Monday, August 15, 2011

Jet Pack Guy Send Message!

Jet Pack Guy sends G a Club Penguin message!

Yeah, G, spill the beans! We want more deets, right?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President


  1. i wonder if G will spill the beans yet

    acter boy 1
    and dot could be asking next maybe

  2. In the beta team game yum yum yuck yuck you cant move at all. Please tell ur viewers.

  3. Doesn't he have a real name?

  4. hmm this is strange i agree with acter boy 1 dot could ask next! SPILL THE DANG ON BEANS GGERALD THE GADGET GUY!

  5. Hmmm looks like everyone wants to know what's up what's going on .


  6. I think club penguin is just buying time with all this "whats going on" business. They are wasting our money!

  7. how old are you mimo?

  8. Heyy Mimo just dropping by mate.Good to see your blogs still going strong.

    ~Wii Wii Wii1~ Former Mimo Mod when cpg mods had ranks

  9. i think the party is something to do with capturing herbert and gary wont tell us yet coz it top secret :)

  10. Cheeseburgers(CPG MOD)August 16, 2011 at 4:22 AM

    Ba6abi6o said...
    Doesn't he have a real name?

    Do you mean G? If you're reffering to him, its Gary. If its Jetpack Guy, it could be George coz' we got a message from herbert on May 17 sayin' "Temper, temper, Jet Pack George."

  11. Ba6abi6o said...
    Doesn't he have a real name?
    Jet Pack Guy is his real name.

  12. Yes Indeed. We should indeed properly know "the tweets".

  13. Army of Club Penguin LeaderAugust 16, 2011 at 8:27 AM

    Yeah G spill em' already!

  14. I think club penguin is just buying time with all this "whats going on" business. They are wasting our money!


    Actually, they are probably not doing this on purpose. I think they already have their plan in mind - they just need to get it set up and drawn and coded, which might take a while. While they're setting up for that, they might as well leave a few hints for the penguins

    - Sophi Jr

  15. remember the comm app isn't safe right now so they cant tell anything until they re-secure it
