Saturday, October 6, 2012

New Blog and Bloggers Next Week!

Remember when Happy77 said Club Penguin would be updating the blog? Well, it's gonna happen next week! Sweet!

Here are two "official" new bloggers for the "What's New" blog... Polo Field and Businesmoose!

Apparently these guys have been helping Happy77 ever since she started blogging and making videos. So kinda cool they are gonna get into the action a bit more, eh?

Oh yeah, Club Penguin has shut off comments on the blog until the new update is launched, so don't freak out if you can't leave your favortite "Waddle On" post! ;-)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney

1 comment:

  1. I Know how to get a ghost costume

    (Everyone can use it) It's...


    and for some balloons it is...
    Heres some codes everyone can use waddle on! -Lily38411
