Sunday, July 25, 2010

Are you on Facebook? I am! Let's be Friends!

Click here to be my friend on Facebook!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. I'm totally adding you! Lol, look for me, I will send you a message with my penguin name! ;)

  2. thxs mimo im sure gonna send u a requst

  3. Dianac99 said...
    I'm totally adding you! Lol, look for me, I will send you a message with my penguin name! ;)

    Lol! I don't really have a Facebook. I tried making one, but they wouldn't let me put my penguin name! xD Also, don't put CPG mod unless you're modding! Thanks!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  4. Anonymous said...
    I added you. ;)

    Saweet! I'm going to try and make one! Is it any fun? I still personally like Twitter. ;-)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  5. Anonymous said...
    thxs mimo im sure gonna send u a requst

    If I ever make one, I'll be sure to! Although my sister always threatens that if I ever make a Facebook I will DIE. So I'll try to be sneaky. ;-)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  6. nice im gonna go add you and STAMPS ARE COMING TOMORROW :D

  7. mimo 777 how come u never show ur real face or talk on ur videos

  8. You been my friend Hehe i only saw you on once though :( maybe we can talk?
    ~Phillies Kid

  9. sup guys i wish i had a facebook to add u mimo777 oh well p.s im naruto12132 on co

  10. ant sun (cp penguin name)July 25, 2010 at 8:26 AM

    hey mimo as soon as i saw it i added u

  11. i'd love to do that but there's only one problem... i have no facebook acc :(. but at least i can still read all your post at the best cp help site ever!!!

    one of your biggest fans
    ~leor 0111~

  12. is ur real name mimo???

  13. ur the best blogger mimo777 i wish i had a facebook to add u ill see if i can get one p.s the name im using is my penguins name on cp

  14. fluffysheep12345 said...

    nice im gonna go add you and STAMPS ARE COMING TOMORROW :D


    I'm sooo looking foward to stamps

    random guy 576

  15. fluffysheep12345 said...
    nice im gonna go add you and STAMPS ARE COMING TOMORROW :D
    Awesome! And I can't wait for stamps. They're either coming tomorrow or the next day cause the Club Penguin Times said the 27th but it might come a day early.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  16. josh said...
    mimo 777 how come u never show ur real face or talk on ur videos
    Because he's too... anonymous... Shh.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  17. Phillies Kid said...
    You been my friend Hehe i only saw you on once though :( maybe we can talk?
    ~Phillies Kid
    Really? Yea maybe we can talk sometime... Oh, you meant Mimo. I thought you meant me. That would explain how I don't recall being your friend on Facebook. lol.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  18. fluffysheep12345 said...
    nice im gonna go add you and STAMPS ARE COMING TOMORROW :D

    Yahoo! I can't wait! I am going to get ALL of the stamps! This is going to be SO fun! :D

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  19. josh said...
    mimo 777 how come u never show ur real face or talk on ur videos

    He says it's because everyone wants to know. ;-) But on one of the Zoey Zoey Show Show podcasts, he had an interview and I think he talked! :D

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  20. Phillies Kid said...
    You been my friend Hehe i only saw you on once though :( maybe we can talk?
    ~Phillies Kid

    Yea, Mimo isn't on a lot. At least not when I'm on. :( Sometimes he is!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  21. josh said...
    sup guys i wish i had a facebook to add u mimo777 oh well p.s im naruto12132 on co

    I don't have one either. Lol. My sister has threatened to annihilate me if I get one. I'm not gonna take my chances! ;-)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  22. ant sun (cp penguin name) said...
    hey mimo as soon as i saw it i added u

    Sweet! I wish I had a Facebook! Everyone makes it sound so awesome!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  23. Anonymous said...
    i'd love to do that but there's only one problem... i have no facebook acc :(. but at least i can still read all your post at the best cp help site ever!!!

    one of your biggest fans
    ~leor 0111~

    Lol, same! ONE of the best? No, Mimo is THE best! ;-)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  24. Anonymous said...
    i'd love to do that but there's only one problem... i have no facebook acc :(. but at least i can still read all your post at the best cp help site ever!!!

    one of your biggest fans
    ~leor 0111~
    Yep. I always come to Mimo's and Bobhead's Club Penguin sites for my Club Penguin cheats.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  25. Anonymous said...
    is ur real name mimo???

    Lol, no! I know someone who knows it, and they said that Mimo's name has to do with his name... I dunno... =P

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  26. Anonymous said...
    is ur real name mimo???
    I dunno. Maybe. You never know. He might be even too anonymous for his own name...

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  27. srry mimo i dont have one and dont want one! :( SRRY


  28. Anonymous said...

    srry mimo i dont have one and dont want one! :( SRRY

    Facebook is pretty safe if you want it to be. But its your choice.
    Cheiky, (CPG Mod)

  29. i might be able to add you

  30. i wish i could, i dont have a facebook or twitter or anything lol.


  31. mimo i added u

    i only have 30 friends but who cares!!

  32. i hope i get a facebook but my dad says if have to be like 12 or 13 to have a facebook or yahoo maybe i can be sneaky and get oh well i still think ur the best blogger

  33. Wow, your gaining friends on Facebook fast Mimo. Your probably going to have so many people trying to talk to you when you go on, your not going to know what to do. lol.

  34. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)July 25, 2010 at 11:42 AM

    Anonymous said...
    is ur real name mimo???

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  35. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)July 25, 2010 at 11:43 AM

    fluffysheep12345 said...
    nice im gonna go add you and STAMPS ARE COMING TOMORROW :D
    Tomorrow? Oh yeah. Tomorrow is the 26th... haha.... forgot. Wow the week went by fast! =D *YESSS*

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  36. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)July 25, 2010 at 11:45 AM

    Anonymous said...
    i'd love to do that but there's only one problem... i have no facebook acc :(. but at least i can still read all your post at the best cp help site ever!!!

    one of your biggest fans
    ~leor 0111~
    I'm with you! I don't have one either... Actually. No one in my family has one. :o I know. Shocker. lol

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  37. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)July 25, 2010 at 11:50 AM

    Cheiky said...
    Anonymous said...

    srry mimo i dont have one and dont want one! :( SRRY

    Facebook is pretty safe if you want it to be. But its your choice.
    Cheiky, (CPG Mod)
    Who said the reason she didn't want one was because it wasn't safe? Huh? Lol

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  38. Awesome Mimo! Add me! Im totally doing that!

    PS (for people dosent have FaceBook): If you want to add Mimo (which is everyone going to) facebook allows birth day at 1989 - backwards so if you wanna add Mimo, cheat your birth year! Thats what people under 12 do! Hope this helps alot!


  39. Honestly, I dont know why facebook is so popular. Honestly it seems boring to me, but I dont want to ifluence you guys about Facebook (or do I?), so If you like Facebook ignore this comment, but if youre on my side, plz mod it in a positive way.

  40. i just added you!:)

  41. Anonymous said...
    srry mimo i dont have one and dont want one! :( SRRY


    Same here! I just want to see if it really is all that great! It CAN'T beat Twitter, even if it is the greatest thing in the world! Because Twitter is OUT OF THIS WORLD! xD

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  42. dingeljoe said...
    i wish i could, i dont have a facebook or twitter or anything lol.


    :O I feel SO sorry for you! LOL! Get a Twitter! It is the greatest thing ever... *tweet tweet* =P

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  43. Dianac99 said...
    I'm totally adding you! Lol, look for me, I will send you a message with my penguin name! ;)

    Lol! I don't really have a Facebook. I tried making one, but they wouldn't let me put my penguin name! xD Also, don't put CPG mod unless you're modding! Thanks!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    i dont have one either... my parents wont let me yet :(

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

  44. i dont have a facebook- my parents wont let me yet... :( but if i did, I would SO add you. when i do get one, i will.

    Tycoon101 :B

  45. josh said...

    mimo 777 how come u never show ur real face or talk on ur videos
    im guessing its safety reasons, ya know??

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

  46. Anonymous said...

    is ur real name mimo???
    personally i have no clue, but im guessing no. it might be, again i have no clue/idea, but it mite just be for online games, like tootsville planet cazmo, and club penguin.

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

  47. dingeljoe said...

    i wish i could, i dont have a facebook or twitter or anything lol.

    lol dude me too!! represent!!!

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

  48. Oh man i so tottaly wish i COULD but me parents are really strict about the people i add they have to family or long time frineds :(

  49. I'm not on facebook, but maybe this will make me thinking about getting one... XP some of my friends have a facebook but i never got around to joining..

    ~Bluie Penny

  50. :-) its nice to know that ur there...ill try to find you.and i hear stamps are out tommorw? is that true?

  51. dxboy999 said...
    Honestly, I dont know why facebook is so popular. Honestly it seems boring to me, but I dont want to ifluence you guys about Facebook (or do I?), so If you like Facebook ignore this comment, but if youre on my side, plz mod it in a positive way.
    You may think it is boring while others will not. Please do not be rude like this in the future
    js0404(CPG mod)

  52. dxboy999 said...

    Honestly, I dont know why facebook is so popular. Honestly it seems boring to me, but I dont want to ifluence you guys about Facebook (or do I?), so If you like Facebook ignore this comment, but if youre on my side, plz mod it in a positive way.
    ya im not completely against it, but i see what you mean. i dont have one, but mostly cuz my parents wont let me... which i guess im kinda fine with!

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

  53. Anonymous said...
    mimo i added u

    i only have 30 friends but who cares!!

    Lol! My sister has, like, 1,000! xD That was probably an UNDERSTATEMENT. xD

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  54. naruto12132 said...
    i hope i get a facebook but my dad says if have to be like 12 or 13 to have a facebook or yahoo maybe i can be sneaky and get oh well i still think ur the best blogger

    Lol. I'm sneaky about lots of stuffz! My parents don't even know I have a blog or I am a mod! xD

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  55. Nicole said...
    I added you

    Sweet! I don't have Facebook! Mimo must be getting a LOT of friends!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  56. Scamper52596 said...
    Wow, your gaining friends on Facebook fast Mimo. Your probably going to have so many people trying to talk to you when you go on, your not going to know what to do. lol.

    Lol! Exactly what I just said! They're gonna all be waiting for him and once he gets on... BOOM. xD

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  57. Bin58 said...
    Awesome Mimo! Add me! Im totally doing that!

    PS (for people dosent have FaceBook): If you want to add Mimo (which is everyone going to) facebook allows birth day at 1989 - backwards so if you wanna add Mimo, cheat your birth year! Thats what people under 12 do! Hope this helps alot!


    Lol! I do that for a lot of things. Nice tip! ;-)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  58. dxboy999 said...
    Honestly, I dont know why facebook is so popular. Honestly it seems boring to me, but I dont want to ifluence you guys about Facebook (or do I?), so If you like Facebook ignore this comment, but if youre on my side, plz mod it in a positive way.

    It really doesn't look that fun! Twitter is awesome, you HAVE to love that. Not that I am trying to influence you (OR AM I?!)! xD

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  59. Anonymous said...
    i just added you!:)

    Cool! Mimo must have, like, 200,000,000 friends! xD He has 8,000 Twitter followers!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  60. hey Josh mimo777 doesn't because he thinks maybe third party's will like robb him u no

    -Tudo1 (my penguin name)
    hopefully CPG MOD
    ps. i added you

  61. wow cool i added u when did u get facebook

  62. Dianac99 said...
    I'm totally adding you! Lol, look for me, I will send you a message with my penguin name! ;)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i dont have a facebook darn

  63. Yameimob said...
    I will sure add u! :D
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cool i dont have a face book but cool

  64. Anonymous said...
    I added you. ;)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~only if i could add him in cp!

  65. Anonymous said...
    thxs mimo im sure gonna send u a requst
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~evry noe wants a mimo request

  66. Dianac99 said...
    I'm totally adding you! Lol, look for me, I will send you a message with my penguin name! ;)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~only do cpg mod if your moding

  67. fluffysheep12345 said...
    nice im gonna go add you and STAMPS ARE COMING TOMORROW :D
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~yaya wooot! usaly if you have est time it will be at 3pm

  68. josh said...
    mimo 777 how come u never show ur real face or talk on ur videos
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~well first i dont like to put real pics of your self on the web because its dangerous and second in vids its kinda weird to use your voice if its about cp

  69. Phillies Kid said...
    You been my friend Hehe i only saw you on once though :( maybe we can talk?
    ~Phillies Kid
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i only saw him once to on cp no one was crowding because candence was there i dont think he noticed me oi think he was paying attention to candence

  70. josh said...
    sup guys i wish i had a facebook to add u mimo777 oh well p.s im naruto12132 on co
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~me to

  71. I added u and u sent my request back in like 5 minutes!

  72. I don't wanna do facebook. u should see my sister. she is ADDICTED to Facebook so i dont wanna get


  73. NO FAIR! I cant have one until im older...

  74. Yes, I have facebook but it is for personal use only so that's that.

  75. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. Said...

    Saweet! I'm going to try and make one! Is it any fun? I still personally like Twitter. ;-)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

    Facebook is for social networking, most people use it for keeping in touch with people when they cannot talk to them, although some people only have it for games like farmville and mafia wars as you must have facebook to play them. I'm sure you will enjoy facebook as I enjoy using it to keep in touch with friends. ;)

    1candyman0 (CPG MOD)

  76. same here!!!! except its my bro- he spends half maybe 3/4 of his time checking facebook,(then again, thats like me on CPG or club penguin lol), and the rest of the time hes either eating, watching tv, taking a shower (thank goodness!), sleeping or on his phone. nowadays he is also reading the last harry potter book cuz he read all the other ones but he stopped- i think its cuz hes not that much of a reader!!

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

  77. Lovepingi said...

    NO FAIR! I cant have one until im older...
    same here dude! we have to stick together, the ones who are facebook challenged :)

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

  78. This is totally off topic but the stamps and jetpack adventure have started but not the field op.

  79. Bin58 said...

    Awesome Mimo! Add me! Im totally doing that!

    PS (for people dosent have FaceBook): If you want to add Mimo (which is everyone going to) facebook allows birth day at 1989 - backwards so if you wanna add Mimo, cheat your birth year! Thats what people under 12 do! Hope this helps alot!


    You shouldn't put in a false date of birth just so you can have facebook, the age boundraies are there for a reason. I think people should just wait until they are older. ;)

    1candyman0 CPG MOD

  80. cool!! im so gonna add u!
    i only play facebook for fun like happy pets and stuff like that though i neva eva knew!
    (my friend is addicted to FB! so she convinced me to join)
