Thursday, December 22, 2011

Club Penguin Field Op Number 61 Cheats!

The Club Penguin Field Op Number 61 cheats are here!

Step 1. Click your Spy Gadget.
Step 2. Click "Go there."
Step 3. Click Field Op board. (or click Field Ops on the Spy Gadget)
Step 4. Click "Accept Field-Op."

Step 5. You don't have to click your map this time! Woot!
Step 6. Stay in the Command Room.
Step 7. Go to the big monitor.

Step 8. Click your spy gadget and click "Engage."
Step 9. Now you can complete the puzzle!

Once the Field Op is complete, you will get this message from G;

Step 10. If you are a member you can click "Elite Gear" and get something cool! If you are not a member, you can get the EPF earpiece, and then enjoy collecting your badges... and stamps! ;-)

 - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter -


  1. I think Herbert will escape, If the security is off Herbert can easily escape, He might be pretending to be Asleep :O

  2. thx i was trying to c how PS my penguin is Shadow25256 :D
