Monday, October 10, 2011

Club Penguin Log In Glitch!

Dood! When I logged in to Club Penguin today, look what I got:

Saweet glitch. eh? Has this happened to you before? Any other weirdness happen lately?

Play Space Punk Racer!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter


  1. Ethan80561 (CPG MOD)October 10, 2011 at 2:36 PM

    It happened to me when the fair started. You have to log off for it to come back.

  2. Ethan80561 (CPG MOD)October 10, 2011 at 2:45 PM

    I Have a COOL glitch!
    I was looking through the fairy fables catolouge I had 158 coins and i accidently clicked the red cape that is 500 coins and it said Would you like to buy Red Cape for 100 coins and i clicked yes and it worked!

  3. this happened to me when I logged on in the morning

  4. Ethan80561 (CPG MOD)October 10, 2011 at 3:07 PM

    Thank you for posting me 2 times!

  5. Weird.


  6. Ethan80561 (CPG MOD)October 10, 2011 at 3:59 PM

    Hello Clubpenguin/World!

    Why/How is it saweet?

  7. Cooldude995 said...

    This glitch happened to me when I logged on in the morning

    Were you fustrated/annoyed?

    Ethan80561 ( CPG MOD)

  8. That happened to me lots of times!

  9. This happened to me 2 months ago. Weird...

  10. It happend to me in 2009 its when a room is super full the system gets stuck.

    Yung4 (CPG MOD)

  11. Dot-Com said...
    This happened to me 2 months ago. Weird...
    Same here

  12. This happened to me about 6 months ago!

  13. It happens when you spawn in a full room. I gave you a link of it before but you never posted it...

  14. Yes! I got that glitch as well, I had it before but I didn't get to screenshot it, and I got it just then XD

  15. Ethan80561 (CPG MOD)October 10, 2011 at 10:46 PM

    I was a bit scared when it started! I thought it was a virus

  16. Something even weirder happen to me before!When I log in,somehow the load is stuck and then it will pop out something and it says wait or kill clubpenguin

    -Arty One

  17. It happen to me some few weeks ago. And I was like, "Y U NO SHOW MAH PENGUIN?!"

  18. Yung4 said...
    It happend to me in 2009 its when a room is super full the system gets stuck.

    Yung4 (CPG MOD)
    Please only put CPG Mod after your name if you are modding or if you already are a mod.


  19. yes, while i was at the medieval party

  20. Whats that clock thing next the EPF badge? O_o

  21. That's so funny! That happened just the other week at the stadium because it was full! then I went to the town.

  22. That Happened to me to!!!!


  23. Happen to me like 500 times!

  24. Yep. This has happened to me before.


  25. Happen to me every time I log in hehehe but I'm not a member so it was aynnoing:P

  26. Dood this has happened to me at the start of the year. It's sad you didn't mention the question mark button

  27. pengi05721 (CPG mod)October 12, 2011 at 8:38 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Something even weirder happen to me before!When I log in,somehow the load is stuck and then it will pop out something and it says wait or kill clubpenguin

    -Arty One
    I see you are using Google chrome,That has been happening to me too.
    By "kill clubpenguin" it means to refresh the webpage and start again. so its nothing unormal (it has a pic of a folder with a scarf

  28. 'Nickname' is the variable assigned to the penguin name text field :)

  29. It even happened happened to me weird eh.

  30. Thanks! you posted me like 6 times

  31. Saweet huh do you guys like it? Post what you think here

  32. Dear Ethan801561,
    This is a common glitch I find it very interesting I really like it I have called CP about this glitch and they said they would try to fix it I honestly don't know why they have it

  33. Blacky24782 (CPG MOD)October 13, 2011 at 9:00 AM

    Ethan80561, Maybe you should report the bug to club penguin because it is sort of unfair

  34. Blacky24782 (CPG MOD)October 13, 2011 at 9:02 AM

    Zama1, Odd isn't it! I've seen some club penguin private servers and when they load up that comes up aswell!

  35. Blacky24782 (CPG MOD)October 13, 2011 at 9:03 AM

    Creed (CPG MOD), Hey creed you know(Not being harsh)but club penguin don't make glitch's on purpose they just annoyingly happen.

  36. Cool lol i got something like that i got Undefined.

    Can i tell you a glitch though, when the fair was on the tickets thing didn't come up but all the fair stuff did lol me and my friend went around buying everything !!

  37. Yes I got the same glitch as you its really weired because its there then it just goes away and everythings back to normal also everythings in german when it was on my account!!! Very weired if you want a screen shot I took just tell me and I will send it to your email Mimo!
