Friday, April 25, 2014

Penguin of the Week: Zoes6!

This week's POTW is a real collector. Apparently Zoes6 loves collecting things on Club Penguin so much that she's got pretty much all there is to have! She loves collecting stamps, puffles, clothing items, furniture items... you name it, she's got it! Plus she's made so many great friends on CP that she struggles to keep her friends list managed to accommodate new requests. If you see her online any time soon, send her a request and see if there's room on her list for you! ;)

If you think you have an awesome friend to be the Penguin of the Week then be sure to leave a comment on the CP blog! Winners now receive an exclusive, player card background AND 10,000 coins!

TRY NEW MIMO GAMES! - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter

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