Friday, August 16, 2013

#WaddleOn: Episode 6!

The 6th episode for the Club Penguin Waddle On series is here! Take a look!

These Waddle On videos are still kind of confusing to me... A lot of things that happen in these videos can't actually happen. Like the sky getting dark. Do you think these videos are secretly showing us new things that is going to happen in the CP world?

 - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. the video is not up

  2. I think CP deleted the video because its not showing on the post and neither is it showing on YouTube. Is it showing for you guys?

  3. No I think they are just messing around.
    I liked the others but this one wasn't funny to me.

  4. Video doesn't seem to show up. :-/

  5. what bout Animated penguins what is that?

  6. What did you do Mimo!??!!?!?!!!??!?!
