Friday, October 12, 2012

Sneak Peek: Halloween Party 2012!

Check out this new Club Penguin Halloween sneak peek!

Pretty sweet! See any hidden secrets in this video? I did.
Check this! If you click this skull...

It's a link and it takes you to Polo Field's part of the story.
Now watch this!

That's so cool! Sneaky move with the hidden link Cp. Very nice...

 - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. scary XD


  2. found one when Business moose goes in click the gate with skull like things on the left hand side

    acter boy 1

  3. hey guys how cool was the marvel super hero party?the party started sometime after i had to move out so i missed the party.and i was a member too.....

  4. wow im so PUMPED now!!! gonna be the best yet i reckon!! XD

  5. You won't believe what I saw on twitter. Billybob said
    "Operation Blackout is coming... Be ready." This may have to relate to the post "Club Penguin November Sneak Peek."
    And some time back you posted something about upcoming events in 2011 and it said "Blackout"

  6. Hey, is that ghost Gariwald VIII?
    Uh oh, um G, I kinda know what happened to your great uncle...

  7. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!I'm not a member but I can still hunt for ghosts.I can't wait.Watch out ghosts,I'm coming for you.

    From heroical03

    P.S.I'm not afraid of you either.

  8. That might be the machine used to become a ghost

  9. Mimo, You're weird. Almost super weird.

  10. Itsy Bitsy Herbert....

    You can finish the rest :D

  11. hey mimo!
    i have a code u might want to share
    it is
    use it to unlock a tricorn hat
    that was apparently in the shop
    4 years ago
    every1 could use it
    cant wait 4 the halloween party
