Friday, January 17, 2014

Penguin of the Week: Herry347!

I love Red v Blue snowball battles at the Snow Forts! Guess what? Herry347 has made his very own Red v Blue battleground at his igloo, which looks EPIC! As well as his igloo being totally ace he has dressed his penguin as a narwhal – amazing!!

Do you have a buddy that's the coolest penguin around!? Nominate them for the next Penguin if the Week!

TRY NEW MIMO GAMES! - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter


  1. What a waste of a Green Viking Helmet. He gets it because he made a Red vs Blue igloo. Still far better than that person who became POTW for dressing like a pumpkin.

  2. Lolz look at that wookie with a cookie narwhal!
