Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ok, So What if Club Penguin Was FREE?! THEN WHAT?!

Ok, so last week I asked everyone if you could change 3 things about Club Penguin what would that be.

You can read that post here and still give me your opinion.

Most of you are complaining about the Club Penguin price increase and wished that Club penguin was free.

We all do...


If Club Penguin decided to make memberships FREE....


Yeah, money. Club Penguin is by far, yes, BY FAR, the most awesome virtual world. 

So, they need money to keep going...

So how should they make money?

They have to sell something, right? Yes.

So what would YOU do if you were them?

And remember, Club Penguin reads this blog. Who knows, they might use your idea!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

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  1. Well you said Aunt Rufus left me like a kajillion bucks so I can just use that money. ;) Jks well they could use google ad-sence and put ads on the game. Or maybe do what pandanda does and have surveys to complete and if you do, then idk? Maybe access to a secret room. But only ONE room. (I don't wanna be to exclude-ish xD)

  2. i would make a clubpenguin TV show and put it on family channel and then people could call and ask if the can be guest stars on the show to do the voice of his/her penguin (if you have and account) please do not copy my idea ~red and pika

  3. I think it's a stupid idea to make it free. They are a business and their number one priority is making money. I wouldn't disagree with putting the prices of memberships back where they were though. At some point we, the patrons of Club Penguin have to draw the line. I have already done that by saying I will no longer purchase memberships at the current price. I don't really care if they change the price or not, I just wonder how/if it will affect their sales.

  4. I think they should make the treasure books with all exclusive items if membership is free. That way people would have to purchase a lot of plushes/other stuff to get those unqiue clothes. (Where I live/buy 6.5" plushes penguins are $15 and 4" puffles are $8 plus tax! The price of them shouldn't go any higher either.) Maybe just so it is fair then you could make it so one Coin Code gives you 3 items. In addition to that they should make more video games (compatible to many different gaming systems) and perhaps movies!

  5. I think that they should have ads on their website possibly in the game. like if a new game was completely about a sponsor's mascot, etc.

  6. id just keep selling the toys and make the players happy by letting them get free membership!


  7. Let people pay to meet Billybob and stuff.

  8. Hmmm... well, I never really asked for Club Penguin to be free... because, I understood that Cp needs money to run the site, so I pay my contribution by paying for membership, and after reading this post, I remembered the rise of membership prices were reasonable because quite a few people are quitting.
    Here are my ideas if Club Penguin was free.
    1. I would make CP toys world wide.
    2. I would make it so you could buy coins with real money (world wide) so 9,000 coins is $5, 20,000 coins is $10 and so on...
    3. Club Penguin TV Channel? (subscription $5 a month) (best if in most countries)
    4. Make a Clubpenguin donations site, where people are allowed to make a donations once a month.

    To make people rejoin Club Penguin/convince people to start a membership:
    1. I would make all the catalogs longer.
    2. I would make access to the lake (starting room) available to members only.
    3. Maybe lower the membership prices a little, because just say that membership on club penguin was $6 for a month and 1 million people payed for it, and on another site the membership was $4 for a month and 2 million people signed up for it, the other site would be getting more money. So if the prices are lower maybe more people would play?

    Hope this helps Club Penguin!
    All the Best to you Mimo,
    ~Dora64185 CPG Mod

  9. I don't care if we have to pay for membership, it's what all virtual worlds do. But I think they should make more things for non-members. I think two puffles is still ok, but we should be able to choose our colours. And maybe make all the games for non-members. I think non-members should also be able to decorate their igloo and buy clothes. I also think maybe just make two or so rooms members only. And the parties should be for everyone! I think the Fire Ninja and Water Ninja should stay members only, because it has unlockables. That's what I think.

    Waddle On!


  10. why memberships for free guys? anyway, if memberships were free there could be CP dollars (you would need real money to get CP dollars)with CP dollars you can buy cool stuff like clothes for you puffle.and you would be able to donate them to coins for change each CP dollar counts as a real dollar. hope you like it if your reading this CP!

  11. i would make it cheaper-make your customers:) hppy.

  12. uhh yeah heres some ideas

    1. make a tv show

    2. get plush toys all over the world

    3. make more toys


  13. Simple. Sell membership like they still do.

  14. I would stop game. I want to PAY for good games, i dont care about the price. There woudnt be any point of playing Club Penguin, cus everyone can buy clothes and so on.

    I can afford for membership and im ready to pay for it. Its ... justs... umm... unbelieable if membersihp would be free.

  15. I just say the OLD membership prices are ok!

    After all Club Penguin is FILLED with bugs the whole time and it's unacceptable for paying members!

    Your puffles go..items get banned for nothing..we can't log log us out..wth..

    Next thing you know, you'll have 0 buddies on your buddy list.. wouldn't that be terrific??!!

    And start making more fun on CP, for how many days Mimo777 couldn't write about anything because cp is ..what's the word?


    Sometimes Mimo(and other penguins) have to write about other random things.. so that people don't start leaving the blog ;/ esp noobs..

  16. Yeh.. And if clupenguin don't make money.. Bye bye cp :[ So, I'd make afew items in the cp catalong no-members so people that play cp, who can't afford membership will have things to buy. And also, if gives non-members something to look forward too. -Other than parties :]
    P.s I know i've said this alot but please bring back the cp water party :[

  17. Pottingmix said...

    Let people pay to meet Billybob and stuff.

    That is such an epicly awesome idea xD He'd be famous.

  18. I think club penguin should make a tv ad on children's programs such as cbbc, cartoon network etc...
    that way they make money, OR they should make the prices a bit lower on only 1 or 2 of the memberships, that way it makes it fair.

    I know they have made a DS game, but maybe a board game or a card game??


  19. I think they should make a store worldwide that only has club penguin toys and you can just buy the code by itself for like 2 or 3 dollars. Billybob or Happy should work there so they could meet them in real life. And because they increased the prices they should make the games for everybody again and if you once were a member an your not anymore they should let you keep at least 2 pieces of clothing. Those things would make more people play cp and not get bored of it.


  20. I'd at least give more than a simple hat and backround for non-members. I'd make some Clearance items for non-members. I'd make all of the toys worldwide.

  21. Well Club Penguin is owned by Disney and everyone knows that Disney is a multi-billionare company, do you not think they make enough money from their parks and products?

  22. I would make it free because club penguin would still make their money for the toys and card jitsu sutff

  23. mimo, club penguin will probably take the money from the time the kids went on club penguin on their internet bill.

  24. i would make a clubpenguin TV show and put it on family channel and then people could call and ask if the can be guest stars on the show to do the voice of his/her penguin (if you have and account) please do not copy my idea ~red and pika, u got pwnd

  25. You have a point, they do make a load of money from memberships, but that's not their only money making scheme. They have merchandise. Games, mix n' match and plush toys!

  26. very true. I would make just lower the prices by two percent, back to original prices. But that is not important, though. Times might be tough in Canada. So prices and everything are good! Besides, with the amount of members on CP, its enough to keep the company going. If it was free, all that money from those millions of members, GONE. They would have to cancel CP.

  27. Lol, sell a Club Penguin Candy? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

  28. they should keep memberships but they should have days where they make everybody a member and they get to keep those things and use them, maybe one day a month, that way they still make money and possibly get more members and non members can feel like member sfor a day

    CP Name: Angel Farah

  29. 1. CP will never give up membership its like a fact
    2. They should have membership but LOWER the prices like to 5 bucks for a month and 20 for 6, and 35 for a year
    3. There DISNEY they have ALOT of money. It would take BILLIONS of dollars to but them.

  30. I have read the comment rules but I have an club penguin membership code that I am willing to give away. So I would give my email address but it's not allowed. So I was wondering if you would take the code from me so you can make giveaway. So what do you think?

    PS: I don't mind if you don't want the code.

    PPS: It is a one-month membership code.

    PPPS: I have no idea how you can tell me if you agree.

  31. Dora64185 you sort of stole my idea about paying real money to get money on idea was cp dollars and yours was paying money to get coins......

  32. Hmm, well, another idea is making like Panfu or Pandanda, that every month there's a free membership day. But if lowering prices of memberships is a possibility, then they should lower them VERY low like Poptropica, where you pay $10 for 6 months. But sadly, Disney doesn't cares about CP. Remember the downtime? So: to sum up, the only way to make that reality possible, is to join another company. That's all I got....

  33. WELL...
    Think of this. Club Penguin is owned by Disney, right? Yes. So Disney owns Disney Channel. My sister loves to watch Disney channel, as do billions of children and even teens around the globe. My point?

  34. make membership cheaper and offer something more to the non members in order to keep them around and eventually persuade them in paying for a membership.
    and let's be honest, CP's world is a lot of fun, but they could update a bit. i mean i know free websites with better and more challenging mini games.

  35. Well, they wouldn't actually make the memberships free, because all other virtual sites make us pay for something, to upgrade the site. And, I dont like the skiing thing either... only in New Zealand....? WHAA?

    Frozen Snowball

  36. Lets look at it this way:
    Disney has a lot of money. It's one of the biggest companies ever. It's huge.
    If Club Penguin was ever low on money, there would be Disney, with a dozen suitcase of money to help back them up.
    Another thing Club Penguin hasn't realised, is that if they lowered the membership prices down to around £1, they'd get more money because more people would be willing to buy them. It would be the same with all their other merchandise, it would be flying off the shelves. They need to think before they sell, because they're very soon going to start loosing money.
    More and more people are going against Disney. I'm just one of the first.


  37. they sell toys remmember

  38. Make a Club Penguin movie about three penguins that travel over the sea with their puffles.They discover a far off island that turns out to be Rockhoppers Island! Drama,adventure,comedy! It would be a hit xD

  39. They can make money by advertising.

  40. Free memberships would be cool,but they would need to make money somehow. they could do one of this things,

    1.clubpenguin is owned by disney ask them for some money

    2.use my idea CP dollars

    3.make a app to play clubpenguin on the go

    4.dont make memberships free and just make it like $10.00 6 months and $35.00 12 months

  41. Mario30206 said...
    Dora64185 you sort of stole my idea about paying real money to get money on idea was cp dollars and yours was paying money to get coins......

    Hi Mario 30206!
    Well, I couldn't see anyone's ideas, because I was commenting before Mimo had approved any comments, so I honestly thought I would be the first commenter, and that everyone else would steal off me, but that was kind of stupid to think that, isn't it? I couldn't steal anything because none of the comments were showing (Mimo hadn't approved them yet) so I just thought it would be a good idea... I got the idea from this prank someone pulled, where he pretended it was $20 for 2,000 coins. Now that would be a rip off, but I just thought if I lowered the prices to $10 for 20,000 coins it would be much better.

    ~Dora64185 CPG Mod

  42. They Could sell V.I.P Memberships! To become a normal member you have to complete some kind of survey, and you can access to 40% of things that members can use, and the V.I.P Members have to pay and they get 60% of things they can buy! Thats better then nowadays with Non-members its 1% and Members 99% -.-

  43. Club Penguin Telethon!!!

  44. Well, they do make the clubpenguin toys, like the Plush toys, Mix n' match, Puffles, Books, etc,.. They could make money that way. Hope this helps :) Waddle on! -Paws Kitty

  45. they could make an iphone/ipad app that costs money. in the app it will have all the mini games and missions! there will be a free version where you can only do some of the things so the person can see what they are up for. they can also log into the app but cant do all the waddling around :( . but the game would be cool with missions and mini games!


  46. The best virtual website? Yeah right! Im going to cancle my membership soon and hook up with the ACTUAL best virtual website, Action Allstars.

  47. i have one idea and that's for however long you've been playing club penguin let's say like 100 days they get 10 days of free member the same for every 10 days ?
    - Danshannon12

  48. Well, they ARE making Club Penguin animated shorts on Disney Channel remember? That's one way to get more money.

  49. By selling toys and super membership. Super membership can be like a thing where you get xxxxxxxxxxxx rare items!

  50. Hey mimo!
    Everyone buys clothes and hats and shoes on clubpenguin because they think it looks cool or cute or fun! So why not have them in real life on their clubpenguin store! Even I would buy something! AND how do you think you make friends? By wearing nothing and sitting in the corner in the underground pool?? No! You wear what makes you stand out and watch the friend requests flow in! So if I wore CP's clothes to school I'd probably make a lot of friends! Just a thought!
    Waddle on mimo!

  51. its easy! clubpenguin works with disney right? and disney sells toys and stuff like that right? and clubpenguin works with disney right? then why doesnt clubpenguin get the money from disney?

    please answer and tell me if my opinion is good,right,bad,or wrong

  52. Club Penguin would end up with BAZILLION of ads, or requiring you to do surveys. That's nothing Club Penguin wants to do. BUT I support the Disney Channel short show idea! :D

  53. club penguin doesn't need money. disney has over $700,000,000 and they don't need any more

  54. making memberships free is not a good idea in my opinion, but i think that non members should have abit more than a background and a head item from partys, what happend to getting two or three items from partys back in 2007/2008? if your a non member (Like Me) id say we are very limited in what we can do in Club Penguin.Some Improvements that Club Peguin could make.
    1. *EVERYONE* can decorate their stamp book
    2. when a partys on... make it a bit more fun for non members(Also more cooler items NOT just head items!!)
    3. Non members can only have 2 puffles but they can pick which colour they wont.

  55. I'd make a T.V show or a cartoon show on T.V and maybe an add!


  56. 1: advertise
    2: 2 sell another videogame
    3:to get back more players show herbert alot more again
    4: atleast give some clothing items to the non members...

  57. like i said last week, not free membership but lower cost. and be able to buy coins and certain special items. sometimes i feel like you don't read all of the comments completely.

  58. CPG mariofanx3(me want to be in da gangJuly 18, 2011 at 8:29 PM

    i have one idea and that's for however long you've been playing club penguin let's say like 100 days they get 10 days of free member the same for every 10 days ?
    - Danshannon12

    It would take FOREVER for that to happen, and cp needs money to help the poor and stuff like that

  59. Oh come on, at least poptropica and neopets allow you to do stuff on there websites without making you pay for a membership. Clubpenguin should at least let us buy some of the member clothes. I don't even go on CP anymore because of their idolizing of members.. I used to love the site, but we can't go into half the party rooms anymore unless we pay money.

  60. They should make it free to older penguins(e.g 5 years old or older) since they had played for so long.

  61. It's really un-fair to people who don't want to waste their money on this, maybe they could start doing advertisements all round club penguin.
    Or instead of only members getting clothes, and being able to create igloos and stuff, maybe non-members could get some of that stuff.

  62. Well Cartoon network game Fusion Fall is free

  63. I know why that Club Penguin rasied the prices. a) They needed more money to make new plush toys and send them over the world. b) They didn't want that the website is down like last time.

  64. Dude, you have a very close minded world if you think Club Penguin is the best virtual world ever, I almost fell over laughing at that part.

  65. um they do have free membership its called CPPS (Club Penguin Private Servers) wow you all fail.

  66. clubpenguin has to have a rise in membership because that makes them able to do even more celebrations and clothes so the more money the better parties!

  67. what?! If coins for change turns into REAL money then why not pay the membership by cp coins? Plus please get the GOOD stuff. Whenever it's music jam you bring that costume from that hannah whatever- you know Disney. I would like something better like a new hoodie or a new lei. But TRY to bring back the red lei and wait to bring it back after like 6 years or some very long and distant time.

    Frosty Cool7
