Sunday, July 18, 2010

Disney is to bring learning to Club Penguin But No Chocolate-Covered Broccoli!

Ok, so Club Penguin is going to step it up a bit!

Here is the full article in a UK paper that talks about Disney taking Club Penguin into the educational market. Looks like too many parents think their kids being online is just entertainment. Club Penguin is about to change that!

But what will that mean?

More Club Penguin educational games online?

An educational TV show?

Read it and let me know what YOU think!

Disney is to bring learning to Club Penguin, the popular children’s website, in an ambitious plan to create a “21st century Sesame Street”.

Three million British children and more than 20 million worldwide play Club Penguin, a virtual world created in 2005 by a Canadian father and bought by the media conglomerate for $700 million in 2007. Players use virtual penguin alter-egos to “waddle around and meet new friends”. Children can chat with friends, join ice hockey games or start online snowball fights.
In two months’ time they will be rewarded for completing games designed to test their verbal and mathematical skills. “It’s going to take learning within a virtual space to a whole new level,” said Lane Merrifield, Club Penguin’s founder, who now oversees development of all Disney’s online games.

The aim is to mimic Sesame Street, the American children’s television show that incorporates educational elements. It is also a canny tactic to allay parents’ worries about their children spending too much time online. “If my child was going to sit down in front of a TV screen, I’d sooner have them watching Sesame Street,” Mr Merrifield said.

Details are being kept under wraps, but he is determined to keep things fun: “One of the mandates I gave was that there’s no chocolate-covered broccoli. If we’re going to do learning, [we have to] recognise that learning can just be chocolate.”

Thanks Sunsfanninja.

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Play Water Balls!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. This will probably ruin club penguin! If they make all games math and English, then what i school for? They're bascially making you 1-2 hours of computer time educational as well. Outrageous! I won't even metnion I'm surppou as I always do because I'm so angry... Woops...

    RAS!!! (Really Angry Surppou!!!)

  2. I swear if they make it into a 21st century seasame street I will boycott and stop playing I go online for entertainment not to learn. thats what school is for not the internet.

  3. If this happens, I'll never go on cp again

  4. OMG I am so protesting this! Disney is ruining CP!

  5. maybe it will give away sesame street t shirts and a hat but i still hate sesame street

  6. Yes!!! This will be a walk through the park for me. :D Too bad for people that are not so capable totally. I got kicked out of school because I was smart. Actually it feels good when ur smart. U kinda get popular in ur class at my school

  7. WAIT. its from sesseme street. that show is so annoying. everyones voices are! that show was messed up!

  8. I have played club penguin since the beginning and the the beta. Its just got worse. Really club penguin is a way for kids to escape from School.

    BTW Mimo you Rule

  9. I just can't belive it!
    If they will do that, no one will play CP! (I wonder what will to the memberships...?)

  10. i think this will be the one big thing that will DESTROY CLUB PENGUIN!!!

  11. RIGHT. disney has gone one step TOO far. this is STUPID. nobody will go on club penguin anymore if this happens, it will make it almost as pointless as homework. theres only one thing i have to say to that.


    if we dont protest club penguin could end up just as a pointless learning site that nobody goes on, which i dont want to happen, coz its great and fun the way it is

  12. you guy i just sent a complante to club penguin

  13. Mimo. This probably what the stickers are for!!! If you play an educational game you get a sticker as a reward!!!!

  14. Balletqueen said...

    RIGHT. disney has gone one step TOO far. this is STUPID. nobody will go on club penguin anymore if this happens, it will make it almost as pointless as homework. theres only one thing i have to say to that.


    if we dont protest club penguin could end up just as a pointless learning site that nobody goes on, which i dont want to happen, coz its great and fun the way it is

    True, if Disney is doing this to Club Penguin. It will be no fun at all! Like all the games turn to Maths Magic or something. But i agree with you. Protest like that! I maybe think Disney is going to make Club Penguin a show on TV or something?

    Bin58 (CPG Mod)

  15. Surppou said...

    This will probably ruin club penguin! If they make all games math and English, then what i school for? They're bascially making you 1-2 hours of computer time educational as well. Outrageous! I won't even metnion I'm surppou as I always do because I'm so angry... Woops...

    Yeah, me too. How about older users of Club Penguin like Mimo.(Me also cause im over 10s) If Disney does this it wont be fun anymore, like theyre going to change Puffle Rescue to Literacy Rescue.

    Bin58 (CPG Mod)

  16. THATS IT!!! IF THIS IS TRUE I AM QUITTING FOR GOOD!!! Instead of ' Waddle around and meet new friends
    Learn pointless stuff and leave new friends
    This is gonna ruin Club Penguin
    I bet it's something about these stamps, it gotta be

  17. Hey Mimo, why not we do one protest on cp! With everybody. That will be fun.

  18. i agree with everyone else if they make it an educational site people will stop playing it will ruin club penguin i mean it is just entertainment and if they make it a learning thing it will be just like webkinz and they will loosepublicity fast

  19. dont wory the cupcake fireninjas and sensei will save us ,sereioly there a funny card jitsue power foil a fire ninja steals you cupcake and eats it lol

  20. again i wish i could edit my posts but i think everyone should send a note to aunt arctic saying DONT CHANGE CLUBPENGUIN!!!!!

  21. what are they talkin about rnail was founder of cp not bilybob but he quit but they had to sell it to disny huh!now its sesieme street that shows for wierdos if your not a baby

  22. lol 1 penguin reading a book + another penguin reading a book =2 penguins reading a book

  23. not the stamps the stamps are eichevements such as tippping the iceberg getting high scores

  24. if this is all true then im done with cp. disney always thinks that they have doen right but they screw up. they made 5 year old parents happy, yay(sarcasticly). disney is so stupid

  25. im sick of disny !ok here the plane
    we practis card jitsue hide in the dojos when the math and stufs going on,we train intill we are all the ninjas fire water snow and destrow math
    first wmake math mushy with water then freeze it with snow and burn it with fire then feed it to herbert mwahaha well if it comes to that

  26. see diny look wat u did now if you do this all the players will quit how stupid it will be like the math sites that are pointless with games that make you want to scream!

  27. grrrrr no one likes this cp you better not do it stop bringing back old iteams that are rare and do things likethey used to be and put some more effort into the parties!or else we will get u or most of us will quit!i wont ill hide in the dojos were we will be safe

  28. Please tell me you made the picture and that this is not the kind of learning that's gonna be on CP!!! This is compltly stupid!!!! I mean COME ON! Disney went TOO FAR! They make it a game for 3 years old kids! And why now when I just renewed my membership?! Now I'm stuck with 6 month and 30 dollars of "education" :p

  29. So I payed almost 100 hundred dollars for this? Umm I go to school you know! Im not ready to quit my favorite website! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!

  30. theres an update to the stamps mimo! goon the cp site. it says what they are for and everything!

    btw: I HATE DISNEY FOR MAKING US LEARN ON CP! I hate school and homework and ill probably hate this too. people dont tell you if they put broccali in your cholate, do they? well, same thing here.

  31. Thye will probably make it really boring. If it turns out REALLY boring then Im quitting.

  32. i dont see the point of getting mad over it.right now cp is boring and once again boring games isnt going to change much if u dont mind them unless they have a big sigh like... Every Count To 50 or Say The alphabet to win a great fun filled educational worthless to get mad over something that hasn't happened yet.personally only reason i go on is for friends and parties gifts...
    And no protesting people have protested alot of things did i work?No it didnt. Its Just a waste of time.
    Ehh cp yes has changed i remember the old days... but you already know how it feels for it to change so why get mad what you knew was coming sooner or later anyway. More younger kids More younger games. -Purple2768 (opinion of a girl who just doesnt care)

  33. This is gonna wreck CP. Why can't we just have a game that we can play at the weekend or after school that's not educational???!!! I bet the math and stuff will be easy too. I'm gonna quit once my membership finishes. I wasn't sure at first but this is the final straw CP! U've lost my money.

  34. THATS IT!!! IF THIS IS TRUE I AM QUITTING FOR GOOD!!! Instead of ' Waddle around and meet new friends
    Learn pointless stuff and leave new friends
    This is gonna ruin Club Penguin
    I bet it's something about these stamps, it gotta be


    Yeh. I'll be wuitting too. And I've been paying for memebrship for over a year. CP are not gonna have anymore of my money. You should start a protest blog Mimo!

  35. This game is aimed at 6-12 year olds. I really don't think that 12 year olds would want to sit there and play on some easy penguin maths game all weekend. I will sit and watch as CP goes bust

  36. Billybob, if you are reading this then please pay attention. Look at the other comments. None of your customers want this. You are practically killing CP yourseves! Fine, go ahead if you have to but don't blame us when you run out of money...

  37. Surppou said...

    This will probably ruin club penguin! If they make all games math and English, then what i school for? They're bascially making you 1-2 hours of computer time educational as well. Outrageous! I won't even metnion I'm surppou as I always do because I'm so angry... Woops...

    RAS!!! (Really Angry Surppou!!!)
    Judging from your poor use of grammar and punctuation, I'd say Club penguin needs this change. :P Just kidding. I think its a bad idea because I bet most of us don't watch stuff like 'Sesame Street' anymore. If we get elite points for playing educational games and get free stuff then I'm all for it. I still think parents should be grateful that club penguin is one of the few gaming sites actually completely child-safe, and that they should count their blessings instead of saying that having fun isn't enough, but that we have to have fun learning.
    Cheiky, (CPG Mod)

  38. This is going too far. What happened to the club penguin we once knew and loved? If they do this I'm not going to be able to go on anymore. Only five year olds will play it now.

  39. i just sent them a protest messege too! PROTEST NOW!

  40. Hmm... I would give this a look first before leaving club penguin who knows for some reason it might be interesting. If I get a postcard with items on it I would take them but probally never use them and probally recycle the card (Even if I like to keep all the cards CP gives you.I still have the card for the welcome to the new mail system). They might tottally mess it up and CP might become much cooler. :P


  41. It's just a maths game, nothing much. But still! CLUB PENGUIN SCHOOL!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!

  42. im about to quit if this goes on any longer!

  43. seasame street?? ROFL!!! thats all i gotta


  44. Sheesh, what a lame website club penguin is getting to be.
    I just graduated a couple of days ago, and it feels like school will be starting all over again if this happens. I go on club penguin to be away from school, not to DO school.

    Besides, if the focus is on making club penguin like sesame street, I'm not wasting any more of my money.
    After this, its the last straw on club penguin for me.


  45. i go back to school today

  46. Hey wait a minute... THE STAMP THINGS ARE THE REWARDS FOR THE NEW EDUCATIONAL GAMES!!!! It did say they would be rewarded!! The stamps must be like (food stamps) instead there for a free clothing item or something! Its ttly obvious! Love to CP-Pinkrosie909

  47. Sad. I think this will ruin club penguin, which is why now a ton of people think disney has ruined club penguin. Ever since Disney has came to CP things have changed ALOT.

  48. What! I get on CP to have fun not to learn, I learn in school I thought that was what school is for. Oh well I think this might have some thing to do withthe stamps. Well I think think disney have almost taken over CP. I gues I could use some brushing up on some stuff but how easy or how hard are the questions?


  49. club penguin is about to get very boring

  50. the stamps will be the reward but everybody write cp support and give them a piece of your mind

  51. Anonymous said...
    If this happens, I'll never go on cp again

    i no!because everyone on cp is so cool and we arent little kids on perfect cp
    POllydolly42(CPG MOD)

  52. CP is just losing money. Everyone has said that they are gonna quit if this happens. Remember that chart. Its gonna go down to about 100 penguins who still play it (mostly 8 year old nerds). I dont get the brocoli in the chocolate thing. Did he go insane?


  53. NO! i do not want cp to be educational its summer! this will be like summer school online lol sesame street? i hope the have bad emo.

  54. we come on cp to get away from school disny not to do it more AFTER SCHHOL i look froward to cp not to play math games, to have FUN!So good luck destoing out favorite online game

    But gess wut I'm a member

    Well there's always something new out

  56. If you look on the 2nd paragraph it says 'In 2 months' time they will be awarded for playing games'
    That might be wht we get the stamps for!


  57. this is the end of clubpenguin sob i just can't belive that they are doing this HOW ABOUT THIS PEOPLE WE CANCEL ARE MENBERSHIPS WE DONT GO ON CLUBPENGUIN THEY WILL GO BANKRUPT WHO IS WITH ME

  58. What has this world come to??!! I am riding up to Canada and PROTESTING. Nobody is gonna come on the "21st Century Sesame Street". Disney has taken a step that other people are going to highly dislike.

  59. this is stupid. learning comes to club penguin. My penguin will die if this happens.
    ps I will not like it if my penguin dies

  60. guys they don't mean every week they are gonna say "Okay penguins!
    Now what's 1+1=?" If you get it right you get a educational work book!" No No No! They are gonna maybe put in a little education. Like if I bought 3 wigs for 650 each,two scarves for 150 and I gave five puffles gum for 5 coins each how much money would I have?
    Anyway don't worry it will be fine.
    -Singy6 [CPG MOD]

  61. surppou says,
    This will probably ruin club penguin! If they make all games math and English, then what i school for? They're bascially making you 1-2 hours of computer time educational as well. Outrageous! I won't even metnion I'm surppou as I always do because I'm so angry... Woops...
    ugh i totally agree! they are trying to make a fun online site into a very annoying learning site for very very young kids :(

  62. no ones going to play it anymore.... except for the 3 yr olds with there mommy and daddyy.....

  63. pinky1 said,
    I swear if they make it into a 21st century seasame street I will boycott and stop playing I go online for entertainment not to learn. thats what school is for not the internet.
    Hear Hear !!!

  64. vone two three penguins ahahah

    this is wait cp will be like -.-

  65. hey there, guys listne i think this rocks, finally a fun way to study for school and sucseeding in life, sure some ppl think cp is going to get boring but if u think in a positive way club penguin is going to get beter and mabey alot more penguins will be members because there parents agree that clubpenguin is not a waste of time, so lets not protest OR I WILL PROTEST AGAINST PPL THAT PROTEST AGAINST CP'S EDUCATION CAUSE.
    and no ull not be a nerd if ur smart

  66. Surppou said...

    This will probably ruin club penguin! If they make all games math and English, then what i school for? They're bascially making you 1-2 hours of computer time educational as well. Outrageous! I won't even metnion I'm surppou as I always do because I'm so angry... Woops...

    RAS!!! (Really Angry Surppou!!!)
    Judging from your poor use of grammar and punctuation, I'd say Club penguin needs this change. :P Just kidding. I think its a bad idea because I bet most of us don't watch stuff like 'Sesame Street' anymore. If we get elite points for playing educational games and get free stuff then I'm all for it. I still think parents should be grateful that club penguin is one of the few gaming sites actually completely child-safe, and that they should count their blessings instead of saying that having fun isn't enough, but that we have to have fun learning.
    Cheiky, (CPG Mod)

    I'm not ad at grammar, just really bad at typing! Gosh!


  67. MIMO!! Rockhopper's trees in our igloo changed colors again!

  68. i am going 2 quit CP when that happens OK???? Boo u Billybob

  69. Just when i thought they were gonna be funner, i put like 200 dollars or more into cp, i wish i could tell them just add like 2 educational games and if i could tell them how many hits they would lose
    But then again the new tins for cj cards and sensei could save us... if people have protest parties against cp


  70. I think they should bring the educational stuff because I can spend up to hours on the computer! Its not good for my health....

    If I was actually learning something, it is worth to play... but still it shouldn't be like hours... I admit my addiction!

    ~Muddy Duki~

  71. For those of you who think this is ridiculous, it never said you HAD to play the educational stuff...

    ~Muddy Duki~

  72. this is unthinkable......
    disney has done some cruel CRUEL things to cp....but this.....this is a whole new low. EDUCATION??!! are you kidding me??! CP was once a place where i could get away from the pressure and work at school but not anymore i guess..

  73. Billybob, if your reading this, PLEASE do not turn CP in to an educational site. We go on Club Penguin to have fun, not to learn. Its a break from school, not school. DISNEY IS RUINING CP things have changed ALOT when disney took over CP. GRR... I PROTEST TO EVERYTHING IN THAT ARTICLE!!!

  74. Brock O Lee:

    I dont understand y they would do this. cp is about having fun hanging out with other ppl, not about doing math with other ppl. also, sesame street is for children not in school, not for ppl over 10... this needs to be stopped.

  75. slippeestars said...

    grrrrr no one likes this cp you better not do it stop bringing back old iteams that are rare and do things like they used to be and put some more effort into the parties!or else we will get u or most of us will quit!i wont ill hide in the dojos were we will be safe


    Brock O Lee:

    I agree! i hate how club penguin lets rare items come back around, and lets new users get them if they buy toys outside of club penguin in those stupid treasure books! i do like some of the parties, but there needs to be more variety, not the same parties every month, every year. i will also not quit, and i dont think that hiding in the dojo will protect u.

  76. If this happens, they will ruin cp I'll never go on it again

  77. Disney has gone too far! they will ruin it cuz Club Penguin is like a game for after school not more work!

    i would so stop playing CP cuz it would be for like 5 year olds

  78. im already in a high group at school i dont think i need much more...i already complain about homework! what if all the school 'learning games' websites get replaced by club penguin! that will just prove cp has waddled down the snowy road of failure >:(

  79. WHY does Disney have to mess up CP? I get enough learning from school and homework! :-(

    -CP user Gertrude99

  80. Anonymous said...

    Mimo. This probably what the stickers are for!!! If you play an educational game you get a sticker as a reward!!!!
    thats a really good idea- idk if its true or not, but it seems like it would. im not saying thats a good or bad thing tho.

    Tycoon101 :B

  81. PROTEST CP! If we dont tell them that we hate Disney then it will just keep getting more and more boring! PROTEST CP!

    -CP user Gertrude99

  82. devinbrady5 said...

    if this is all true then im done with cp. disney always thinks that they have doen right but they screw up. they made 5 year old parents happy, yay(sarcasticly). disney is so stupid
    when it comes to club penguin, disney is at its stupidest. other things tho that are owned by disney (aka Disney Channel) arent that bad. But thats just MY opinion.

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

  83. Just because there's gonna be educational things, doesn't mean you HAVE to do them...

  84. club penguin cheats 101 group said...

    hey there, guys listne i think this rocks, finally a fun way to study for school and sucseeding in life, sure some ppl think cp is going to get boring but if u think in a positive way club penguin is going to get beter and mabey alot more penguins will be members because there parents agree that clubpenguin is not a waste of time, so lets not protest OR I WILL PROTEST AGAINST PPL THAT PROTEST AGAINST CP'S EDUCATION CAUSE.
    and no ull not be a nerd if ur smart
    amazing! im thinking the same thing- great minds think a like. and whats so bad about being a nerd i know im one :D

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

  85. Muddy Duki said...

    For those of you who think this is ridiculous, it never said you HAD to play the educational stuff...

    ~Muddy Duki~
    i so agree, i think peeps are way overreacting!

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

  86. WHAT?


    That show is aimed for 2-3 year olds pretty much.

    CP is aimed for 6-12 year olds.

    I wonder how that is going to work out. -.-


  87. everyone should mail the list of comment including a note saying almost 70 people hate your idea

  88. okay guys i betthis i how we get the stamps! :(!!!!! im so quitting cp if they ruin it like this!!

  89. again i wish i could edit my posts but i think everyone should send a note to aunt arctic saying DONT CHANGE CLUBPENGUIN!!!!!
    Lol Im going to do that too!

    -Zack4812 CPG MOD

  90. I don't like to go on and on about Disney and CP but.... come on! I see their resoning and all, but the older population of Club Penguin is gone. I hate educational games. They are not fun or cool. It's turning into a little kid game. Parents are tricking the little kids into learning is fun! It least someone's happy. (little kid's worried moms) There is way I'll play CP if its for learning. Kids need a break too....
    P.S. This has to do with the stamps.

  91. CP make a Club Penguin Jr For The Educational Stuff!
    Cuz Webkinz & Moshi Monsters did that putting educational on their sites now webkinz is mad so now they made a webkinz jr. (PS i dont play webkinz anymore) just an idea Cp.
    -Zack4812 CPG MOD

  92. Mimo,
    I'm not much a fan of CP any more (12 1/2 years old) but I love coming to your blog every day to read about what you have to say. You are awesome!

  93. Can someone please explain the broccoli and chocolate thing?


  94. yes this stinks but mabey just mabey its just the newspaper dtuf like the puzzler or mabey a crosswrod puzzle right!it could be bad if there are whole new real games for it but lets just see first i hope its not like school!

  95. Billybob I have something you may want to keep in mind.... RIP UP THAT CONTRACT!!! I DONT CARE HOW MUCH YOU GET PAID! you were fine before cp was owned buy disney you got lots of money then now you have to much money it was way better with screenhog rsnail and you it was fun with the glitches and lots of free items and band playing in your igloo :(

  96. if its just for members i'm gonna laugh :)

  97. i love this idea ! :D

  98. i beieve this this actually a wonderful idea ! now we can learn stuff while playing games !

  99. Thats it im going to quit cp if this happens. Mimo you said Disney made it better well now look what happend!!!! Disney is taking avery risky gamble here hoppefully it will all go wrong, many people will quitt cp along with the stuff mentioned in the article. RIP CP Guys i am going to miss you all. if one of my friends is reading this, i want to let them know that i will miss them and that i will remember the great times we had during old cp. Goodbye everyone. I will truly miss you all "): yours, sarge

  100. Isn't sesame street suppose to be for like 3 year olds and younger? Cp is for 6-14 year olds.... This doesn't make since.. :/ Well yeah cp is suppose to be a virtual game where people want to have fun and play.
    We have school. Why would we need to learn on the computer too?? :( I say we should all complain to club penguin about this!!

    - 4848yes

  101. Cheiky said...
    Surppou said...

    This will probably ruin club penguin! If they make all games math and English, then what i school for? They're bascially making you 1-2 hours of computer time educational as well. Outrageous! I won't even metnion I'm surppou as I always do because I'm so angry... Woops...

    RAS!!! (Really Angry Surppou!!!)
    Judging from your poor use of grammar and punctuation, I'd say Club penguin needs this change. :P Just kidding. I think its a bad idea because I bet most of us don't watch stuff like 'Sesame Street' anymore. If we get elite points for playing educational games and get free stuff then I'm all for it. I still think parents should be grateful that club penguin is one of the few gaming sites actually completely child-safe, and that they should count their blessings instead of saying that having fun isn't enough, but that we have to have fun learning.
    Cheiky, (CPG Mod)

    Cheiky, just to let you know, club penguin isn't very child-safe. If anyone asked me which game is best for their child, I would say chobots because it is. They actually let people say anything but have many good people so you rarely see anyone being bad. Theres live moderators and have the best chat filter ever.... that sounds a bit weird hm? Well I just saying that cp isn't so safe. Theres dating and stuff. Chobots dont allow dating and many people follow the rules. Any way, cp is going to be bankrupted if they stick with that plan.

    - 4848yes
    Just trying to talk some sense to you.

  102. I so hope they don't do this because it will ruin Club Penguin! Also it will make it really boring and I go on Club Penguin to have fun and get AWAY form learning and school, if they do this then I'm leaving the BEST GAME on the internet.

    -Blueebeel the CP fan chick.
    {P.S. :( }

  103. No, no. Stop complaining, I'd like to see how cp ends :)
    -gets popcorn-
    Lets watch everyone.
    - 4848yes

  104. Unless they've got Algebra 1 on there, i'm not gonna learn anything... lol

  105. Is it just me or is the music jam exactly the same as last year except the new insturments and room?

  106. if they make a learning room and a new famous penguin that go's with the room that would be cool!

  107. we have proof that disney is ruining cp.

  108. At first i thought this was bad, but later i realized it is good because it would be the same old club penguin with some educational games but then i realized if they do a few games like that thats all theyll want to do i mean this is the FIRST kid free website i could find that is fun and addicting beside sites that our teachers give us for school but now i realize this will turn into one of those games our teachers will give us and earn points at school if we do the games so club penguin would loose the older players but gain some elementary kids doing ONLY the educational games for "extra credit"
    fluffysheep1 (cpg)

  109. Along with what i just said nerds the people who i think there targeting, nerds(like me) will actually not have as much fun because they think us nerds like math which i admit i do club penguin is from 6-14 i mean seriously 6-14 they wontmake problems to hard for 6 year olds so the math will be like 4x3 and 5+7 nothing hard so the "nerds" they are reaching uot to will not have fun either along with EVERYONE else
    Fluffysheep1 (cpg mod) and i accidentally putcpg on smeof my posts when im emants to put cpg mod :)

  110. when i said kid free on my first one i meant kid safe

  111. What are they thinking!? Seasame street!? We are not 5 year olds! There are some older players! Wow... I wish Disney never got involved with Cp! I think im going to quit if this is true

  112. Surppou said...
    Surppou said...

    This will probably ruin club penguin! If they make all games math and English, then what i school for? They're bascially making you 1-2 hours of computer time educational as well. Outrageous! I won't even metnion I'm surppou as I always do because I'm so angry... Woops...

    RAS!!! (Really Angry Surppou!!!)
    Judging from your poor use of grammar and punctuation, I'd say Club penguin needs this change. :P Just kidding. I think its a bad idea because I bet most of us don't watch stuff like 'Sesame Street' anymore. If we get elite points for playing educational games and get free stuff then I'm all for it. I still think parents should be grateful that club penguin is one of the few gaming sites actually completely child-safe, and that they should count their blessings instead of saying that having fun isn't enough, but that we have to have fun learning.
    Cheiky, (CPG Mod)

    I'm not ad at grammar, just really bad at typing! Gosh!


    ok listne u can ignore the games if theres a tv show u can ignore that so nothing will really change
    - zimy number2 (cpg mod)

  113. Nikisweety said...
    Unless they've got Algebra 1 on there, i'm not gonna learn anything... lol
    Same Here. If they are going to ruin club penguin by making it educational, they should at least let u choose a certain level that you are at in school. I am somewhere between algebra 1 and algebra 2. Hahaha. I think it will only have some educational stuff though. Like keep the fun stuff and add some learning.
    ~JD543 (CPG MOD)

  114. vampiregirl015 said...
    if its just for members i'm gonna laugh :)
    Hahahaha. That would be hilarious! I just hope it isn't required because i am a member.
    ~JD543 (CPG MOD)

  115. Braceface27 said...
    Can someone please explain the broccoli and chocolate thing?

    Mimo is just joking around. Plus chocolate and broccoli don't go that well together.
    ~JD543 (CPG MOD)

  116. Might aswell make our own Club Penguin. Our way. :)


  117. Tycoon101 said...
    club penguin cheats 101 group said...

    hey there, guys listne i think this rocks, finally a fun way to study for school and sucseeding in life, sure some ppl think cp is going to get boring but if u think in a positive way club penguin is going to get beter and mabey alot more penguins will be members because there parents agree that clubpenguin is not a waste of time, so lets not protest OR I WILL PROTEST AGAINST PPL THAT PROTEST AGAINST CP'S EDUCATION CAUSE.
    and no ull not be a nerd if ur smart
    amazing! im thinking the same thing- great minds think a like. and whats so bad about being a nerd i know im one :D

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)
    I agree totally. And the part about "more penguins will be members because there parents agree that clubpenguin is not a waste of time" will actually help to make cp better. That way it won't be boring. And Nerds Rule!
    ~JD543 (CPG MOD)

  118. Come On Mimo! How can you sit through all this change thats coming to clubpenguin And just not say anything about it, Trust me I know you are feeling the same way we all do, I mean you have to miss the way clubpenguin used to be like all of us do atleast tell your viewers what you really think about all this, Do you feel mad at
    Disney for all this change, like alot of us or are you okay with it?

  119. Tycoon101 said...
    Anonymous said...

    Mimo. This probably what the stickers are for!!! If you play an educational game you get a sticker as a reward!!!!
    thats a really good idea- idk if its true or not, but it seems like it would. im not saying thats a good or bad thing tho.

    Tycoon101 :B
    I don't think that is what the stamps are for. The stamps start on July 26. This post says that it will be in two month's time. But if you get stamps for games, they might end up rewarding you with stamps 4 education. Like if there is a math "game" and you get a certain amount of coins (or whatever) then you will get a stamp that has "1 + 1 + 2" on it.
    Just my thoughts,
    ~JD543 (CPG MOD)

  120. you might earn the stamps when you do it. Hopefully its in a new room or something so we dont NEED to do it

  121. Ahhhh! This is going to ruin club penguin... D=

  122. what is this kindergarten? Uhh i don't come on here to learn i come on to have fun so if they ruin cp then i am quitting this there are better things to do then solver second grade math questions or read some lame book.

  123. hi im penguin naruto12132 i only say one thing wow cp just just forget cp wont listen to us just because were 10-14 im 11 by the way so cp at least let the kids choose ur just gonna get a lot of sad kids if u do this i say the ask the ppl who play cp and depending on if we want this to have this

  124. the stamps will end up being for math and English achievements wow look at what cp turned into i knew it! it was cool until Disney stepped in.why does Disney come in and ruin all this. would Walt Disney want this?hmmm hmmm

  125. Oh no.... They are probably gonna make it like a stupid "learning is fun!" sorta website! and they are probably gonna be like super easy babyish sorta things like "what does 2+2 equal?" and "what does the word hat start with?" They are gonna lose every kid above the age of 7!!!! CLUB PENGUIN IS SUPPOSED TO BE FOR FUN!!!! I'm way gonna quit if this sorta thing takes over... and it probably will!!!!!

  126. I can't believe it! this is so annoying! and sesame street? SESAME STREET??!!???!!! I watched that show when I was 4! NOT NOW! I have a horrible feeling that everyone will quit, like I will probably do.. and then club penguin will become broke and try to get people to come back again but nobody will... and club penguin will be over! WE CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN!

  127. i am 14 and i love summer because i can get away from school and spend a lot of time on clubpenguin! i dont want to spend time on cp if it is going to be like sesame street?!?! i respect the parents who want their kids to learn but kids also need fun in their lives! it cant all be about school! i mean.. COME ON! i will probably never log on again. good luck cp.

  128. yes i agree. it will ruin club penguin. we should get to choose when we want to learn. i am 12 and 1 penguin plus one penguin equals two penguins is just outrageous.
    i still want to play club penguin but with this happening i might have to quit. I think that disney ruined club penguin...

    sorry, just really mad


  129. that makes me want to quit!

  130. I don't think it'll change much. Honestly, it's no big deal. Just a few minigames you don't have to play. And stop saying bad stuff about Disney! Disney rocks! And Sesame Street has nothing to do with CP! LOl, they were just comparing the two things. You don't need to go around acting like neanderthals and saying bad stuff about Disney, Club penguin and talking about protests.



  131. Namine Tzu said...
    This is going too far. What happened to the club penguin we once knew and loved? If they do this I'm not going to be able to go on anymore. Only five year olds will play it now.

    I agree. They have to understand older kids play cp too, not little kids who want to learn stupid stuff. If they want sesame street stuff then they can go watch it!


  132. Lola1 said...
    we have proof that disney is ruining cp.

    Ugh. They better not do this educational learning stuff.


  133. Anonymous said...
    I just can't belive it!
    If they will do that, no one will play CP! (I wonder what will to the memberships...?)

    Maybe the learning games will be for members only, so we could all cancel our memberships so we wouldnt have to play! lol


  134. Anonymous said...
    Is it just me or is the music jam exactly the same as last year except the new insturments and room?

    No, the dock is different, Casa fiesta is new, and I think the soccer field is a bit different.

    -Dingeljoe (CPG Mod)

  135. Wigwam said...
    If you look on the 2nd paragraph it says 'In 2 months' time they will be awarded for playing games'
    That might be wht we get the stamps for!


    School is for learning not Club Penguin. If we do get stamps for learning, then wahts the point in doing it. It's just like getting a stciker in class for getting an answer right. No one cares!

    ~The Snowman~

  136. it kinda stink that they will be bringing in some learning...but who knows it might be fun. but at least the island wont change and the games will stay there

  137. fluffysheep12345 said...
    again i wish i could edit my posts but i think everyone should send a note to aunt arctic saying DONT CHANGE CLUBPENGUIN!!!!!

    i agree everyone do as much protesting as u can!!!! just dont do anything illegal.Start protesting before july
    26.we HAVE to save club penguin!!!!!!!!!!!And if it does do it im going off line for eva!!!!!!!!!!

    Tahny 3773

  138. Icecube3343 on CP (frequent poster)July 18, 2010 at 9:05 PM

    Disney has to relize that older people, (not joust 5-year-olds) go on CP too. Ever sence it was bought, it has gone downhill. Little thing I don't mind too much, but the EPF, the ninjas, and this if it happens, is going to far.

  139. I think that they ARE gonna make a TV show about Clubpenguin soon because they said that they wan't us to learn more! And also a long time ago they said that they were gonna make a Clubpenguin Movie! So yeahhhh i think that they are gonna make a TV show for Clubpenguin.

  140. Ok...really EDUCATION??? I thought cp was to get away from school NOT EXTRA HOMEWORK. Billybob and Disney...THINK about how many people play clubpenguin...then think of how many people have memberships on CP HEAPS!!! Now how many of those people who have memberships would STILL watch sesame street!!! You WILL lose ALMOST ALL OF YOU MEMBERSHIPS you WILL go bankrupt!!! If you let this happen, like it or not, CP will CLOSE DOWN!!


  141. So does this mean that club penguin
    will become club Boring!?!?!?!?

  142. they will kill the good times of cp if they do this! whats is school for anyways and even older kids play it and they know 1+2 and how to spell chocolate. If it comes to that i paid money for in the end a waist of time?!? My account could be worth 300 dollars! Club penguin listen or club penguin will come to a ruin and everyone will play other games like Runescape!

  143. La la la la! La la la la! Elmo's world! Lane thinks saying 'chocolate covered broccoli' makes us excited.

  144. an otter playing a bagpipe is more educational than this

  145. youll probably get banned for not doing your penguin algebra

  146. This IS going to ruin CP. And if this happens, im not playing CP anymore. CP was a fun virtual world where kids wanted to play after school or when they were bored or something like that, but now we bring education into this. Education has nothing to do with CP. They are going to lose so many penguins if they do this. They need to step up their game, not lower their game. The unlock items online was probably the greatest thing CP made, since they made money and kids got to unlock items for their penguins, member or not. In my opinion, NOT the greatest idea!!!!! :(


  147. I donnnnnnnnnnnnn't wanna be pointless, lame big bird! HELP!

    Waddle On! (is about to be eliminated by "Maths Rules!")

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  148. CP+CHEESECAKE ROCK!July 18, 2010 at 10:54 PM

    That is silly! We go to school to learn, then we come play CP for fun! Not for more learning! Who cares what anyone else thinks of us playing CP? It's OUR account, not theirs. Nobody will play anymore if they do that! Mimo: You sorta 'know' Billybob; you could tell him how we feel about this! Which is ANGRY in case you didn't know! Sorry for caps.
    -CP+CHEESECAKE ROCK! (CPG mod please)

  149. Surppou said...
    This will probably ruin club penguin! If they make all games math and English, then what i school for? They're basically making you 1-2 hours of computer time educational as well. Outrageous! I won't even metnion I'm surrpou as I awlways do because I'm so angry... Woops...

    RAS!!! (Really Angry Surppou!!!)

    Oh heck yeah, I'm totally red as a beetroot too. I think everyone is.

    Waddle On!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  150. Honestly, this is going to TOTALLY ruin CP. Does everything nowadays have to be educational in some way? Can't we just enjoy ourselves? If they DARE ruin CP in any way, they'll definatley be loosing my penguin.

    (A very angry) Doodlebug277

  151. awwww! That wont be fun, itt'l ruin club penguin!!! When you come home from a boring day of school, you'll want to have fun, not log onto club penguin and do some good o'l maths!!! members and other penguins only sign up/ pay for fun not more work.. Come on cp, make cp more fun and more events, members dont pay for educational upgrades!!!

    P.s Older children don't want cp to turn into sesame street :p

    P.s.s You Rock Mimo, Keep It Up!!! :)

  152. Well I Like Math and such Education And Club Penguin Entertainment But Theyre On Opposites Sides Of Reality!
    Lets Think Of It As A Scale
    Entertainment/Fun On One Side
    Education/Learning On The Other
    Then The Force Of Disney Takes out Some From Education/Learning Side and Puts Its In Entertainment and Fun! Now Everything Is Outta Balance And All Fun/Entertainment
    Spills Out Leaving Only Education/Learning in Both Sides!

  153. This is not right. You can't spend every second of the day learning. Disney has lost it. And Club Penguin will be ruined. :(

  154. noo! this will ruin club penguin forever im pretty sure that one . two million penguins will abandon club penguin forever and grow up being people who doesn't care how cool penguins are, curse you Mr.Merrifield sesame street suck a lot of brains and blood but mostly brains.

    only if we can stop Disney making club penguin a super boring site like when club penguin in June was so boring nothing happened

  155. Mimo wont do a protest. Hes too busy up club penguins ars!!!!!!!!!!

  156. Anonymous said...
    If this happens, I'll never go on cp again

    I don't think anyone will. Put it this way, I certainly won't be.

    Waddle On!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  157. Anonymous said...
    OMG I am so protesting this! Disney is ruining CP!

    Heck yeah. They don't even make the most famous parties like Easter ANYMORE! What the?

    Waddle On!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  158. Sk8t3rdude26 said...
    maybe it will give away sesame street t shirts and a hat but I still hate sesame street

    Yo Sk8t3rdude26. I think everyone hates it, especially me. If I ever see Elmo again I'll blow chunks.

    Waddle On!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  159. Hi Mimo,
    It's the nineteenth and there's no catalog in the Lighthouse! Wha?

    Waddle On!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  160. It depends on what Disney are going to do. If their is loads of school games the it stinks. If their is only one or two then it is ok. What do you think Mimo?

  161. Surppou said...
    This will probably ruin club penguin! If they make all games math and English, then what i school for? They're bascially making you 1-2 hours of computer time educational as well. Outrageous! I won't even metnion I'm surppou as I always do because I'm so angry... Woops...
    Just Maths & English? Ohh. That'd be so bad. :-\
    Keep commenting!

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  162. pinky1 said...
    I swear if they make it into a 21st century seasame street I will boycott and stop playing I go online for entertainment not to learn. thats what school is for not the internet.
    Yeah! We go online for FUN! And I agree with you... I might stop playing CP, too. :-\
    Keep commenting!

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  163. Anonymous said...
    If this happens, I'll never go on cp again
    I think so. :-\
    Keep commenting!

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  164. Anonymous said...
    I just can't belive it!
    If they will do that, no one will play CP! (I wonder what will to the memberships...?)
    If it happens, the older kids - teenagers - will stop playing Club Penguin and CP will be more popular for the kids 6-11.
    Hmm... Any ideas?

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  165. kingicevar said...
    Yes!!!! This will be a walk through the park for me.:D Too bad for people that aren't so capable totally. I got kicked out of school because I was smart. Actually it feels good when ur smart. U kinda get popular in ur class at my school

    lol I'm the smartest in my class too. You have to work hard, huh.

    Waddle On!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  166. Actually lets all not complain, so we can watch Club Penguin go bankrupt and end. Ha ha!


  167. Please tell me you made the picture and that this is not the kind of learning that's gonna be on CP!!! This is compltly stupid!!!! I mean COME ON! Disney went TOO FAR! They make it a game for 3 years old kids! And why now when I just renewed my membership?! Now I'm stuck with 6 month and 30 dollars of "education" :p
    Same here, but when the education comes on I am going to phone CP and get the money back.

  168. kingicevar said...
    WAIT. its from sesseme street. that show is so annoying. everyones voices are! that show was messed up!

    Four words: You are so right!

    Waddle On!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  169. Anonymous said...
    I have played club penguin since the beginning and the the beta. Its just got worse. Really club penguin is a way for kids to escape from School.

    BTW Mimo you Rule

    Right on. It's ALWAYS getting worse! Every milli-second of every second of every minute of every hour... Oh I've lost myself!

    Waddle On!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  170. Anonymous said...
    I just can't believe it!
    If they will do that, no one will play CP! (I wonder what will to the memberships...?)

    Right. Club Penguin will be wiped off the face of the universe. No tree or dog or cat or fish or flower or snake or person will ever play it again.

    Waddle On!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  171. Maybe this has something to do with the stamps? He said about getting rewards...

  172. Grrr I Cant Put Anything To This Just......REVENGE!

  173. Anonymous said...
    i think this will be the one big thing that will DESTROY CLUB PENGUIN!!!

    So do I. So does my cat. So does my dog. So do my fish. But my Mother & Father don't.

    Waddle On!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  174. Maybe they will have different servers that are different subjects so at least we CAN still play the real CP... just a theory!


  175. WOW. Overreacting much? People quitting CP just because of some learning games (that probably will be super easy)? I doubt CP is going to force you to do math problems; they're probably just going to be in games and such. I think it's going to be more of an addition to CP rather than a complete change of the entire goal of the site.

    However, if the whole site becomes a virtual learning game and learning dominates fun, there's a problem. I see three outcomes of this: (1) Parents will encourage kids to play CP because it's educational, and therefore will pay for their kids' memberships. (2) Kids will leave CP (obviously, by the comments above) (3) The age range of CP players will lower.

    And obviously, CP is betting that parents will see how "amazing" CP has become and want their kids to play (and learn), which will lead to more and more parents paying for memberships, which will lead to Disney getting even richer. They're a smart bunch of people. I can't help but admire their business tactics. They really have us wrapped around their fingers. XD

  176. Chocolate-Covered Broccoli does sound good...Mimo, I just had an idea for a new contest. We vote. On for you to change your avatar. If the current Mimo wins, you eat Chocolate-Covered Broccoli. Which isnt really a bad thing. Its kinda good. ( I was 4..Long story )

  177. Why would they do that! they just got back alot of people and now they're going to leave again!

    Cruz 5 (CPG MOD)

  178. Greenie5254 said...

    I don't think it'll change much. Honestly, it's no big deal. Just a few minigames you don't have to play. And stop saying bad stuff about Disney! Disney rocks! And Sesame Street has nothing to do with CP! LOl, they were just comparing the two things. You don't need to go around acting like neanderthals and saying bad stuff about Disney, Club penguin and talking about protests.


    LOL, neanderthals. I didn't know neanderthals were a clan of protesters against online games. Don't diss neanderthals! >:O lol


  179. This may seem boring, but take into account that most of us, are in 5th, 6th, or 7th grade, and these questions will be aimed at 1st and 2nd. Can any of you guys say, "Easy Coins"?

  180. Singy6 said...

    guys they don't mean every week they are gonna say "Okay penguins!
    Now what's 1+1=?" If you get it right you get a educational work book!" No No No! They are gonna maybe put in a little education. Like if I bought 3 wigs for 650 each,two scarves for 150 and I gave five puffles gum for 5 coins each how much money would I have?
    Anyway don't worry it will be fine.


    Exactly! It probably won't be straightforward math, but mixed into your CP world. I really don't think it will be that bad.


  181. spongebob734 said...



    If you feel so strongly about this, I would encourage you to make a petition. :]


  182. They can't make us kids learn because thats why we have school and this could ruin CP as we know it. This is so messed up and ill be mad if it happened.

  183. Safa153 said...
    Anonymous said...
    I just can't belive it!
    If they will do that, no one will play CP! (I wonder what will to the memberships...?)
    If it happens, the older kids - teenagers - will stop playing Club Penguin and CP will be more popular for the kids 6-11.
    Hmm... Any ideas?

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

    Anyone remember that interveiw with Lane saying that 'Club Penguin is designed for 6-11 year olds?' Well... you can see what I mean here.

    An angry Doodlebug277 (CPG Mod)

  184. I think this will totally boost the number of children who like learning. In the 21st century, too many children are ignorant and are hanging around in gangs. They don't realise the importance of learning, so when they are older they can't find a job. The only way to make these types of children to learn is to incorporate learning in games and various other things that they enjoy.

    You guys can protest to Club Penguin, leave Club Penguin, but this is beneficial to everyone.

  185. (Found Cheiky's reply to sombody talking about being happy its a safe website for kids)

    Yay for someone who thinks along my lines :D (You were the first person I found while looking for my comment to read over it). Truly nobody has even tried this new type of CP if it happens. You never know it might be fun. They could make the games more intertaining :). Where as on I found someone elses blog they are happy for this. It might be great to some might not to others.


  186. ok guys! I got good news!
    rewarded for completing games designed to test verbal and mathematical skills.
    thats means we will have to avoid it in 2 months!But heres something that might drive us crazy...
    mimic Sesame Street
    Yep our penguins are dead...0_o

  187. AWESOME! They will make Club Penguin something worth playing! And I'm super good at math and stuff. Only bad thing is Sesame Street is like a baby show right?


    sorry about caps, just really mad!

  189. This is an outrage clubpenguin is ment to be fun not some online learning website i think it will ruin cp and if they make that choice i can guarante that many of us clubpenguin players will leave.And this proves what many have been saying Disney is ruining CP!

  190. kingicevar said...

    WAIT. its from sesseme street. that show is so annoying. everyones voices are! that show was messed up!


    Sk8t3rdude26 said...

    maybe it will give away sesame street t shirts and a hat but i still hate sesame street


    agboy (CPG mod)

  191. I think that it will completely ruin Club Penguin!
    It will make CP more of a babies game, when they should be focusing on making it more playable to older children, so all ages can play, not just 6-7 year olds.
    I'm 12 right now, and my dad wants me to stop playing Cp coz he thinks I'm too old!
    Besides, I've never actually watched Sesame Street, but my grandparents have a book of it from when I was younger!
    I might email them about this!

  192. Booo! CP will be ruined forever if we have to learn on cp! That means CP parties will be......educational! "GASP"
    plz cp dont become the 21st century sesame street! Were beeging you plz!

    (mad cp citizen)

  193. Hey Mimo, if you look at the newspaper it says on July 19 a catalog will come out in the lighthouse, and todays July 19! So be on the lookout for it!


  194. Balletqueen said...
    RIGHT. disney has gone one step TOO far. this is STUPID. nobody will go on club penguin anymore if this happens, it will make it almost as pointless as homework. theres only one thing i have to say to that.


    if we dont protest club penguin could end up just as a pointless learning site that nobody goes on, which i dont want to happen, coz its great and fun the way it is
    I think it is WAY too far, and Club Penguin should know that most of their customers are over 12, and really, what will teenagers do? Quit, and most of those teenagers are members!I'm just disappointed...
    CPG Mod

  195. Dougweed (CPG Mod)July 19, 2010 at 8:26 AM

    Nikisweety said...
    Unless they've got Algebra 1 on there, i'm not gonna learn anything... lol

    Same with me, but I'll have enough homework....

  196. Anonymous said...
    you guy i just sent a complante to club penguin
    I sent one too, I hope they listen!
    CPG Mod

  197. Anonymous said...
    Mimo. This probably what the stickers are for!!! If you play an educational game you get a sticker as a reward!!!!
    OH NO!!! SORRY FOR CAPS BUT OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
    CPG MOD!!!!

  198. Agboy said...

    sorry about caps, just really mad!
