Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Monsters University Team: Python Nu Kappa Sneak Peek!

Club Penguin's Daffodaily5 is excited for the upcoming Monsters University. I am too! She says she is  going to join PNK! She wants to bring her "brashest, boldest style to the Scare Games!" She thinks her team is going to look and scare the best!

Do you like the look of this sorority? Do you think you will join this one with Daffodaily5? I think it is a little... ummm... too pink for me. ;-)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. Why did they have to start with PNK?

  2. Ooh - it's the girly-girl one!
    Yes, I want that one v-e-r-y much.

  3. lm on team PNK and its not too pink for me!

  4. Agree! Too pink for me :P And what does '' Python Nu Kappa '' mean ?

  5. Haha Yeah! Im going for PNK at first i thought it stuld for Pink.. but Python Nu Kappa will stuite me fine :)
