Friday, November 15, 2013

Exciting News About Penguin of the Day!

So I think we all agree that seeing a new Penguin of the Day everyday gets little annoying! Especially when they're kinda lame reason why they are being honored. So Club Penguin has decided to make a few changes... Check out what Daffo said below:
In the many months we've been doing Penguin of the Day, we've celebrated the achievements of looooads of amazing penguins and given out thousands of coins to special players. However, I started thinking; instead of doing this every day, we should do it less freqently so that we can celebrate each penguin for longer. So I've decided to make a few changes...
Coming soon, I'll be doing... Penguin of the Week! And it's going to be super brill! I can't share too much with you right now, but I promise it'll be mega. I'll be working really hard to make POTW as awesome as possible, so from now on you may see fewer Penguin of the Day posts each week. I'll keep you posted with updates when I've worked it all out...
Ok, this sounds a LOT better don't you think? Hopefully they won't put people on there anymore just because they look good! Don't you agree?

TRY NEW MIMO GAMES! - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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