Sunday, June 17, 2012

Club Penguin New Igloo Experience Sneak Peek!

Club Penguin has uploaded a sneak peek of the new igloo experience coming to the island soon.


Whoa! So Cool! We will be able to save up to 3 igloos or even have no igloo at all! AND, we can "like" igloos! Saweet!

The igloo experience looks similar to the puffle upgrade, doesn't it?

 - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. Seems interesting. I hope there will be a good amount of different background settings to choose from in the future. I think this update will be pretty cool and beneficial. Beneficial to those who have decent artistic skills anyway. For others it'll just be cool.

  2. GREAT IDEA!! i LOVE this idea! i think it is FANTASTIC! well done cp :)

  3. Cool! Can't wait!

    By the way, I sent you a friend request on Club penguin

  4. What do you mean by ''we'', only members or everybody?

  5. Starting to sound like Habbos system of rating rooms, but considering Habbo is muted and probably going to be killed, I'm excited.

  6. The non-members should have the same thing

    Arim Erty

  7. Wow. That's so cool. I can never decide how to decorate now I can have all my options
    Can keep my spa
    Have a garden
    And a seasonal iggy
    Well done cp. A good idea



  8. I like how with every bad news theres good news. :/

  9. It says "Features shown require paid membership", so that means you need to be a member to be able to do this stuff.


  10. It says you can save the flooring!
    And shows a empty field too.
    We've been wanting one of those to go camping in.
    All right!
    I like it.

  11. I have been sending emails to CP fanmail for YEARS asking for igloo backgrounds - I'm so happy that they finally decided to add the feature!

    I'm hoping they will change the player cards soon, I have SO many items and it takes so long just to find my favorites.

    @Anonymous - The fine print at the start of the video states "Features shown require a paid membership", so I'm assuming it means member only.
    Bingo1059 (Cpg mod?)

  12. Arim Erty
    If nonmembers want to do all the things members do, they need to work like we do and buy a membership. I babysit, my cousin mows lawns in the summer.
    Why would someone pay if they didn't get anything for it? That's why members get things nonmembers don't.

  13. i am now never coming on this ever again because some or MOST people are mean to CECE and ROCKY from shake it up and they don't dislike them they are just agreeing with people who hate it not their own opinion i really believe that CECE and ROCKY are great dancers and have a beautiful voice

  14. @Arim Erty,if the non-members get the same thing than all that hard work put into all this from Disney would be given to people who don't even do anything,members get this because they are paying the money so they can buy something(i don't know what)so they can make this so if non-members get this they would get it because they are not helping out and scamper i think so too this looks awesome

  15. When is it coming out?

  16. Wow that looks super-duper fudging cool!
    Hey it least it kinda makes up for the stupid shake it up party....

  17. The music jam isn't that bad, it was starting to get old anyways... After five years

  18. When are they putting that up. Were still waiting on Arctic White.

  19. club penguin did say they will release it in june
