Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Club Penguin 8th Anniversary Party!

Everyone head on down to the Coffee Shop for Club Penguin's EIGHTH Birthday!
Happy Birthday Cp!

Click the party hat on the table to get your own RAINBOW party hat!

And click the camera for a FREE new background! 

And be sure you check out this years Club Penguin Yearbook! 

Those were some good times. I love looking back at all of them!
What brings back the greatest memories? Why?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter


  1. This makes no logical sence, even if CP had no logic, you cannot have a Town picture come out after you taken it inside a place.

  2. Yay!I didn't know that Aunt Arctic visits for the 8th Anniversary party!
    I logged onto server Crystal and tried to go to the coffee shop to collect my hat and the background when I saw that it was full and people in the town were waiting for her!What an unexpected meeting!!
    So happy!Have you met her??
