Thursday, May 17, 2012

Club Penguin has Uploaded a New Video!

Club Penguin has uploaded a new Youtube video!

And check it out! At the end there is a new ad for the new Marvel Super Hero Party in June! 

Arne't you glad CP bought Marvel and Club Penguin? What do you think they will buy next? The world...?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. .before i wasnt really looking forward to this superhero party,but now that i know its marvel superheros i cant wait!

  2. who else wants to be thor captain america and iron man

  3. OMG i love the avengers thank you so much cp :D

  4. I saw the movie the avengers! It was epic. And Know both of my favorite things combine! This is becoming more intresting and I am so excited! Say Avengers rule if you saw the movie!

  5. Its not cp that bought Marvel and Club Penguin, (Cp is Club Penguin) Disney bought Marvel and Club Penguin
    Oh and add my penguin
    from Wobblybob294

  6. Marvel superheroes?

  7. well club penguin is Disney anonymous

    (cpg mod)


  8. So...we can dress up as....Iron Man?


  9. White angel llamaMay 21, 2012 at 8:35 AM

    Hmm saw the movie loved it but cp and marvel this could be really cool or really bad idk anyway can't wait

  10. Wobblybob294 (CPG Mod)May 22, 2012 at 12:02 AM

    i said that. thats why its marvel because disney own marvel and cp and they want more ppl on cp by putting advertisements with things children like.
    They want cp to have a bigger population.
    Hope This Helps
    Wobblybob294 (CPG Mod)

  11. wobblybob294 (CPG Mod (I hope))May 22, 2012 at 8:32 AM

    Mimo you said 'good thin CP bought Marvel and Club Penguin'
    actually Disney bought Marvel and Club Penguin (you said cp bought them, cp is club penguin so how its disney not cp)
    Hope This Helps Your Mistake Mimo
    From Wobblybob294 (CPG Mod)
