Wednesday, September 5, 2012

September 2012: Clothing Catalog!

The hidden Club Penguin Cheats in the Penguin Style Clothing Catalog for August 2012 are here!

Do this to find the cheats.

Step 1. Click on the Map icon in the lower left.
Step 2. Click on "Town."
Step 3. Go in the "Gift Shop."
Step 4. Click on the Clothing Catalog in the lower right.

Check out the new Background: 

New arrivals and Club Penguin cheats:

For the first cheat. Go to the 3rd page. And click the penguin's shoe.

And now you found the Horse Costume!
For the next cheat go to page 5.

And click the cars mirror.

You have found the Green Wheeler! 
Now go to the 7th page. And click the paint brush.

 Now you found the red viking helmet!

Click the paint brush four times and.....
You get the Blue Viking Helmet!

Now on the next page click the penguin's hair flower.

And you found the Green Surf Shorts! 

For the next page. Click the state's wheels.

To get the Aqua Sarong.

And you get the Rhythm & Purple Blues!

And thats it for the September Catalog!

Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. why am i banned on cp i was banned originall like a month ago ive been busy on minecraft and i tried to log in and im banned still !?!?!?!? Plese help

  2. Omg please help i was banned 5 days ago for 24 hrs and im still banned for 24 hours please help
