Thursday, November 10, 2011

Club Penguin EPF Message From G!

Well, our vacation is over and Gary has sent us a new Club Penguin message! Check it out:

Dood! Have you seen any unusual fire or water activities? Hmm, can you even think what these activities could be? (Thanks, Miki5258)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter 


  1. I just thought of something... EVERY cp party has a member room... and this party has member rooms for them... I am guessing a secret members room will come to the party, I aren't so sure but just maybe...

  2. i have seen water activity, go to the cove and wait a couple minutes, u will see some small waves start to appear in the water

  3. must mean snow is coming soon. lots of ninja activity is occurring...

  4. snow is coming, i saw the tin at target, its avalable now

  5. sorry but mimo777 can you add me in cp! I sent you all time emails! Plzzz my name in cp is petkidi007

  6. There's been a ton of nonmembers in the dojo trying to win the belts and the mask.
