Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Club Penguin Home Page & Start Screen Update!

Club Penguin has updated the Start Up Screen for Rockhopper's Quest! Explore New Islands!

And, the Home Page too!

Dood! That looks so cool, doesn't it? Stormy seas? Yikes!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter


  1. Yeah! I saw that and I was like, "woah, that's awesome!" Well, at least I'm a member again now.

    Waffle On!


  2. Ok this is a bit of topic- but you can copy and paste the epf messages!!!

    (Finished another sweep of the island. No sign of Herbert. How did he just vanish into thin air? You'd think he'd be groggy from his four month nap…)...

    And I think you can build your own ship on RH quest! I say this because there is a steel ship on the 1st picture!!

  3. this is the best home page since August 2011! I wish we had the 2006 one.
