Monday, June 11, 2012

Marvel Super Hero Takeover Sneak Peek!

Billybob says Club Penguin has always had lots of penguins wanting Super Hero costumes. This is why they partnered with Marvel to bring us The Avengers:  Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye.

I know I have already shown you what the costumes look like in this video, but here a sneak peek from Billybob:


The coolest part of the new Super Hero Party is there will be some costumes for non members, too!

Remember, The Marvel Super Hero Takeover starts June 14!

I think this may be one of the best parties ever, don't you?

 - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. Hi Mimo, this will be the best party ever on Club Penguin, ever! Don't you think? Oh by the way, I hate the idea of putting CeCe and Rock as Club Penguin mascots! I mean hate as capital!

  2. I think the new penguins joining during this party would be really lucky ;)

  3. Thank you Jesus!! I was going to say, this isn't going to be fun for nonmemebers, but now it is! Can't wait!:D

  4. I dont really want the party but I am looking forward to seeing all the penugins looking like super heros :)

  5. This is going to be fantastic, for the first time ever, non-members will be able to BUY COMPLETE COSTUMES from a CATALOG by paying actual COINS! I'm getting excited!

  6. OMG FINALLY!! apparently non-members will finally be able to buy costumes!!!! with coins!!! DREAM COME TRUE!!!
