Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New Club Penguin Book: The Epic Official Guide!

Starting this Thursday, August 16, Club Penguin will be releasing The Epic Official Guide to Club Penguin book! It'll be available in stores across the USA and Canada!

CP books always come with a item you can unlock online, and with this Epic Official Guide, you'll unlock a rare item: the Expedition Backpack!

So be sure you pick up your copy Thursday and tell me what you think! 

 - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. I pre-ordered my copy a month ago. I'm so excited! =D

  2. Woo hoo!! Finally something in the USA and Canada! And that item sounds EPIC!(sorry for caps, I'm just so happy!) I'm definally getting that Saturday when my mom and I go shopping :)

  3. I cant wait intill it comes out in The Uk yay!
