Friday, November 11, 2011

Club Penguin Card-Jitsu Update and Sneak Peek!

Boo Yeah! I was SO right!

Billybob has posted this Club Penguin sneak peek for the Card-Jitsu Party! Here is what he had to say:
Since we've launched a new ninja game each year, many of you have been wondering when we will launch Card-Jitsu Snow.
The team is still working hard on creating a great Snow experience, but unfortunately it's not going to be ready for a while. We don't want to launch it until it's the best it can be. So, we've decided to do something different for ninjas this year, and we think you'll love it. There are some BIG surprises in store...
  • We're releasing a huge new Card-Jitsu Party. For the very first time, we're decorating almost the whole island with a ninja look!
  • There will be new decorations, new items, new Stamps and new rooms available only at the party!
  • For the first time, penguins with free accounts will be able to play Card-Jitsu Fire and Water during the party!!
  • We also have a BIG surprise for those who are able to earn their Fire Suit or Water Suit.
See... NO CARD-JITSU SNOW... yet!!

But, here's a sneak peek of the party:

Dood! What's "Ancient Shadows?" Hmmm, do you think we might see a shadow ninja?

Wow! Sounds like a pretty smoove party! I'm still bummed about no Card-Jitsu Snow, though, aren't you?

Play Pea Cart!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter


  1. their doing this again next year a moderator told me thats so awesome :D

  2. Hey Mimo.
    Have you seen the name of the play showing at The Stage in the sneak peak photo????
    Does this mean the arrival of the Shadow Ninja?!

    Lets hope so!

  3. Ancient Shadows will be the new play at the stage mimo!

  4. shadow ninja? snow jistu? wut is up with this!
    iam so confused i dont know what to say!

  5. they say there working hard on card jistu snow, they might release it after the party, or like 3 weeks after the party, or mabye a month.......or two...

  6. The post said that the CP team were WORKING HARD on cjs... that means it will come very soon. And there is also those card jitsu snow tins everyone is talking about.

  7. Grande pie said...

    Ancient Shadows will be the new play at the stage mimo!
    Actually, the photo was a little bit down. So it MIGHT have another word in front. Here's an example "The Dragon Of The Ancient Shadows". Now you get it? ;)
    Ethan80561 (CPG Mod)

  8. Oh and there IS Card-Jitsu Snow this month. They mean like near basicly December well like past Christmas.

  9. Guys listen up, on our amulet the black spot means we became a regular ninja and we will not get shadow ninja suits cuz they dont exist but we WILL get the suits because of the new play "Ancient Shadows". In the stage catalogue the suit will be there. oh n by the way card-jitsu snow is coming in december or january....

  10. Hey Mimo!
    It's Been a long long long time since you made a Mimo party in Clubpenguin... Infact, How about you make one during the Card-Jitsu Party?! That would be "PHUN" :) :) :) :D :D :D

  11. Pengi05721 (thomas05721)November 12, 2011 at 8:48 AM

    Mimo, just saw u at iceburg with funhouse and all that!

  12. A new game for the iPod is coming out Mimo. Its called Kingdom Island. Check it out!

  13. :I got a secret messege from one of the ClubPenguin members and mods unexpectly:

    "On November 15th, there will be a post on the ClubPenguin hompage giving more plans about Card Jistu Snow and upcoming events"

    :The messege also described a new game on iphone coming soon:

    "A new game called Pufflescape will be coming on on the iphone, later it will continue onto other phone companys"

  14. 'Will there now be snow?
    The way of the ninja flows
    Maybe sensei knows'

    Cool haiku! Well thats what an ancient ninja told me...

    Well anyway, speaking of ninjas reminds me of some valuable information.... On one of the cjs collecter tins i saw this message-
    ... actually i will keep it a secret until the time is right. but to be honest, i think someone put in on there sneakily

  15. Mimmo I e mailed clubpenguin a question saying wh y no snow and i will tell u what they said when i get a response! :)

  16. i got the same email about the snow jistu post and the iphone game coming soon! SUPER WEIRD!!!
