Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Club Penguin Album Out NOW!

Hey guys! Do you know what day it is!? It's the 12th! Which means the very first Club Penguin album is out! Woot!


The Party Starts Now 

Anchors Aweigh 
Ghosts Just Wanna Dance 
Cool In The Cold 
Puffle Party (Gotta Have A Wingman) 
Dubstep Puffle

You can buy the CD in stores like Wal-Mart and Target in the US. Every CD comes with an exclusive code to unlock the Bling-Bling Necklace for your penguin! Check out the NEW special dance...

For other places like Canada or the UK, you can buy the album through digital download. To receive the Bling-Bling Necklace with a digital download, follow these steps: 

  1. Forward us the email receipt received from iTunes, Google Play or Amazon. Email the receipt to
  2. Don't forget to include your Penguin Name in the email! 
  3. Once we have verified the purchase, you'll be sent a Code with instructions on how to get the Necklace item.
  4. Enter the code on the Unlock Items page on 
  5. Log in and dance!

Awesome! What is your FAVORITE song from the album!? I gotta say Dubstep Puffle. I love that song! What's yours!?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. im in uk but im getting it sent from amreica

  2. is there any cheats for the Hollywood party?

  3. The item and the dance are weird but it's still cool that there's a cd. although I live in the UK n dunno if I will download it. oh well. either way waddle on guys.

  4. The start of the dance looks weird... other than that, cool!
