Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Penguin Style: May 2013!

The hidden Club Penguin Cheats in the Penguin Style Clothing Catalog for MAY 2013 are here!

Do this to find the cheats.

Step 1. Click on the Map icon in the lower left.
Step 2. Click on "Town."
Step 3. Go in the "Gift Shop."
Step 4. Click on the Clothing Catalog in the lower right.

New arrivals and Club Penguin cheats:

Check out the new Background: 

Non members clothing items! Still the same.....

Check out the new items and cheats!
First go to the 4th page and click the fan!

And you find a Elemental Balance Gi!

Now go to the next page for two more cheats! 

Click the penguins feet for some sandal cheats! 

Now go to the 8th page and click the sushi tray! 

And you get a Sushi Master outfit!
Now click the paint brush on page 9.

 Now you found the red viking helmet!

Click the paint brush four times and.....
You get the Blue Viking Helmet!

And the Latest Scoop! Click the penguin's watch to get scrubs!  

Cool new Card-Jitsu items are awesome! Don't ya think!?

Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. New Clothes are Awesome
    And Mimi777 is So cool!

  2. After buying clothes when I come here I saw that you have found all cheats.

    You are so fast Mimo777
