Thursday, June 28, 2012

July 2012 Party Sneak Peek!

Starting July 19, Club Penguin is going to throw the HUGEST music/dance party EVER! They will be changing their yearly Music Jam party into a GIGANTICALLY big "Make Your Mark: Ultimate Jam"!

What ever that is?
Check out the sneak peek for the new party!

Also Rocky and CeCe from Disney Channel's "hit series" Shake It Up... Now I don't know about you but I think having them at the party is kinda lame. But Our awesome friend Cadence will be there too! 

Apparently there will be a bunch of surprises in July! So keep your eye out for more sneak peeks and different cool things!

What do you think about CP changing up the Music Jam? And whats up with CeCe and Rocky being there? Do you think Club Penguin will fail at making this party cool?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. Very much against CeCe and Rocky - and I'm scared what they mean by "change".

    The music jam was the best party of the year for every one I attended, and lately when Disney changes something it hasn't been good, the large red flag right now is Rocky and Cece

  2. Why don't they throw Justin Bieber in there too? They are even getting rid of the Penguin Band!

  3. im just gonna go on for the free items....

  4. O_O No more ORIGINAL music jam :(

  5. Im with u Mimo i think its lame that they are here TEAM MIMO

    Arim Erty

  6. There is a difference between disney owning clubpenguin and disney advertising in doing so.

  7. This sucks... Rocky and Cece in CP.
    If I see them I will just ignore them. I will not ignore Candence though. This better be good CP...

  8. Ugh, I really hated the idea of bringing these girls to CP. The Music Jam would have been better without them! They're gonna ruin my b-day through CP later on in July :'(

  9. At least Rocky and Ce Ce will be penguins...

  10. Whats the point in adding CeCe and Rocky in the party 0_0

    Club penguin
    Don't tell me there more shake it up characters!

  11. I hope they at least decorate the ENTIRE island...

  12. it will definitely be a fail if the penguin band is not there...

  13. No I don't want them to come

  14. Cadence IS NOT SINGING -.-'' She is dancing ...

  15. What ever happened to CP

    1. It lost its way I'm 2010, it sucks now

  16. Ugh you guys are all so stuck in your ways!! Change is good!

    I for one can't wait to see what disney/CP chuck into the mix next :D

    If Music Jam was always the same it wouldn't be very fun anymore would it?

    Embrace the change and who knows, you might actually enjoy it! :)

    I doubt the apearance of Cece and Rocky will make much of a difference to the party.

    Waddle On!

  17. I hate how CP is becoming a Disney sellout...I'm not gonna be surprised if I see a ton of "protests" happening in Abominable.
    RIP Club Penguin
    I know a lot are gonna quit, this is probably another party I won't care about, I'll just get the free items, see the rooms, get stamps if any, then just leave.

  18. Don't start hating on them just for coming, there working hard to make cp funner, not worse, and i LOVE the idea!

  19. The original Music jam party is the best. Not this "advertisement party."

  20. Cadence is a DJ not a singer.
    Why does she have a microphone?

  21. I sort of like the fact their penguins... but I don't like it for some reason. Just have the Penguin band back in the Music Jam party. I just wish that CP didn't replace the Penguin band :/ Well... at least Candice is at the party.

  22. I'm still mad that they went through with this, but I'm glad that they kept Cadence. At least there are some remnants of Club Peguin at this party.

  23. Dear people who want to know if PB is there... according to C.P they are. This party will be different but they are adding 2 more mascots. Not much difference. I know Normal music jam rocks, but give this a try first.

  24. When Cece and Rocky arive, get your super villain costumes on and destroy the stage!! They should have made Camp Rock mascots instead, because disney made camp rock right?

    Anyways, the arrive of the final element in Card Jitsu is what I am most excited about.

  25. Rocky looks hot... Lol

  26. Well, I think that Rocky looks pretty than any other mascot penguin in club penguin, better graphics, and it doesn't look bad after all, btw, Rocky looks pretty beautiful

  27. @anon
    OMG they are the newest famous pengiun and you are just gonna ingore them? O_o
    That's a stupid idea ,seriously they probably won't come back next year! but candance will ALWAYS!
    I don't care if i hate them or not im still looking for them, getting their background and getting a badge even if i hate them

  28. Omg guys stop complaining. I'm sick of you guys complaining geez. It's a great idea. Thanks cp you rock :)

  29. Total fail...
    At least rocky and cece are penguins....
    but still this will suck without the penguin band

  30. It should be only music jam not make your mark! I say make the Music Jam in Augest! Who is with me?

  31. Could someone PLEASE tell me who Rocky and Cece are? I seriously do not know why all of you hate them so much (because I do not know who they are...). Will the Music Jam be totally ruined because of the two of them? I hope not! I really love the Music Jam!
    ---> CP Penguin name: My Pi Pi

  32. I hate shake it up but if rocky and ceecee have backgrounds ill take em!

  33. Dear Disney,
    IF your gonna throw in more characters from your TV shows, at least throw in 1 or less every 3 months. I don't want disney palooza! Please bring back the Penguin band! What ever happened to THEM!?

    From a person

  34. Mimo777 its not kinda lame its VERY LAME. Oh lets have moment of silence for CP for how low it went by doing this...............................................................................

  35. If Shake It Up never existed and they were just some CP characters then yeah,whatever! BUUT since this is just shameless advertising it's...quite bad. I guess I'll just ignore them. That's the best thing to do.

  36. The weirdest thing is this-

    Club Penguin has prided itself for YEARS having "No 3rd Party Advertisements" - So , does it make advertisements better just because they are in the same party (Disney).

    I'm very frustrated.

  37. Great, a great party being wrecked. Cece and Rocky? No. That's just really lame.

  38. Next thing we know they're gonna bring "A Pair of Kings" to a Water Expedition or something. Then "Wizard's of Waverly Place" (although I do not hate this show, it would be horrible to bring it to CP) to 2013's Medieval Party...

  39. I prefer the 2011 party. I expect some MAJOR protests in the popular servers like someone posted. But we will have to wait and see. People are baing their judgement on just these two characters. We don't if it will be cool or not until it comes. I will be very mad though if the backstage is taken away.

  40. Disney is making CP so LAME!

  41. Let's just give it a chance. I don't respect Disney and their shows whatsoever, but it's Club Penguin, I guess. :/

  42. yay shake it up I'm a 12 year old dude

  43. The only reason Rocky and CeCe will be there is because Billybob can't disagree with Disney, Billybobs owners. Which really sucks!


  44. Okay, I can't wait for the Music Jam party to be on!!!!! But the bad news is I am a very poor penguin but am a member but I probably won't be able to buy anything because I have drum roll please!!!!!!!!!!..... 1 coin!

  45. All i have to say Is.... Arrg! :(

  46. I hate this. I have never liked Candence but I guess I like her a whole lot more now.


  47. This is a music jam. Not a dance jam + Rocky and CeCe can't even dance.

  48. I think this party is Gunnar be good then suck also

  49. This party is like in the middle of sucky and good

  50. Im sooo exited for a shake it up party on cp! I love shake it up and Bella Thorne is awesome. I am looking forward to this party!

  51. ikr?!? Shake It Up sucks so much! And Disney is calling it a "hit series"? There is only one good show that is on Disneychannel right now: Good Luck Charlie.
    P.S. I'm not including the ones that ended, but those were good also.

  52. THIS IS SO STUPID club penguin is ruind ROCKY CECE REALLY I QUIT CP LAST MONTH THEY ARE ADVERTISING EVER Y THing whats next doc mc stuffins?
