Sunday, October 28, 2012

Operation Black Out Twitter Pic!

Spike Hike Tweeted this:

Whoa that's crazy! Looks like G's glasses, yeah?
What do you think of this photo!?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. that is g's glasses and thats herbert grabbing what looks like a penguin, most likely sensei. you can tell in the reflection on the left lens (right lens if you were wearing them)

  2. LOOK MIMO LOOK!the left side of the glasses shows herbert pulling on a blue penguin(G!)'s arm.

  3. Woah! That's crazy,though I thought gary's glasses were indestructible.. and In the left lens there is a reflection of HERBERT?


  4. if you look at left side of glasses you can see herbert hmmmm... beating penguin?

  5. OMG! what if G was kidnapped?! BTW I cant wait for operation blackout! :D

  6. Hey, Mimo777, i just saw a red shining dot at the telescope at the beacon. you should check it out.

    - Karate728

  7. OH NO! Not G! We can't do anything without him!
    You've crossed the line Herbert!

  8. are those g's glasses?
    or are they harry potter's???


  9. Guys you dont listen, Listen closely, the "red light" has been there since February.

  10. that red shining dot is from rockhoppers adventure party

  11. It looks like Herbut is kidnapping Gary in the background.

  12. In the left lens there is a reflection of... HERBERT?

  13. Anonymous said...
    Hey, Mimo777, i just saw a red shining dot at the telescope at the beacon. you should check it out.

    - Karate728

    October 29, 2012 6:44 AM
    Dude,that was from the rockhoppers quest and stop saying theres a shining red dot everybody says that! You will not get credit cause mimo aleardy knows geez if you dont know what to write dont write something pointless

  14. If there is no Card Jistu snow, I quit!

  15. Herbert might kidnap G??? I am intriuged. BTW, does that thing through the telescope have anything to do with it. You know, the telescope in the haunted house attic.

  16. dont fear it will probably be a field op and it will sayn this 'ok I luckily I have a tracker on my glasses got to a nearby facility and find it good luck'nothing is fun anymore
