Tuesday, May 8, 2012

New Medieval Story Puzzle!

The Medieval Party is almost here!

And Club Penguin has been working on finishing up the rooms decorating. So here is a sneak peek of the scavenger hunt will be!

Over the next week CP will be having more hints about the party! 

What are you most exited about for this party?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. free items (unless its the purple magicians hat i would be mad and quit cp for returning that)

    1. Same I get so angry coz last year one of da partys had the same thing and if they had the same thing I would quit and give my penguin away with a member ship6 month:-$

  2. you can tell which place is which in that map!

  3. I'm ready to take on the evil Dragon King!

  4. look at the ice rink! :O
