Monday, February 25, 2013

Daffodaily5's Featured Fashions: February 25th!

Here are this months Featured Fashions! Check 'em out!
Here comes Purplep95211 who looks sooo lovely: The hair! The dress! The necklace! It’s just perfection. Thanks to 97percent for the nomination!
Check out the shades on The Waddle1, I mean, how super-uber epic does he look? It’s a good job he nominated himself, as it looks as though he’s taking home the award for being Mr Cool tonight!

Everyone make way for Lulu8213. She’s looking fabulous in her sparkly dress and matching bag. They say big hair is sooo this season, so she is bang on trend!

Now last, but by no means least, strutting down the red carpet in his ace orange check sneakers, we have the one and only Bedard10 closing the show in style. What a dude!

Awesome! And remember, nominate you stylish buddies! Or yourself, like "Mr. Cool" did. Ha!
Do you guys like the monthly Featured Fashions? Or are they getting kinda lame?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney

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