Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Club Penguin Times #369!

Club Penguin Times #369 is here! And it continues....

If you click the crabs this will pop up:

More new rules...

Lots of interesting Herbert parties coming up...

We are going to all freeze....

Secret Agent Identities: 

His real name is Guy... Haha! 

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
  Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. Mimo77 i just discovered Aunt Arctic is the Director!

  2. the hidden note has ARC on both newspapers could this be a new agency by the way my name is
    -Wwe 7 31

  3. NEWS: i cheated to get to the final security terminal and when i did it there's going to be an animation where the director tell's the player who ''she'' is, yes the director is *drum roll* Aunt Arctic, i know freaky right. Ok after the animation you will get something called ''Covert agent station''

  4. And ou thought it was Rodney.
