoy collecting your badges... and stamps! ;-)

 - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter -


  1. Hi Mimo! They've fixed the glitch where it says everyone's a 12 month member. I'm actually kinda glad of this, because otherwise you had to go up to someone and ask "Are you a member?" So, I just thought I'd tell you.

    Waddle On!


  2. AND, there is a new Club Penguin Times.

    Waddle On!


  3. FINALLY, Rockhopper's ship has arrived, but there is a barricade blocking it. There are heaps of Treasure Hunt games on the beach too.

    Waddle On!


  4. mimo! My account said it was banned! I did nothing! Is this a glitch of am I hacked? Try logging in!

  5. There goes my theory of a brainwashed Rookie!

  6. I've been on clubpengin since 2006 and i loved mid 2008 club penguin but now 2011-2012 i'm not so sure what's the point in field op's i don't like epf cause I HAD TO BUY the ds game to get epf while everyone else can wait till disney realease it to the world I was a member but cp has just got worse, seriously they gotta start getting better-Gravy001

  7. Wheres the engage button? :(
    Waddle on!

  8. Am i the only one that saw the 69?
