Monday, July 26, 2010

Club Penguin Stamps Cheats Are Here!

Club Penguin Stamps are here! Click on your player card and click the stamp icon at the bottom.

There are 11 pages of stamps for Events, Characters, Activities, Games, & Pins.

Check out this mystery page! It is the last page in the Stamp Book!

What do you think this page could be for? I'm guessing you will earn something REALLY cool if you get ALL the stamps!

If you are a member, you can customize your Stamp Book by clicking the pencil in the lower right hand corner.

Make sure you click the disk in the lower right corner to SAVE your Stamp Book!

Let me know how many stamp you earn today, k?

This looks like so much fun! I really want to do the ones with buddies! Watch out I may try to get 30 penguins in my iggy soon! ;-)

Play ActionJetz!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. yay but i still prefer pins

  2. i have 7 stamps so far and will get more today

  3. I seen it and i made a comment on an old post.

  4. mimo at the end of games they have changed the layout of the how many coins you have earned theres no longer a button just a x at the top right give credit to pan105

  5. im going to go get my dance contest stamp! :D

    ~Bluie Penny

  6. AHHHHH they changed levels in my favourite game (catchin' waves) to a member thing!!

    Ps. Hope i can come to your igloo!

  7. oh i found out u have to remeet fumus penguins it will be hard

  8. They have a pin count, and i have over 92 pins!

  9. I love the stamps, but where's the new field op?

  10. Aww man! there isn't a dance conetst stamp. maybe they will add it someday. oh well. i already have 20 other stamps! :D

    ~Bluie Penny

  11. Did you know when you finish a game, there is a new thing telling how much coins you have earned? It's different!

    ~Muddy Duki~

  12. 28 stamps! Oh yeah!

  13. AAA, That is os awesome Mimo!! :D


  14. wow those are cool but i still love pins

  15. Aw man, ONE LEVEL in Jetpack Adventure. >:O and 5 in ASTRO BARRIER. GRRRRRR! Pardain the caps @P

  16. I can't believe it... They took away at least HALF of each game away from non-members, just so members can earn more stamps -_- For example, astro barrier now has FIVE non-member levels! Ugh...

  17. how do i get the stamps plz tell me


  18. Some stamps are not for stamps and we cant do it... im a non member and i dont have a CAMERA and or some don't work...

  19. i have 2 stamps! they r for me being an old penguin!

  20. I like the new feature., but now I have to remeet the famous I've already seen to get there stamp. :/

  21. Momo! They changed Thin Ice! Non-Members can only go up to level 9! The rest is for members! So unfair!

  22. Hey Mimo! When someone is playing puffles round up and when you cluck on question mark to find where he is it will say Puffle Round-Up_find!

  23. And only Non=Members can play 1 level on jetpack! SO unfair!

  24. Stamps! Yippee!

    Only 5 levels on the games we love for non members? Bummer.

    I used to LOVE Astro Barrier, adnd know I can only play five measly levels?? Next thing you know, non-members will not be allowed to make sweet pizza in Pizzatron!

    No offense to the members, they must be having a great time :D

    Keep up the great work Mimo!

  25. I have 14 stamps so far!

    ~Ashley Di

  26. I have 16 stamps and still working on it. I have so little stamps because i just got on cp like half an hour ago.

  27. Haven't done it yet. I'm going on right now.

  28. Hey mimo!

    How do you get the stamp for the secret entrance to the underground?
    First I thought it was the one in the forest but that didn't work. Do you know you to get that stamp?

  29. I have got 23 stamps now, hoping to get 107 ;)

    P.s hope I can cum 2 your iggy !! :):D;)

  30. pan105 said...
    yay but i still prefer pins

    Why? At first I liked pins, but now I like the stamps! They are pretty fun! =D

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  31. They changed alll the levels of the games. all the good levels are for members now. i dont think thats fair they took away catchin waves and others. and i think letting people see your stamps( like random people you didnt even add)is a invasion of privacy...oh and i have 16 stamps. -purple2768

  32. Tgi123tgi123 said...
    i have 7 stamps so far and will get more today

    I have like, 20! They are really fun to collect! I can't wait to get more... =)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  33. Jacob674 said...
    I seen it and i made a comment on an old post.

    Cool! You were probably JUST too late though! If you weren't Mimo would give you credit! Great job anywayz!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  34. pan105 said...
    mimo at the end of games they have changed the layout of the how many coins you have earned theres no longer a button just a x at the top right give credit to pan105

    Yeah! Also, they have changed the start of some games! Like Aqua Grabber and Catchin Waves!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  35. I enjoy this idea a lot. Some of them don't work for me though. For example, the ninja hideout meeting and the secret entrance to the underground stamps do not work for me.

    A few things have been changed to members only though... like the Survival mode in Catchin' Waves. I am angry.

  36. i cant get the dance floor one...anyone know how to get it

  37. I cant make the operating the switchbox 3000 thingy! can someone help me.

  38. 32 stamps so far

  39. Ive got 34 stamps!Oh and poor non-members...they changed the games and now they can play less.

  40. U should make a cp tracker where it shows if ur on or not and shows what server ur on xD
    lol :P

  41. yay! i have 5 stamps now! but i wanted 2 do them all in order, but i dont have a camera and i dont have a rubber ducky thingy! how unfair!

  42. lol when i s loged on i got two stamps just for how old my penguin was lol

  43. i have 51 and will get more so fun but needs more activity ones and why did u say to save ur igloo? lol! to save ur stamps u mean

  44. Save your igloo? You mean stamp book right? Lol! They give me something to do in my spare time on CP. Cool. The downside is that on your stamp book you can only have 6 items on the front if you decorate it! :( I wanted to put all of mine! Sad... I am going to email them about that. I get mad how they limit it at a small number! MAD!!


  45. Does anyone know if they will release even more stamps, cos this could get boring if you get them all...

  46. i have 27 stamps so far

  47. Aki ;) said...

    yay! i have 5 stamps now! but i wanted 2 do them all in order, but i dont have a camera and i dont have a rubber ducky thingy! how unfair!


    The Rubber Ducky is for non-members. I got it from the... either the Water Party of the Summer party.

    -Rofegme (CPG Mod)

  48. Anonymous said...
    Hey mimo!

    How do you get the stamp for the secret entrance to the underground?
    First I thought it was the one in the forest but that didn't work. Do you know you to get that stamp?
    I think your supposed to go to the sewer in the plaza but that won't work for me. I need help with that too.
    ~JD543 (CPG MOD)

  49. i have 40 i think or 39 :) YAY party soon!
    ~Phillies Kid

  50. Oh my gosh. Games upgraded! At the end it looks different and same for some beginnings. some parts of games are member only! Like how on catchin waves survival mode and competition mode are member only and nonmembers cant get past level 5 on astro barrier! Not fair!

  51. theyre at least better than the 101 day of fun

  52. I cant play soda seas wither club penguin is taking away nonmember stuff

  53. Dear Mimo777,
    Hi! I found a cheat that would come to your intrest. You can play the drums in the lighthouse with... MARACAS! Isn't that crazy? You should try it yourself! Its so funny! You should post somthing about it.
    P.S. I have 37 stamps! How much do you have?

  54. one thing that i really dont like is that u have to start over! because ive done like probably almost all the things to get the stamps, but now its like i never even did any of them!

  55. i have 30 now, and can't wait to get more! just one question: what is the secret entrance to underground?

    - Jessie Bean1

  56. Hey Mimo

    These are the names of the 3 founders of cp!

    Lane Merrifield=Billybob
    Lance Priebe=Screenhog
    David Krysko=Rsnail

  57. Anonymous said...

    I can't believe it... They took away at least HALF of each game away from non-members, just so members can earn more stamps -_- For example, astro barrier now has FIVE non-member levels! Ugh...
    awwww come on..... All my favourite games, reduced to little bits of beginner tutorials. Sad...
    Cheiky, (CPG Mod)

  58. I have 17 stamps already i think stamps are better than pins because stmaps last so everyone can have them

  59. Right now i've got 38, they are so fun!
    -U Know No

  60. Guess what Mimo. I don't exactly love these stamps. They made it so you can't do certain levels in games, like how I love Astro-Barrier and they made it so non-members can only play up to level 5! And I already met Rockhopper in February I think, and I don't get a stamp for it, because that happened before the stamps! So I have to say the stamps aren't that nice, becuase they took away more from the non-members (like me) and now only members can play more games! Games should be open to everyone! I don't like how Clubpenguin is trying to get more members! But I like the stamp book for some other reasons, like showing off my pins! I have 56, I think. And some stamps are fun to earn! But the ones that are only for members... I hate! Unless I get my membership back! ☺ ☻ ☺ Haha!

  61. hey mimo how come i can only do the first level in jetpack adventure it says members only on the comtinue thingy its not fair =(

  62. wow they almost changed everything even at the start of catching waves :( even if i play thin ice i can only play 5 levels i got 23 stamps im trying to get more ~toro5000

  63. sweet i got 43 stamps from staying on for 5 hours.

    hehe jk it was this whole day

  64. Hey mimo you said to save your igloo dont you mean your stamp book?

  65. I have 27 stamps so far.

  66. I have 17 Stamps in a day! OMG! tht is alot! P.S MIMO ROX!


  67. i earned 40 stamps today a new record, and also did u notice when u enter aqua grabber and other games the level screen has changed. It must be this member only thing CP is doing :/

  68. 19 Stamps now! in the past 7 mins! P.s MIMO AND THE GANG ROCK!

    ~Flame52 (Again!)

  69. i dont like the games anymore and some stamps are only for rare or for members only.

  70. I'm a member but all the stuff they took away from non members I don't think it's fair.

  71. i got 45 stamps so far goin 2 get more.

  72. so far today (this is proboly all i will earn to day for how late it is) 0 event stamps 9 activeties stamps 6 game stamps and 58 pins in all that makes 15 stamps and 58 pin and put together 73 stamp pins!

  73. I have gotten 48 so far... The rest are going to get tough to get as i have collected the easy ones.

  74. Anonymous said...

    I cant make the operating the switchbox 3000 thingy! can someone help me.


    Click all buttons and switches on it

    hope I helped


  75. i have 33 stamps. i was going mad getting them :D

  76. Yay i have 26 stamps and im a member

  77. Cool, but I wish I didn't have to meet all the special characters AGAIN to get their stamps...and I'll have to get all the achievements from Aqua Grabber AGAIN, too. XD

  78. so um jacob ur not q mem? yea i know how it feels i just lost my mem ship!! :( WAAAAAA i love the stamps!!!!!

  79. 29 stamps so far! WOO! They are harder to earn then what I thought.

    P.S. Mimo, my stamp book design is similar to yours.

  80. I think I might just renew my membership because of these cool collectibles.

  81. Hi Mimo!
    I have got something really interesting for you!
    Did you saw the Character Stamps at "Events"? Every important Character from Club Penguin is there, but Sensei is missing!

    -Fooby1997(CPG Mod)

  82. Hey "Jessie Bean1" The "Secret entrance to the underground" is at The Plaza! Just go to the underground pool by opening the hatch from The Plaza!

    -Fooby1997(CPG Mod)

  83. Hey Penguins around the World!
    Many of you asked about "The Secret Entrance to the underground"! It is at The Plaza!All you have to do is go to the underground pool by opening that hatch!

    -Fooby1997(CPG mod)

  84. Club Penguin players, stop being negative! It is not that Bad! try being positive by looking at the bright side of the things! There are still free items for us, we can still have Puffles and buy Backgrounds! The coolest thing is that, after your Membership expires you can keep your Puffles! It is important that they did not forget about us yet!

    -Fooby1997 (CPG mod)

  85. i have gotten 27 eep my lucky # in a day

    its my b day

  86. i got 33 stamps today its really fun :)

  87. I hit 41 stamps by the end of yesterday. score! :D I made double of my goal! ^.^ i got all of the activity stamps except for the ones where you need lots of people to come to your iggy. I was so close! x.x

  88. yes!!! i just hit 53 stamps! i'm half way there! ^.^ :D :D

    ~Bluie Penny

  89. i have 27 lol i do i swear im yaya u on cp

  90. WOOT WOOT I HAVE EARNED LIKE 30 PINS. lol sorry im proud!

    Tycoon101 :B

  91. I got all the stamps for thin ice! i cant believe i won it! ^.^ now i have 70 stamps! this is one great gamer here! ^.^ *hops around*. XD

    ~Bluie Penny

  92. yesterday and today i got 38 stamps

  93. 20 Stamps and counting

  94. I prefer pin from stamps because Disney might make more member stuff for stamps.

    -Your fan joshycama

  95. I now have 25 stamps! I LOVE THEM!!And they are really easy to earn!

  96. I now have 25 stamps! I LOVE THEM!!And they are really easy to earn!

  97. as of now i have 64 stamps. they are gettin really hard especially the extreme catchin waves and aqua grabber ones. i have the extreme one for the astro barrier though.

  98. i got 21 so far for only my first day, but i will get more.


  100. overall, I have earned 32 stamps All in one day!

  101. CP+CHEESECAKE ROCK!July 28, 2010 at 12:50 AM

    I have 5 stamps so far! What date did CP open?

  102. Yesterday i got 15 stamps and today i got 12!


  103. Darn I can only play the 1st level on Jet Pack Adventure I better quit....

  104. I have 39 stamps now, and I'm non-member... :)

  105. I can't believe it. Everything's for members now.

    -No more Competition and Survival on Catchin Waves
    -Thin Ice and Astro Barrier each only have 5 levels now
    -Only 1 level for Jet Pack Adventure
    -No Soda Seas

    except for members!

    Soooo unfair!!

  106. I don't like that they took away some of the options in the games that nonmembers used to do, like Soda Seas in Aqua Grabber, and Competition and Survival in Catchin' Waves. They should of kept it like it was and made stamps for everyone in those games. :(

  107. HickorydickorydockJuly 28, 2010 at 7:52 AM

    In Jet pack adventure, non-members can only do level one! Thats just plain mean!

  108. nice pins mimo saw a little bit of them mimo i had a cool idea i was thinking atleast every year they could put out a pin party with lots of games and if you win them you gte a cool pin do you think we could tell billybob about this oh and stamps doing good but pins still rock -Avenged7xxxx

  109. (a very angry) I Am BakJuly 28, 2010 at 1:12 PM

    js0404 said...
    Finally us membes have some advantages in games. Sorry for not doing as much modding, I'm collecting stamps.
    Have a heart, dude! What do you mean "Finally us members have some advantages in games"? The games were the only things non-members had!

    ~I am Bak

  110. Mimo if you get a certain amount of stamps in special secion you can see some rare screen shot things. -Goo Goo7

  111. you have two stamps they are the ones for being old old old old old like only a year old now i have fifty nine :)

  112. Hey can some people help me get the stamps for the ten or twenty five penguins in your igloo?

    If you want to come here are the details

    My name is greatdemuth

    I will be on sever Outback

    I will be on today from 10:00-12:00

    This is going to be a suprise party

    Everyone is welcome I will make friends with whoever wants be my friend PLEASe

  113. yeah my party kind of is stinking here are the NEW details!

    I am still Greatdemuth

    I will still be on Outback

    It will be TOMMOROW at 10:00-12:00 CLUB PENGUIN TIME!

    It will again be A SUPRISE PARTY!

    I hope you can come i will make friends with anyone who wants to be my friend! PLEASE COME!

    From Greatdemuth

  114. I have all the stamps (that you can get)

  115. i got all the stamps ecsept the chrates stamps go to cp cheats download stamp v1 login click on the big buton and then wait

  116. i have 109 stamps and counting(cause im a member)but i dont think its fair to the no-members because in about a decade ther going o have club penguin formembers only.(such greedy mods ofcp who think of money all day)lol:)PS i hope they cancel member stuff because my membership might get cancelled this month:(

  117. lets start with this:i'm a full non member since i started playing cp.The ultimate,and sole reason why i am so obsessed to cp is because of the games.Each and every game could be played by both members and vice versa.But now, everything PRACTICALLY changed.Many of the games are reserved for members!just to name a MORSEFUL:catchin waves ,thin ice,astro barrier and counting...this is indeed unfair!
    Its really incurring my wrath.CP has changed.Cant they just give us non members some duly respect?Mimo777,please frankly tell us what you think about this.----Nubox
