Monday, November 11, 2013

Penguin of the Day: Muddypaws12!

One of my fave things to do in my spare time is bake! I was super excited to read that Muddypaws12 loves baking too! Maybe we should have a baking party online! Do you guys have any awesome hobbies? Share them in the comments!

Contact CP to nominate your awesome friends!

TRY NEW MIMO GAMES! - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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  1. Yes, she gets POTD just because she likes baking, LIKE ME AND A THOUSAND OTHERS!

  2. Guess Who got nominated?

  3. Oh hey, she becomes POTD because of something THAT ISN'T related to CLUB PENGUIN, while I don't become POTD for being nice.
