Monday, May 14, 2012

Reviewed By You: Favorite Story!

Club Penguin asked you to submit comments about helping endangered animals! They really liked Ariane2005's:
    "Hey Guys can you guess what I do everyday? Yep I clean up where I live. I do that because there are animals that live there to. Like Birds,Stray Cats, Skunks, Deer, Insects, Mystery animal, Hedgehogs too. You see any backyard can be a habitat so help keep it clean no animal likes a dirty habitat. This idea was inspired by club penguin. I have been cleaning the habitat for years. One More Thing Waddle On C.P"
Seems like the room pictured below could be somewhere wizards (or Gary) might spend time in... ;)

For the next Reviewed By You, they like to know what your favorite Club Penguin story is and why. They will post one of your comments and you'll even receive a 10,000 coin bonus on your account! Just in time to buy some sweet furniture items for your igloo castle.

 - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. I don't even have a pet!!! I love them but I cant have one D:< I really want a hamster!!!

  2. I think that this will be the coolest party ever on cp

  3. This party is going to be awesome!!!!!

  4. This party will be awesome

  5. that room is probably the lighthouse

  6. I think it will be the greatest and most awesome thing ever on the planet of earth! :D

  7. Definatly looks like a place for wizards,

  8. wobblybob294 (CPGmod)May 19, 2012 at 11:20 PM

    The room is the lighthouse but you cant sit on the purple seat on all the spheres only gary can.
    from wobblybob294 (CPGmod)
