Friday, February 22, 2013


Club Penguin has posted a new strange video... Take a look! 

Whoa, this looks crazy! What do you think this is about?

 - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. please please PLEASEEEEE!!!!! BE FOR MEMBERS ONLY!!! D: D:

  2. My theory is that the ninja is walking through the Snow Dojo at the beginning. Then, the "Choose your Element" thing... think about it. There's THREE snowmen, and THREE paths. Maybe each element is a different path, and you battle one villan per path and you don't get the Snow Shard on your amulet till you beat all three paths. It could happen.

  3. After you have completed all 3 elements you will be able to fight on the mountain with the 3 villians

  4. PLZZZZZ!PLZZZ!PLZZZ! Be for everyone!!!!!! :(

  5. awsome!!!!!
    i think that was about the new snow dojo and how you get to pick one of the three elements to battle the three villians!

  6. My theory is that the ninja is walking through the Snow Dojo, then he chooses an element and battles the snowmen with that element.

  7. Members only? The past dojos have been members only. Give me a reason why it should be members only. This one should be both, at least only for a few days. And Mimo, the new puffle party vid is out, it's called Puffle Party (Gotta Have a Wingman) I don't know if you knew that but whatevs.

  8. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!! MAKE THIS FOR EVERYONE!!! And I guess some penguin walked into the snow dojo or something like that
