Thursday, February 2, 2012

Club Penguin Time Issue #328 is here!

Club Penguin Time Issue #328 is here! Get your fashion on now!

Welp, Rookie admitted it was all his fault the island tipped and is now thanking everyone for their help!

He says it's not like anything SUPER bad happened! So I guess a certain missing Polar Bear shouldn't be an issue?

Aunt Arctic giving fashion advice and unique style? I think NOT! ;-)

Penguin Style Special Dances:

Don't you love how all the "Secrets" in the Club Penguin Times are not really secrets? Everyone really knows this stuff... don't they?

But, did you know this upcoming stuff?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter 


  1. Yeah, evrybody already knows da secrets!

  2. I like Rookie. I don't think he works for Herbert at all! He's my best friend XD

  3. the vikings that time forgot?
