Saturday, July 17, 2010

Club Penguin Announces Stamps!

Woot! We were right! These new stamps will be earned by working together. It is more than just playing games, though. Hmm, I wonder if there will be muti-player games?

We will even get a stamp book to put all our stamps in. Then we can show them off! Sweet!

Play awesome Sling Jumper!

So, on July 26th, we will be able to start to earn and collect the stamps! I can't wait, how 'bout you? (Thanks, Coolgem50)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. Wow to me that looks like cool!! But looks like we can tip the iceberg?????

  2. Woot! Looks awesome! I like that Jackhammer one! Can't wait to collect!

  3. DavidHopper2 said...
    Wow to me that looks like cool!! But looks like we can tip the iceberg?????
    I dunno, maybe. Maybe it goes to the VERY rare penguins who may ONE DAY tip the Ice Burg. We will see!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  4. y2jsaveus222 said...
    i knew it mimo we were rite!
    Or were we left? Oh, right as in we were correct, I get it, I get it...

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  5. Awesome! I can't wait!

    ~Muddy Duki~

  6. DavidHopper2 said...
    Wow to me that looks like cool!! But looks like we can tip the iceberg?????
    Ooo! Tipping the ice berg is gonna be cool (if we can do it)!

    ~Muddy Duki~

  7. the last one looks like tipping the iceberg

  8. They are awesome, hopefully you can buy them at dineyworld!

  9. DavidHopper2 said...
    Wow to me that looks like cool!! But looks like we can tip the iceberg?????
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yeah, maybe by working together, they mean to tip the iceberg, and for tipping the iceberg, they give you the iceberg stamp. Maybe this whole thing was just a plan to tip the iceberg. Maybe Club Penguin just wants us to do their dirty work.
    -Doony (CPG MOD)

  10. DavidHopper2 said...
    Wow to me that looks like cool!! But looks like we can tip the iceberg?????
    I don't think so, that's always been a rumor!
    CPG Mod

  11. That's super duper looper catrooper mooper shooper cool! I can't wait! Were really good guessers, but Mimo got us lead onto the whole, 'stamps' thing! Good guess dude!
    CPG Mod

  12. y2jsaveus222 said...
    i knew it mimo we were rite!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yeah, I thought they were stamps too. I just thought if we wanted to send a letter, we would have to find a stamp. I wonder if we can put our pins in our stamp book.
    -Doony (CPG MOD)

  13. CP+CHEESECAKE ROCK!July 17, 2010 at 4:20 PM

    DavidHopper2 said...
    Wow to me that looks like cool!! But looks like we can tip the iceberg?????
    Don't use too many ??? or !!. We get the point that it's a question/ exclamation. I think you may be right though! We actually might be able to tip the ice berg and get a stamp for it!

  14. that one looks like tipping the iceberg!

  15. DavidHopper2 said...
    Wow to me that looks like cool!! But looks like we can tip the iceberg?????
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~it looks exactly like titpping it

  16. y2jsaveus222 said...
    i knew it mimo we were rite!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~yes we were we figure things out fast

  17. He Mimo777!
    I LOVE your website so much! An hey, if you look at the stamp to the far right it looks like we will FINALLY be able to tip the iceburg! After all those videos on YouTube on how to do I that don't work... We will finally be able to do it huh! I would be cool to see how we can do it!


  18. Well, I guess my party theory was wrong. But it still sounds really fun! I cannot wait 9 days for this! And you are a great guesser Mimo! I wonder how many stamps there will be to collect... 10, 20, maybe 50 or 100! I'm thinking that this will be a real challenge for me. The only games I am good at are Astro Barrier and Cart Surfing! Aqua Grabber and Pizzatron 3000 are not my favorites though, and I always lose soooo soon! YOU ROCK MIMO!

  19. :0 it looks like we are fanially get to tip the ice burg YAY!
    ~Phillies Kid

  20. I think the first one is we have to work together to stop Herbert & Klutzy. The second one is we play the dancing came in multiplayer. The third is playing the surfing game. The fourth is RH might come back again to make up for all the months he missed and we play the treasure hunting game. And the fourth is we waste some time trying to tip the Iceberg.

  21. DavidHopper2 said...
    Wow to me that looks like cool!! But looks like we can tip the iceberg?????

    Yeah let's waste some time trying to do that.

    Waddle on!
    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  22. CP is going educational. how?
    They call it "21st century Sesame Street." Not really Sesame Street, but they are going to mimic it. CP is going to be That is what I saw in an article in newspaper. :)

  23. y2jsaveus222 said...
    i knew it mimo we were rite!

    Yeah CPG is always right! lol

  24. i guess it's just a stamp collection...but they can't all be about games because cp said that we would have to do some with our buddies...maybe we can tip the iceberg together?

  25. the last stamp seems interesting. They said its stuff u can do. It looks like aqua grabber, dance contest, surfing, meeting rockhopper and tipping ice berg!

  26. Tip the iceberg!

  27. Holy O-berries! We get to tip the iceberg! :D

  28. Hey Mimo77
    I am NEW to this AWESOME site and i wanted to tell u if u dont know that if you press T u can throw snowballs faster.

  29. Looks Cool! :D But the only thing I am hoping for right now is this big storm around here to stop... good thing we live near a river because the tornados just go over us because of it.


  30. 4 words for you guys: this is freaking awesome!!!!

  31. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)July 17, 2010 at 8:38 PM

    meepu32 said...
    They are awesome, hopefully you can buy them at dineyworld!
    Disneyworld! You mean I would have to go all the way to Disneyworld?! ...I hope not.

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  32. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)July 17, 2010 at 8:40 PM

    slippeestars said...
    that one looks like tipping the iceberg!
    That's what everyone is saying... but I'm not sure. It would be cool though. Didn't Aunt Artic in the newspaper that it MIGHT be possible? Hmmmm...

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  33. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)July 17, 2010 at 8:43 PM

    DMA0712 said...
    DavidHopper2 said...
    Wow to me that looks like cool!! But looks like we can tip the iceberg?????

    Yeah let's waste some time trying to do that.

    Waddle on!
    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

    Whoah. Dude? Why be so negative?! You know you're gonna do it if they make it possible. Just be truthful. Lol

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  34. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)July 17, 2010 at 8:47 PM

    ahheca said...
    Hey Mimo77
    I am NEW to this AWESOME site and i wanted to tell u if u dont know that if you press T u can throw snowballs faster.
    Welcome to the site! Glad to have a newcomer, lol. ;D

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  35. OMG this is so cool! i cant wait!! i love the one with the disco ball!! XD Mimo, do you have a favorite?

  36. secret agents AND tour guides didn't get paid this month????

  37. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)July 17, 2010 at 8:52 PM

    Toyguin said...
    Looks Cool! :D But the only thing I am hoping for right now is this big storm around here to stop... good thing we live near a river because the tornados just go over us because of it.

    Oh, hope you guys are all right. ...But one thing. Why are you on Mimo when there is a big storm outside? Hm. =/

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  38. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)July 17, 2010 at 8:54 PM

    Muddy Duki said...
    Awesome! I can't wait!

    ~Muddy Duki~

    July 17, 2010 3:33 PM
    Me either! For real. How am I gonna wait 9 days. Just waddle around searching for the Penguin Band? I mean really. That gets boring. :|

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  39. Hey guess what i figured out how to get a PERFECT score on the EPF quiz! First, do the running quiz. It's best to only click once. Then, For the hiding challenge, Hide behind one of the pillars and hit camera 2 with a snowball (when it's turned of). Then, for the trap, When the screen says 'Walk to the blue square,' hit the power box on the front right pillar and it will break. Now you have a perfect score!! Hope this helps :-)

  40. DavidHopper2 said...
    Wow to me that looks like cool!! But looks like we can tip the iceberg?????

    That's what it looks like! Since Billybob said we would have to work together, maybe we have to get a certain number of penguin to have Hard Hats on at the Iceberg! :)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  41. y2jsaveus222 said...
    i knew it mimo we were rite!

    So did I! Everyone here at CPG is smart, and we always seem to figure out sneak peeks!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  42. Scamper52596 said...
    Woot! Looks awesome! I like that Jackhammer one! Can't wait to collect!

    I like the dancing one! They all look awesome though! I am so excited for the 26th too!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  43. Muddy Duki said...
    Awesome! I can't wait!

    ~Muddy Duki~

    Seriously! I can't wait either! Why can't time hurry up...

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  44. Pollydolly42 said...
    the last one looks like tipping the iceberg

    That seems to be the verdict! I bet we have to get a certain number of penguins on the Iceberg at once! Billybob DID say we have to work together!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  45. meepu32 said...
    They are awesome, hopefully you can buy them at dineyworld!

    I don't think so... We are going to have to find them on CP! But maybe so! Once in Disney World there was a background you could get! :D

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  46. slippeestars said...
    that one looks like tipping the iceberg!

    That's what everyone is saying! Such good theories! I'm sure it's something along those lines, great job!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  47. Sprite951 said...
    He Mimo777!
    I LOVE your website so much! An hey, if you look at the stamp to the far right it looks like we will FINALLY be able to tip the iceburg! After all those videos on YouTube on how to do I that don't work... We will finally be able to do it huh! I would be cool to see how we can do it!


    Lol! Those videos are so annoying... they just have stupid edits! I'm not sure we'll have to TIP it so much as get penguins to TRY!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  48. Gategirl87 said...
    Well, I guess my party theory was wrong. But it still sounds really fun! I cannot wait 9 days for this! And you are a great guesser Mimo! I wonder how many stamps there will be to collect... 10, 20, maybe 50 or 100! I'm thinking that this will be a real challenge for me. The only games I am good at are Astro Barrier and Cart Surfing! Aqua Grabber and Pizzatron 3000 are not my favorites though, and I always lose soooo soon! YOU ROCK MIMO!

    I stink at Pizzatron. The only games I'm actually GOOD at are Aqua Grabber, Cart Surfing, and Catchin' Waves! We all know Mimo rocks! And we all agree!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  49. Phillies Kid said...
    :0 it looks like we are fanially get to tip the ice burg YAY!
    ~Phillies Kid

    Yaaay! Now I don't have to get my platypus army to jump up and down on the Iceberg all night! xD

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  50. DMA0712 said...
    I think the first one is we have to work together to stop Herbert & Klutzy. The second one is we play the dancing came in multiplayer. The third is playing the surfing game. The fourth is RH might come back again to make up for all the months he missed and we play the treasure hunting game. And the fourth is we waste some time trying to tip the Iceberg.

    I think you're completely right except for the first one. I thought it was Klutzy, but apparently in Aqua Grabber there is a crab you have to take coins from! :)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  51. sparkpink216 said...
    CP is going educational. how?
    They call it "21st century Sesame Street." Not really Sesame Street, but they are going to mimic it. CP is going to be That is what I saw in an article in newspaper. :)

    That's what people have been saying... CP is my place away from homework! This can't be happening! You need to make a petition Mimo! Not kidding.

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  52. Anonymous said...
    i guess it's just a stamp collection...but they can't all be about games because cp said that we would have to do some with our buddies...maybe we can tip the iceberg together?

    Probably! I don't think we are actually going to tip it, probably just waste time trying to as DMA01712 said.

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  53. Anonymous said...
    the last stamp seems interesting. They said its stuff u can do. It looks like aqua grabber, dance contest, surfing, meeting rockhopper and tipping ice berg!

    Yep! Everyone is wondering about what it is! Is it really tipping the Iceberg? Or is it something else on the island?

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  54. Anonymous said...
    Tip the iceberg!

    Tip the berg! Tip the berg... Tip the... coconuts? xD

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  55. Jessejr7 said...
    Holy O-berries! We get to tip the iceberg! :D

    Lol! More like Holy Mullet that is impossible to catch in Ice Fishing and is really annoying me! xD

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  56. ahheca said...
    Hey Mimo77
    I am NEW to this AWESOME site and i wanted to tell u if u dont know that if you press T u can throw snowballs faster.

    Yup! And if you hold T you can rapid fire! Hehe.

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  57. Toyguin said...
    Looks Cool! :D But the only thing I am hoping for right now is this big storm around here to stop... good thing we live near a river because the tornados just go over us because of it.


    I live next to a river too! I had a storm today... I had to run through the rain to get to the car with my friend... as soon as we got in the car (soaked) the sun came out. -_-

    Waddle and roll!
    BObhead202 (CPG mod)

  58. Scamper52596 said...
    Woot! Looks awesome! I like that Jackhammer one! Can't wait to start collect!

    I don't think anyone can wait!

    Wadlle on!
    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  59. Muddy Duki said...
    Awesome! I can't wait!

    Me either! C'mon Club Penguin!

    Waddle On!
    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  60. Pollydolly42 said...
    the last one looks like tipping the iceberg

    Yeah, I reckon that's what it might be too. Good prediction!

    Waddle On!
    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  61. meepu32 said...
    They are awesome, hopefully you can buy them at dineyworld!

    lol yeah, I hope so too!

    Waddle On!
    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  62. I Think I worked it out!

    the first one is the crab that takes coins in aqua grabber when you get past the mullet in soda seas

    the second is dance contest

    third is catchin' waves

    fouth is rockhopper treasure hunt or somthing

    And Fifth is TIPPING TH ICEBERG!

  63. Dianac99 said...
    That's super duper looper catrooper mooper shooper cool! Were really good guessers, but Mimo got us lead onto the whole, 'stamps' thing! Good guess dude!
    CPG Mod
    Yup, your right. Mimo's really really great at guessing. Great work, Mimo!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  64. slippeestars said...
    that one looks like tipping the iceberg!

    Yeah, I think so! Great guess, slippeestars!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  65. Sprite951 said...
    He Mimo777!
    I LOVE your website so much! An hey, if you look at the stamp to the far right it looks like we will FINALLY be able to tip the iceburg! After all those videos on YouTube on how to do I that don't work... We will finally be able to do it huh! I would be cool to see how we can do it!


    Mimo's site defiently rocks and it would be cool to see how we can tip it. Thanks for commenting!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  66. i feel special because i got credit :D thanks mimo! XD


  67. DavidHopper2 said...
    Wow to me that looks like cool!! But looks like we can tip the iceberg?????


    Yeah it does... They might bring out a multiplayer mini game where you have to tip it! Then you win that stamp!

    -Coolgem50 (CPG mod)

  68. DMA0712 said...
    I think the first one is we have to work together to stop Herbert & Klutzy. The second one is we play the dancing came in multiplayer. The third is playing the surfing game. The fourth is RH might come back again to make up for all the months he missed and we play the treasure hunting game. And the fourth is we waste some time trying to tip the Iceberg.


    Lol, good theory! I think the one with the crab is aqua grabber though.

    -Coolgem50 (CPG mod)

  69. David hopper2 said
    Wow that looks cool but it looks like we can tip the iceberg


    Hey david hopper2 you know what I've tipped the iceberg before I'll tell you the story.
    One time on club penguin I always herd about tipping the iceberg so I decided to give it a try so I went to the iceberg and started dancing ( I didn't have a drill ) then I went to the town and started telling people to come to the iceberg and drill. Then I cept going back and forth then before I knew it I had about 60 penguins there drilling! Then I had to get off my computer. And then next week in the club penguin times I herd that the iceberg was tipped! I was so happy that I did that! The end ( true story ask my friends sonni5 and bugg3002 ) Icee1217 ( CPG mod in training )

  70. AWESOME!! Can't wait to collect them...


  71. Hey inst't the last 1 TIPPING THE ICEBERG!!

  72. meepu32 said...
    They are awesome, hopefully you can buy them at dineyworld!
    No, no, no. I think your a bit confused, so here's a clear up. ONLINE (Sorry for Caps) on Club Penguin will be those stamps. You can't buy them, because they are ONLY on the internet. Get it? Hope so!
    CPG Mod

  73. Sprite951 said...
    He Mimo777!
    I LOVE your website so much! An hey, if you look at the stamp to the far right it looks like we will FINALLY be able to tip the iceburg! After all those videos on YouTube on how to do I that don't work... We will finally be able to do it huh! I would be cool to see how we can do it!

    It might be like that, in other words, I think it has to do with Herbert's Revenge! My brother bought that game for his birthday, and, Shhhh!, I upload all the coins to mine. (hehe!) Well, there's this game called something like Jackhammer bla bla bla! Well, it involves a Jackhammer! That's my theory, but it would be awesome to tip it!
    CPG Mod

  74. Scamper52596 said...
    DavidHopper2 said...
    Wow to me that looks like cool!! But looks like we can tip the iceberg?????
    I dunno, maybe. Maybe it goes to the VERY rare penguins who may ONE DAY tip the Ice Burg. We will see!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)
    Hmm...not sure that cp would awards older penguin because some people on cp werent even alive yet when cp started. They DO have 3/4 year olds on there. And some people (like myself) just didn't know about it then. So why would cp only give it to rare penguin? I mean, yes they only let members in alot, but that's because members pay money. I'm all for free membership, or even no membership, but now rare penguin only things? Wow longest post EVER!

    Mookie (MookieLand Mod)

  75. sparkpink216 said...
    CP is going educational. how?
    They call it "21st century Sesame Street." Not really Sesame Street, but they are going to mimic it. CP is going to be That is what I saw in an article in newspaper. :)
    It's okay. We hope. I learned about this from Slidoo's website, and if you go there you might be able to help. Go to Slidoo's post about this, and theres a big list of names, comment with your name, and use all of your penguins. All of them. Finally, pray. Just pray, okay? I also emailed CP about this. I will let you know the response.
    CPG Mod

    Remember, pray!!

  76. DavidHopper2 said...
    Wow to me that looks like cool!! But looks like we can tip the iceberg?????
    I don't think so, that's always been a rumor!
    CPG Mod
    It's alway's been a rumor, I agree fully, but what if they're making it happen so everyone will just shut up about it? "Iceburg Tipping Party!" and "Help Tip The Burg" just make eager penguins disappointed. Maybe CP is just trying to keep us from dieing of boredum during the summer!

    Mookie CPG (maybe) Mod

  77. Hey umm I don't have a google account Mimo but its me Mong Mai, anyways I saw my friend was on and it said he was beneth the volcano then it sai he was in the treasure room STRANGE!!!

  78. I think the jackhammer one will be earned when we tip the iceberg!


  79. y2jsaveus222 said...
    i knew it mimo we were rite!
    Yeah we were right! I'm excited, wht bout you?

    ~Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  80. DavidHopper2 said...
    Wow to me that looks like cool!! But looks like we can tip the iceberg?????
    Maybe... I guess we will just have to wait and see!

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  81. slippeestars said...
    that one looks like tipping the iceberg!
    Yeah! That would be soo cool if we could tip the iceberg!

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  82. Phillies Kid said...
    :0 it looks like we are fanially get to tip the ice burg YAY!
    ~Phillies Kid
    Yeah I can't wait! I'm guessing we will be able to tip the iceberg because CP said w will have to work together for some stamps!

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  83. Anonymous said...
    i guess it's just a stamp collection...but they can't all be about games because cp said that we would have to do some with our buddies...maybe we can tip the iceberg together?
    Yeah! That's wht I was thinking!

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  84. Anonymous said...
    Hey umm I don't have a google account Mimo but its me Mong Mai, anyways I saw my friend was on and it said he was beneth the volcano then it sai he was in the treasure room STRANGE!!!
    Even if you don't have a google account you don''t have to be Anonymous. Just click Name/URL.

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  85. ahheca said...
    Hey Mimo77
    I am NEW to this AWESOME site and i wanted to tell u if u dont know that if you press T u can throw snowballs faster.
    Yeah thts soo cool! But isn't is dissapointed tht nobody else can see you throwing snowballsfast?

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  86. pengopopper said...
    secret agents AND tour guides didn't get paid this month????
    Yeah, I didn't get paid either. I'll e-mail CP about it.

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  87. AFRAAZ said...
    Hey inst't the last 1 TIPPING THE ICEBERG!!
    Yeah, thats what it looks like! I guess we will just have to wait and see!

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  88. meepu32 said...
    They are awesome, hopefully you can buy them at dineyworld!
    I don't think we have to be them. We just have to collect them on CP!

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  89. WOW cool the last one looks like an iceberg tipping party!

  90. It looks like the Aqau Grabber, Dancing game, Surfing game, treasuer hunting, and is that a JACKHAMMER!!??!??!
    Sorry for the exclaimation and question marks and the caps lock.


  91. im not so enthusiastic about this...we already collect pins right?

  92. Maybe a challenge will be to tip the iceberg

    ~The Snowman~

  93. Anonymous said...
    im not so enthusiastic about this...we already collect pins right?
    But it might be fun to collect the stamps and show them off. You can say, "Haha I gots a lot of stamps and you don't!" only not as mean and more encouraging like, "Yes I got another stamp and you can too, RAH RAH RAH <--(cheerleaders)"
    ~JD543 (CPG MOD)

  94. DavidHopper2 said...
    Wow to me that looks like cool!! But looks like we can tip the iceberg?????
    It did say team work.

    --Ethanator The Mod

  95. DavidHopper2 said...
    Wow to me that looks like cool!! But looks like we can tip the iceberg?????
    Pollydolly42 said...
    the last one looks like tipping the iceberg
    slippeestars said...
    that one looks like tipping the iceberg!

    Sprite951 said...
    He Mimo777!
    I LOVE your website so much! An hey, if you look at the stamp to the far right it looks like we will FINALLY be able to tip the iceburg! After all those videos on YouTube on how to do I that don't work... We will finally be able to do it huh! I would be cool to see how we can do it!

    Phillies Kid said...
    :0 it looks like we are fanially get to tip the ice burg YAY!
    ~Phillies Kid
    DMA0712 said...
    I think the first one is we have to work together to stop Herbert & Klutzy. The second one is we play the dancing came in multiplayer. The third is playing the surfing game. The fourth is RH might come back again to make up for all the months he missed and we play the treasure hunting game. And the fourth is we waste some time trying to tip the Iceberg.
    Anonymous said...
    i guess it's just a stamp collection...but they can't all be about games because cp said that we would have to do some with our buddies...maybe we can tip the iceberg together?
    Ok here is what I think: Since the beggining of CP there has been a rumor about tipping the ice berg (Check mimos like second post). A tradition is too either dance or jackhammer in order to tip the iceberg. On the stamp there is a picture of a jackhammer in front of the iceberg and CP also said that we would have to use team work. So this can mean a few things. 1 being that we can tip the ice berg. 2 being that we need to fill up the iceberg to get the stamp but it won't tip. It would just be like an achivement. There may be a few other ideas that I can't think of right now but thats all for now.
