Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Club Penguin's Rockhopper in New York City!

Club Penguin will be sending Rockhopper to New York City this Friday! Not only that, but Billybob will be there too! Woot!

Thousands of you sent in your drawings of penguins in coats for ABC's Good Morning America's Warm Coats, Warm Hearts virtual coat drive.

Here are the deets:

When: Friday December 2 8:00am EST
Where: Good Morning America Studios - Times Square, New York
What to bring: a real coat to donate to the Warm Coats Warm Hearts campaign

And, the first 300 people to donate a real coat at this event will get a Club Penguin plush toy prize! Saweet!

Dood, I wish I could go, don't you? Will any of you be there? If you go, take lots of pictures and send to me so I can post them here! Cool?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter


  1. I want to go! I live so close to NY, but my family is just so busy, PLUS, its friday, i have school! I want to go sooo bad!

  2. Yay the first ever time i update faster when you dude your a gun

  3. I'm all the way in England, I can't go :(

  4. I WANNA GO!!! But i can't i'm busy Friday. I WANT TO GO!!!!! :(

    Your biggest fan!: 4545Devin

  5. i really really wish i could go but i live in florida

  6. See I'm on the East Coast... but too far south. I could technically go but it would take like a day driving, so I don't think so. :P

    -Chaos6267 (sometimes chaosc)

  7. omg i live in new york but im on holiday in scotland till saturday so can't go
