Monday, November 26, 2012

New on "Fun Stuff" - Archive PSA missions!

Polo Field posted a message on the Spanish blog. Take a look!

Hello, agents.
As many will know, Herbert, Polar Bear, has destroyed the headquarters of the EPF and the RV Hall. Yet I can not reveal much but I can tell you that the team is thinking big ideas for the future of the EPF (be alert to the blog that will keep you posted when I have more news).
Know how like PSA missions and wanted to make sure they can access them. So, let's add the former PSA missions to section "Fun Stuff" so they can perform them if they wish. Which is your favorite of the PSA mission? Tell us in the comments.
- The Club Penguin Team

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. What is APS mission?

  2. mine is gs secret mission

  3. Are the PSA missions really being moved aside to the Fun Stuff page? This makes me sad :( (assuming this isn't just the Spanish site that's doing it, which I kind of doubt :P). At least they're not deleting them entirely!

  4. I have noticed something. Each year a new card jitsu comes out in November. The one type remaining is snow. We have ALOT of snow! Maybe, we will make a pile of snow near the dojo, creating card jitsu snow

  5. APS = PSA in spanish
    RV = VR in spanish

  6. People PSA in spanish is APS

  7. It's PSA missions you fool! Mimo this is very serious! this means that Club Penguin is in the hands of people who know nothing about it! Club Penguin will Diiiieee . :(
