Thursday, April 19, 2012

Club Penguin Message From Dot!

Dot has sent us a new Club Penguin message!

Isn't that good? Herbert is long gone? Yay!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


  1. uhh yah but where did he go? its bttr we know where his is insted of him gone and then one day....tuan taun taaaa

  2. No.... no Herbert means the spies wouldn't have anything to do that was the puble polar enemy #1 without him we would have nothing

  3. Anonymous said...
    No.... no Herbert means the spies wouldn't have anything to do that was the puble polar enemy #1 without him we would have nothing
    I agree! We're gonna be out of a job and that means we might not get anymore EPF Paychecks! Nooooooooooooo! (in slow mo)

    Waddle On!

  4. Klutzy is still on the island and Herbert would NEVER leave his BFF.

  5. Both of you are so right. What if he's got some brain power now that he's gotten his long nap. He truly knows the EPF is smart. He knows its tactics. He might simply be outthinking the EPF. What excitement can Club Penguin make from a dead polar bear? He could pop out of the bushes and create a Dragon King or something!

  6. I think he is coming back at the medieval party remember last year

  7. Maybe he's not gone,this could only mean one thing:He's planning something BIG! At least thats my theory

  8. Maybe Herbert floated all the way to Shipwreck island and is setting up base there? Might explain why Disney wanted the EPF to expand its network earlier this year... maybe so that we could have a future EPF mission?

  9. Uh, Mimo? Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not good. He's a wanted criminal, you don't want him to destroy another island.
