Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Club Penguin Coffee Shop Update!

The Club Penguin Coffee Shop update is finally here!
Check it out!

And there is also a new game, Smoothie Smash! 

Here is how you play:

Pretty simple, right? Give it a try and let me know what you think!

Also, Do you like the Coffee Shop's new make over!?
Or do you prefer the old look?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. I loved the old look the new one ain't that cool.It was the one place in CP that I hoped would stay constant.even the new smoothie game ought to be remade to match the old feel of the place.I truly hope they undo the changes yet retain the smoothie game.There is not much left that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, this feels just as bad as when star trek TNG ended and was replaced by deepspacenine

  2. I don't like the new lamp and flooring.I miss the newspaper stack near the sofa and on the coffee table.The new look doesn't look much like a coffee shop, more like some strange smoothie coffee mutated alien bar thing.I hope they integrate the old look into the new one and I also miss the PSA.

  3. I guess it's okay.i still think jumping on food to be direspectfull. just yesterday i saw a poor banana crying cause he and a watermelon were to be squished by jumping .he was hoping to serve 5 years in prison instead. his crime was to have caused a an accident via slipping with full intent and malice ,the victim was some penguin who threw him across the snow forts for fun and to feed a strange hungry volcano. bla bla bla...

  4. At least they tidied up the counter.I wonder how I ever worked over there?

  5. I kinda like the older look... sure, changes can be good, but I really prefer the old CP, before there were really any changes.

    I prefer the old map, the gift shop with no extra icon (treasure book), when Puffles had no accessories, etc.

  6. The new one is WAY better im glad they updated it. the old one was boring and out dated :/ this one ROCKS

  7. I kinda like the new look, as for the game it is fun!

  8. The new game is pretty fun. When I finished playing a few games I said, "I think I'm going to take a shower now."

  9. The new coffee shop is so cool




  10. I don't like how CP is becoming too modernized.

  11. I hate the new one I loved the old one. I've been on club penguin scince it's been on rocket snail and Disney and the coffee shop was Awsome.��

  12. I liked the old one, but the new one is good too. It's still nice and friendly but looks cleaner
    I'm very glad they kept the music, it always makes me feel better to hear it if I am feeling sad.

  13. I like how CP are making the place more sleek but..... I really liked the old CP as too the newer version, just my opinion though

  14. The game is awesome and the new game rocks.

  15. I like the new coffee shop and the game. Pretty easy and fun. Its easy to feed the mascots in the game. I like the new bean counters area. The old coffee shop was quite small. Bye! :D

  16. Old one was so much better :( Upset now...
