Thursday, February 16, 2012

Club Penguin Featured Postcards!

Club Penguin has updated the Featured Postcards! Check 'em out:

ROCKHOPPER! I so gotta go find him! How 'bout you? (Thanks, DMA0712!)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter


  1. No prob Mimo. Love to help :)

    Waddle On!


  2. I always have bad luck when it comes to finding famous penguins. Once, when I had my friend over, it was around when Rockhopper came. So I impationtly waited to go online. I clicked on a random server and POOF! I was in the Town. Guess who was in the middle of the crowd? Rockhopper! I got his autograph background! But when my friend tried it, I couldn't remember what server I was in.


    Do you remember me, Mimo? I came to website so every often and tried to be a MOD. But when you had the new rule on how to be a MOD, I was so close! Can you please update the MOD list? I didn't see any of the MODs' comments yet. :)
