Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fairly Fair Newspaper!

Club Penguin Time Issue #308 is! Check out all the "fairly" cool news!

The Fair has big plans for the Stadium and will offer NEW prizes! One of which will involve a squid! Dun, dun dun!

And, the Brown puffle will even join in the fun this year at the Puffle Circus for Members:

In case you didn't know... ;-)

Awesome stuff coming...

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter 


  1. Did anyone else notice that the event says "Member Prize Booth"? Does this mean that non-members will not get any prizes?

  2. anonymous said...

    Did anyone else notice that the event says "Member Prize Booth"? Does this mean that non-members will not get any prizes?
    last year there was a member prize booth and a non member and member prize booth, so members can get all the prizes and non members can get some prizes. at least thats what happend last year...
