Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Her Majesty Chattabox Invites You to a Royal Gathering!

Club Penguin's Chattabox has this to say:

G'Day Penguins! Thanks for coming to celebrate my birthday with me at last week's party! I had the BEST time! There were so many party hats and balloons - it was crazy!

Did you know that this week is the Queen's birthday? We get a whole day off of work and school just to celebrate! I think we should celebrate this special day in style - by holding a Royals party! Come along to my iggy in your fanciest royal outfits and let's have a party fit for a queen... THE Queen! 
Let's meet in the Forest on the Down Under server on Thursday 12th June. Here are the times:

* 4pm East Australian Standard Time
* 6pm New Zealand Standard Time
* 11pm Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday 11th June for everyone over in the US and Canada
* 7am on Thursday 12th June for my pals in the UK.

Saweet! Do you thin you will make it?

TRY NEW MIMO GAMES! - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter

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