Thursday, January 3, 2013

Club Penguin Clothing Catalog: January 2013!

The hidden Club Penguin Cheats in the Penguin Style Clothing Catalog for January 2013 are here!

Do this to find the cheats.

Step 1. Click on the Map icon in the lower left.
Step 2. Click on "Town."
Step 3. Go in the "Gift Shop."
Step 4. Click on the Clothing Catalog in the lower right.

New arrivals and Club Penguin cheats:

The new color, Aric White, is now in the catalog! 

Check out the new Background: 

New non members clothing items! 

For the first cheats. Click to the 4th page.

And you found the Sea Brezze!

Go to the 5th page. And click the snow flake and the penguin's arm.

And you found the Silver Stilettos!

And the Squiggle Shoes!

Now flip the page and click the skull!

And you found the Cozy Orange Scarf!


Go to the 7th page and click the paint brush.

 Now you found the red viking helmet!

Click the paint brush four times and.....
You get the Blue Viking Helmet!

Now go to the 8th page and click the trees!

You have found the Tree Costume! 
For the next cheat, go to the next page. And click the door.

You now found the Bunny Slippers!
Page 16! Click the penguin's boot!

And you found this outfit! 
That's all the cheats and new stuff for this months catalog! 
Whatcha think!?

And, thanks to all who told me about the things I forgot! Sorry about that! :)

Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. I can't believe club penguin is letting non members buy items, this is awesome! But for people like me who made accounts in December of 2007, I have a feeling all the rare items are coming back. :/

  2. I kinda of feel like they changed it for the worst I dont know but with all these changes CP feels doesnt feel like CP.

  3. *Screams* There is no more penguins at work! Ahhhhhhhh!

  4. So,Club Penguin made fun of Rare Penguins once again :(

  5. Why are the "items for everyone" OLD and RARE? Argh, what's next? Beta hat for 200 coins?

  6. I dont like the way the penguins stand it is just weird

  7. there is one more secret!
    on the page where there is a girl penguin with an umbrella and matching boots, click on the sole (the bottom) of the boot that is lifted up (the foot on the right).

  8. I agree with Grande Pie because I had that star shirt before today and I felt special now after they decided they were gonna bring that back I have one less special item
    It just makes me sad that CP would do that!! :(

  9. The penguins in the catalog look taller.. O.o;

  10. I agree with all of them. Plus, the new artwork is a complete DISASTER! ( I mean the models in the clothing catalog ) Plus the non member fashions are horrible. I don't feel like buying them at all :|

  11. YEA!!! red bandana & stuff!!! cp please make new items for all penguins to buy. real appreciate your kindness towards non members.

  12. I miss the penguins at work D;

  13. The penguins in the catalog don't even look like penguins anymore...

  14. from pages 1-7 i think they changed the stlye of the penguins just look at the beak and body + feet it has changed they changed this i think this is the first time they changed the look. Oh and i kinda miss old cp but new cp is coming good a little.

  15. I don't really see why they are making fun of rare penguins, to the fourth post.

    And also, just stop complaining that they brought back some rares. It's for penguins who didn't join CP until after all the rares were gone. Sheesh, CP works hard for this stuff and all people do is complain about it.

  16. First of all :'( cries

    Second of all, all of the non member 'new' items in the catalogue are old and WERE rare. I remember when they were new and not many penguins had even seen them!

    Third of all the art style of the penguins ect. are just wrong! This is just too DISNEY and not CLUB PENGUIN!

    They are just making fun of those of us that have been on for all of the seven years!

    I wounder what Happy777 thinks about this?

  17. It's awesome that they let non members buy items :)

  18. Looks like they bring the same things back every 3 or 4 years.
    By that time there are not that many penguins still playing that have them.

    I like the fur vest for the girls.

  19. Ikr its boring But i started cp in 2009 and i dident have any rare stuff so im happy.Mimo how to make a cp blog i rlly want to blog about cp

    ***Bb 17***

  20. The problem is, once they bring an item back it is no longer rare. Although I like the idea of nonmember items in the catalog, I'm still mad that they are all old.

    The day they bring back the sombreros and ponchos is the day I'll quit. Cause those were the first things I bought.

    @Grande Pie- don't jinx it, they might just do that. Have like a whole catalog for old party hats. Or maybe start reusing pins.
