Thursday, July 3, 2014

Penguin Style Catalog Cheats - July 2014!

The Club Penguin Clothing Catalog for JULY 2014 is here!

Do this to find the cheats!

Step 1. Click on the Map icon in the lower left.
Step 2. Click on "Town."
Step 3. Go in the "Gift Shop."
Step 4. Click on the Clothing Catalog in the lower right.

Since we are preparing for the Music Jam, drum roll please....

Check out the new Backgrounds: 

Non members clothes. Same same, of course.

Go to page 5 for the first cheats! 

Click the purse.

You get the Denim Purse cheat!

Next cheat, click the necklace.

You get the 14K Fish Necklace cheat!

Then go to page and click the foot.

You get the Green Slouch Purse cheat!

Now go to page 10 and click on the drink.

You get the Gold Charm Necklace cheat!

Go to page 21 now and click the penguin's flipper! 

 Now you found the red Viking Helmet cheat!

Click the penguin's flipper four times and...

You get the Blue Viking Helmet cheat!

That'll be all the cheats this month!

TRY NEW MIMO GAMES! - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter 

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