Monday, July 19, 2010

Club Penguin Lighthouse Catalog!

Well, the Music Jam is over, but there is now a catalog in the Lighthouse! Woot! To find the Lighthouse Catalog, do this:

Step 1. Click your map.
Step 2. Click the Beach.
Step 3. Go inside the Lighthouse.
Step 3. Click the "Instruments for sale" or the catalog in the lower right corner.

Check out the music:

Wha? No cheats in this catalog? Hopefully in the future, there will be!

Do you like being able to buy instruments at the Lighthouse?


- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. already have everything :(

  2. I kinda wish there was something new in it but hey, it's cool. Maybe in the future they will add new stuff.

  3. I think its really cool, but unfortunatly i already have those instruments. Oh well it is still nice.


  4. I kinda dont like how they are the same insterments.

  5. Awesome! I miss the Sport Shop!

    -Zack4812 CPG MOD

  6. I have all that stuff so right now I don't really care about the new catolog. Hopefully they will update it with NEW instruments.

  7. I love being able to buy musical instruments at the lighthouse!

    To bad I have all of those instruments. -.-

    I hope they add cheats and add more instruments!


  8. mimo: the mission of the epf is ready go to cp. quick!!

  9. Of course I do!(I'm a member)

  10. They should have some new intraments like a violin or something

  11. I already have everything except for the Blue Electric Bass. But still COOL BASS!!! But still no cheats? Rly CP what's up with that? We love exctra items. My guess is that they're running out of ideas for instruments. But still kool stuff for people that don't have the other instruments yet!

  12. They really need to add more... I got em' all!

    ~Muddy Duki~

  13. Red Jamster said...
    already have everything :(
    Same here... its kind of boring!

    ~Muddy Duki~

  14. Scamper52596 said...
    I kinda wish there was something new in it but hey, it's cool. Maybe in the future they will add new stuff.
    I hope so!

    ~Muddy Duki~

  15. Dingeljoe said...
    I think its really cool, but unfortunatly i already have those instruments. Oh well it is still nice.

    Yeah, I really wish there was new ones!

    ~Muddy Duki~

  16. Anonymous said...
    I kinda dont like how they are the same insterments.
    I agree
    ~Muddy Duki~

  17. Zack4812 said...
    Awesome! I miss the Sport Shop!

    -Zack4812 CPG MOD
    At least they still have the catalog from the sports shop. I miss it too, but the EPF is cool!

    ~Muddy Duki~

  18. Lava22 said...
    I have all that stuff so right now I don't really care about the new catolog. Hopefully they will update it with NEW instruments.
    Yeah, I hope it isnt like updated every 4 months like the Snow and Sports Catalog...

    ~Muddy Duki~

  19. Aw. Too bad, I have it all already...
    I was hoping that they would have some new stuff or at least some cheats.
    Maybe they will add some more stuff later, who knows.


  20. Not really, because they keep bringing back old items.

  21. Red Jamster said...
    already have everything :(
    Same, sigh...
    CPG Mod

  22. Zack4812 said...
    Awesome! I miss the Sport Shop!

    -Zack4812 CPG MOD
    Hmm, I don't know what you mean, this doesn't have to do with the Sport Shop, sorry! And also, please don't put CPG Mod when you aren't modding! Happy Modding!
    CPG Mod

  23. Red Jamster said...
    already have everything :(
    Yea me too. Maybe in the future they will add.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  24. Dingeljoe said...
    I think its really cool, but unfortunatly i already have those instruments. Oh well it is still nice.

    Yea it is. I have them all too. What they could add is some musical instruments to put around your igloo. That would be nice. Either that or some pizza drums and pickle drum sticks.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  25. i'm from nz and it is not there will it be coming

  26. Aww i already have all of those instruments... and i miss hiding in the cooler of fish :( lol

  27. They are all old! I think Club Penguin should bring out more instruments!!!

  28. I agree. It's the same stuff.

    And I miss the Sport Shop too.

  29. Zach said...
    I agree. It's the same stuff.

    And I miss the Sport Shop too.
    Yeah I think Club Penguin is just running out of ideas. I expected better from them. And I also miss the Sport Shop. But,not lots of people bought from the catalog there. So they must've thought it was a useless room or something. It was all Herbert's fault though! CURSE YOU HERBERT WE SHALL CATCH YOU!!! Anyway I wish they had new instruments too. :P -Carabu (CPG Mod)

  30. if you are a non-member and complain they'll probaly just say waddle on!

  31. yes! i dont have the blue electric guitar- but thats it! hopefully the catalog will change frequently- unlike the puffle catalog :)

    Tycoon101 :B

  32. Scamper52596 said...

    I kinda wish there was something new in it but hey, it's cool. Maybe in the future they will add new stuff.
    i really hope so! it will be sooo boring if it doesnt

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

  33. jam said...

    They should have some new intraments like a violin or something
    i see where you are coming from, but just to be annoying, they have already made the violin. i have one :)

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

  34. i miss the sports shop!!!!!!! i kinda want it back now, cuz now the "Everyday Phoning Facilty" building is now useless since im already in EPF.

    Tycoon101 :B

  35. Red Jamster said...
    already have everything :(

    July 19, 2010 11:15 AM

    Scamper52596 said...
    I kinda wish there was something new in it but hey, it's cool. Maybe in the future they will add new stuff.

    July 19, 2010 11:21 AM

    Dingeljoe said...
    I think its really cool, but unfortunatly i already have those instruments. Oh well it is still nice.


    July 19, 2010 11:32 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I kinda dont like how they are the same insterments.
    They will probably add more instruments later on.

  36. Carabu said...
    I already have everything except for the Blue Electric Bass. But still COOL BASS!!! But still no cheats? Rly CP what's up with that? We love exctra items. My guess is that they're running out of ideas for instruments. But still kool stuff for people that don't have the other instruments yet!
    I REALLY don't think that CP is running out of ideas on instruments. There are thousands of instruments out there it's just that CP doesn't want to make any more right now. It's not called Club Music.

    --Ethanator The Mod
