Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Billybob in Kenya!

Here's a message from our good friend Billybob!
I know Coins for Change has come and gone, but I wanted to share an awesome trip I took recently to see the incredible work you contribute to every year.

By buying memberships and giving to Coins for Change, you guys have helped build a ton of schools across the world. One of the places is in a country called Kenya in Africa. Through your support, hundreds of kids are able to go to school. I got to visit the schools, play soccer with the kids there and see first hand the amazing work Club Penguin has done. They even gave us a goat as a "Thank You" gift!
It was awesome to see how much better their lives are because of you! So keep up the good work!
TRY NEW MIMO GAMES! - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter

1 comment:

  1. Lane Merrifield is holding a goat. Your argument is invalid.
