Monday, July 11, 2011

I haven't posted about Club Penguin in 3 days?! Wha?

Dood. I got super busy, sorry about that.

Ok, here's a test:

Your great, great, great, Grandma Rufus died and left you 28.6 squzillion dollars. So you decided to buy Club Penguin

Name 3 things and only 3 things you would do to make Club Penguin better!

Leave a comment, GO!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Listen to Mimo's album Crazy Wheel!
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Online Kids Games


  1. Make clothes(dress) be available for Non-Members. That's one of 'em!

  2. 1. Lower the membership rates (at least back to normal)

    2. Make more items with special dances and return a few older items

    3. Make a few things more for non-members

  3. Bring back the Mountain Expedition, lower membership prices, and every week, every penguin will get a donut! :D

  4. One make the whole thing have halo
    Two make the puffles talk
    Three make rockhopper come every month

  5. hmm. Well first I would give non-members a chance to do every thing that only members can do! Even make catalogs available for everyone! Next I would probably update every single room so all of them look new (the dock image is getting old, isn't it?) Finally, I would make more missions to do!


  6. 1. New places! Maybe access to Rockhopper Island?

    2. More clothing for non-members, but not all.


    Oh yeah.


  7. wow I just reealized that you didnt post for 3 days. guess I was probably to busy too.

    2. Edit your own map
    3. Members and non-members can get all puffsles.

  9. 1. Let non-members do just a little more.
    2. Add more missions, rooms and parties.
    3. Update all of the rooms and make them look more modern.


  10. 1. give back water party and other old parties(Submarine party) 2.Free shirts not hats! 3.A free member ship for a week each 6 months! Ahh... I wish all this was true...Pups2003

  11. 1.I would let every penguin be a member for one whole month.
    2.Id let every penguin find all the mascots easier.
    3.Id let all penguins that dont know about the beta team go on it and play them if they haven't played the ones there.

  12. Or
    One make it so you can make your igloo a pirate ship
    Two put dogs in it
    Three make it so you can fly

  13. hhhhmmmm.

    1. i would give non members a chance to be a member for a whole month .

    2. when mascots come (rockhopper,sensei,cadence) every one would get a special time to meet that mascot.

    3. give out more free items.


  14. 1.I would like to make my own items

    2.i would stop membership so it would be fair for unmembers to get items.

    3.You could get a steed(MEMBER'S ONLY)anythyng else for unmember's

  15. 1.We could create you own item.

    2.(MEMBER ONLY) Beable to buy upgrades sleds like rockets on it

    3.Nyon puffle as a pet or a costume


  16. 1. return the WATER PARTY those were fun!

    2. Make more mascots

    3. Make coins for change a YEARLY thing!

  17. 1st i would change the hot pink puffle which might be coming to a grey one
    2nd make a game where you design your own games like a platform game where you choose theme EG puzzle or adventure and character EG puffle or penguin
    3rd make a rainbow puffle which is every puffle combined so it plays all puffle minigames

  18. 1.non memeber month where everyone is a memeber for one month no paying
    2.Around the world party(Where every room repsents a differnt country pet crabs(differnt color like puffles and diffent natures)

  19. 1) more non member clothes
    2) more rooms
    3) another special penguin

  20. I would...

    1.Add a football field

    2.Improve all the parties

    3.Make more items for the Penguin Style and Better Igloos catalogs

  21. You could sell back items for half as much as you brought them for
    More free stuff and more FRIENDS.<3
    That was love by the way

  22. 1.Make every catalog also have a catalog for non-members
    2.Make a way for it to have a Teen mode
    3.Make everything realistic

  23. 1. let penguins get jobs
    2. food for penguins
    3. make puffle translators

  24. 1. Make more games
    2. Make more clothes items
    3. Make more rooms

  25. I would have Coins for Change give out 2000 every week to 10 different charities, let all puffles be bought by non-members and give out items to the kindest penguins every week.

  26. 1.CANCEL MEMBERSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2.add more games,places,shops,etc.
    3.Make puffles even cuter

  27. 1. The Gift Shop selling Gold Cards that can unlock a special effect such as atom power that makes penguins turn green and Followers that follow you all around Club Penguin

    2. Brand new houses, clothes, games, puffles, rooms, and room looks

    3. Non-members can do everything a member can do

  28. -Make atleast 1 new room to be added in the map.
    -Make a CP social site.
    -Have atleast 2 membership days every month.

  29. Here is my to three things to do if I bought Club Penguin.

    1. First, I would make it so all the non-members can do whatever the members can do.(buy stuff, go to exclucive rooms in parties,etc.)

    2. Make a new game and add new stamps every month.

    3. Make more items with special dances and make the parties more "exciting."

  30. New places.
    Bring back/make new PSA missions.
    Change either games, festivals or the play at the theatre (changes are as rare as fairy dust there) more often.

  31. 1. make it totally bug free
    2. have free membership days
    3. give everyone access to the lake room without having to do the tutorial over again

  32. Well,
    1.I'd make you have unlimited friends.
    2.You could buy memberships with your Club Penguin money(not real money though).
    3.You could bee friends with famous penguins(Gary,Aunt Arctic, Cadence ect.)

  33. 1. new name island

    3.take membership off

  34. I would turn everyone into cats.

    Then I would force everyone to go to Rockhopper's island to find the magical chicken.

    THEN I would turn them back into penguins.

  35. 1. Make more things for non members

    2. Lower membership prices to like $2.00

    3. Make something come out every day

    4. New Places

  36. 1. Lower Membership prices to $3.50 every month.

    2. Non-members have their very own exclusive Non-Members Catalog.

    3. Make Mimo777 replace Billybob.

  37. Firstly I would get rid of paid membership as the paid members often look down on some non members for not having anything and personally I think getting money out of kids for an online game is silly. CP could make money through merchandise.
    Secondly bring back the epic water party because everyone seemed to love it.
    Thirdly make EPF missions like the PSA missions and have them come out like once a month regularly.

  38. 1. Half the cost of memberships
    2. Have Rockhopper and other famous penguins come more often
    3. Have old member items become available for non-members at the parties (so the 2011 member only item will be the 2012 non-member item, so that non-members don't miss out)

  39. 1. Make non members be able to buy things
    2. Make Membership £1.00
    3. Make Another Secret Room

  40. Make memberships way cheaper, celebrate all countries holidays e.g Australia Day and make it more cool for teens.


  41. i would lower the membership prices and make a new place!

  42. 1. Give Free "T-Shirts" more often during parties so we have to look cool in.
    2. Make Club Penguin free for a week.
    3. Send Terminator to find fail dale and terminate 'im.

  43. 1) lower the prices of memberships
    2) get some new dances in
    3) tell where rockhopper and other people are so they get a chance of seeing them.

    Cheeky 123987

  44. 1) make the membership rates lower
    2)make more things for non members
    3) make it easier to find the famous people

  45. 1. Lower Membership $
    2. Bring back old party's(Water Party anyone?)
    3. Bring Old Rooms back!(dojo, PetShop, ect.)
    P.S.I have MORE!
    4. STOP bringing back old items( I am not that rare anymore.)
    5.More Things for non-members

  46. 1. Spend many sleepless nights fixing all the glitches
    2. Give Non-Members the Ability to access Fire Dojo etc. and wear clothes
    3. Bring back good parties like the Penguin Play Awards, The Festival of Flight, The Water Party and Winter Fiesta

  47. THey only care about Members because they do a lot of stuff for them, they should think on non-Members now!

  48. 1. Make more games.
    2. More things for non-members.
    3. Create an island connected to clubepnguin?


  49. 1)Rename it "Penguin Club".
    (I think it's a better name).

    2)Base it on agents and ninja.
    (Ninja and agents are epic!)

    3)Sell it to Artix Entertainment on the condition they would make a sequel named "Penguin Club Worlds".

    (They did well with DragonFable, Mechquest, AdventureQuest, EpicDuel, HeroSmash, AdventureQuest Worlds and their minigames, why wouldn't they do well with PC (Penguin Club)?

  50. 1.bring back old cp.

    2.ban all babys.

    extend music jam forever xD.

  51. 1. Two words. ROCKHOPPER ISLAND.

    2. Give non-members a special "Non-Members Only!" room in parties or make some items in the catalog available for them.

    3. Being able to walk two puffles at the same time.

  52. 1. Contests and Giveaways.
    2. Ninja Missions
    3. Mission 12

  53. 1. Parties, parties, parties!

    2. More special Items

    3. Missions (like the old days)and field ops in between.


    P.S. Where does squillion fall on the number line? Is it after a bazillion? Or before?

  54. 1. give everyone spartan armor
    2. give them supplies also
    3. turn cp into a real war zone

  55. I uhh don't really get this post XD anyways waddle on!

  56. Tell club penguin that there is no such number as squidzillion. It should change to quintoquadagintillion.
    Then the other two would be give me the lighthouse pin that they took from me and won't give me back. And last make age exclusive parties.

  57. 1. More stuff for non members
    2. Make more rooms (even though that takes forever to write the java out)
    3. MORE PARTIES!!!!

  58. 1.make non member may buy 5 clothing from the catalog every month wigs are not counted

    2.move all the wigs to the wig catalog

    3.make a baby shop which they can live there but people with puffles cant enter

  59. make things for non-members
    lower membership prices
    make more party(new every year)

  60. 1. Fire Disney.
    2. Not bringing back old items.
    3. Making the old Club Penguin be the same.

  61. I think you should be able to sell clothes, furniture, etc. This would make Club Penguin better!!

  62. 1)No members, non-members can buy igloo furniture and clothes

    2)More Places and being able to tip the iceburg (and get exclusive free stuff)

    3)More ways to get codes!!! Like if you solve a field opp or mission you get a free code and unlock something!


  63. Hey,Mimo Post The Party Puzzle Stamp Yesterday, Party Puzzle Stamp Was For Non Members !

  64. 1: Give penguins body items, member or not (I hate naked penguins(Unless there actual penguins)
    2: Bring back the sport shop but make the stadium better.
    3: Create rockhopper island and the have a 2 day trip for penguins who chose to go so they can do jobs around the migrator for Rockhopper whilst they travel. There would be a speacil group of items with dances to do the different jobs

  65. 1.I would make free membership day(Where all penguins can do everything members can do) Every 3 months
    2. Hire many people due to the lay off
    3. Hard to explain

  66. Make trousers and hats different catagories

    More non-member stuff

    Old newspaper but with graphics of new one

    Aw yeah!

  67. make it so special dances can be done while other, non-dancing items are on.

    no such thing as non-members (free membership)

    you can buy coins and certain super special items. ($1 for 500 coins and 1 special item per month_

  68. 1.squashing all the bugs like stamp bug
    2. make old parties back
    3. make lot more stuff for non-member etc. parties clothg's (edit that mimo) and funiture.

  69. 1 Give every new penguin a 1 month trial membership.

    2. Make all famous penguins never leave (They just are always on CP)

    3.The penguin band plays at the iceberg one everyday

  70. 1. Make Rockhoppers Island and JOE's Island xD

    2. Make Membership FREE

    3. Fire Billybob and Make Mimo777 take his PLACE! ;)

    ~Joe CPG

  71. 1 i would let penguins send stuff to each other
    2 i would lower the membership price to $1.00 a month, $5.00 for 6 months, and $10.00 for 12 months
    3 give the employes that got laid off their jobs back

  72. 1. A puffle that is made of bacon.Oh and its a BABY so its like a little bacon crumb.:)
    2. Non-Memebers can do everything but buy the puffle made of bacon, so that you don't pay for a membership that gets you nothing.
    3. RULE CLUB PENGUIN. No, wait, if I bought CP, I'd already be ruling it. So.... I'D HAVE UNLIMITED COINS!!!!!

  73. I have the blue screen of death! i try to log in but when it gets to **load_undefined** it just stays there. whats going on?

  74. buy clubpenguin and diss disney!
    ~Phillies kid OLD CP RULES!

  75. have a custom background maker so you can show your stye

    new rooms

    some non-members clothes

  76. non members get more stuff.

    Lower membership prices

    buy everyone a hamster to play with carl....

  77. 1. get disney un-involved
    2. make every room in a good mood
    3. have every one have either a lottery thing or everyone gets 20000 coins every 2 months

  78. 1. Card Jitsu for everyone
    2. Cheaper membership (like $10 for a year)
    3. Make rockhopper island accessible to penguins

  79. 1. FIRE DISNEY

    2. Make club penugin the way is used to be.

    3. Some new places

    For Armes

  80. 1) Make it possible to hide your puffles in your igloo so they dont annoy u wen u hav penguins round for a party

    2 multiplayer game where you jump off
    tallest moutain (Like in the online game Base Jumping)

    3 Access to Rockhoppper island and tallest mountain

  81. 1 All Puffles can be used in a game

    2 Bring back all items and all partys (not including beta party)

    3 You can do special dances with other items on.

    4 Most items available for non members.

  82. 1. Lower member ship cost
    2. Bring back epic parties (Water party, Camping party) + Items
    3. Better catalogs, THEY ARE ALL THEMED AS THE UP COMING PARTY! In this case hoodies will NEVER come back..

  83. 1.Low the membership price

    2.Make a party room in which you can go back in time and see the parties (they will be upgraded each certain time)

    3.Make more items for non-members

  84. I Would...
    -Make Only Member Things To Become Non-Member And Member Things
    -Find Famous Penguins Easier
    And Lastly...
    -Have The Old Club Penguin Back

  85. 1) Lower the membership prices maybe to free :D and more stuff for non- members

    2) Make more useful items for igloos

    3) Make toilets for penguins or somthing? New rooms like male and femle items sepret? Im not sure :D

  86. Guys stop saying things like "make clothes be avaible for non-members", MEMBERS PAY FOR IT!! if they didnt have memberships, they wouldnt have money to pay to keep club penguin going.


  87. Hey Mimo! If u ever get a bug with the room u enter first with a new penguin but on ur main account, use the spy phone and teleport anywhere, the map will b gone, but the arrow and big orange penguin will be there and wherever u go.

  88. Hey Mimo! If u ever get a bug with the room u enter first with a new penguin but on ur main account, use the spy phone and teleport anywhere, the map will b gone, but the arrow and big orange penguin will be there and wherever u go.

  89. 1. Let Non-Members Buy 3 items from each catalog.

    2. Non-Members Can play levels in games that only members can play.

    3. Easier to find famous penguins

  90. Bring Back Some Old Items (Headphones etc.)And more mascots, but less parties. Some people may disagree, but i'll love it! I agree with Dsungaripterus too

  91. 1. Make item moves work when you look like a girl too, not just when looking like a boy. (Thanks for the map working with any clothes!)
    2. Make everyone able to throw away items in inventory when they don't want them any more, or bought them by mistake.
    3. Go back to the fun PSA missions.

  92. July 11, 2011 8:17 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Bring back the Mountain Expedition, lower membership prices, and every week, every penguin will get a donut! :D


    LOL! What Kind?

  93. how about three words,BRING BACK ROCKETSNAIL.

  94. 1, Make some clothes, hair ect avialable for non-members.

    2, Make chat better. Other people can't see some of the things you say sometimes.

    3,Make clubpenguin weather. So when you come on it might be raining ect. :]


  95. Fire Billybob Because He Makes all these Useless questions

    Get the Club penguin Band to come play in my Rockin Igloo.

    Make Mimo And My Igloo Famous Places

  96. 1. Be able to change your penguin's face expression like in Game Day!

    2. Let Non-Members be able to have a one day membership to see what it's like

    3. Build-A-Sled game where you can create a cool sled with Gary

    Oh btw I sent Club Penguin some fan mail saying it would be cool if we could get X-Treme Surf Cartz as a surfboard in Catchin' Waves and I got a reply saying that they will give my idea to the penguin in charge!

  97. 1. anyone can be a member
    2. make MORE fun games
    3. cooler dance moves

  98. 1. Make Club Penguin memberships free
    2. Lower the price of Club Penguin merchandise
    3. Make Club Penguin playable on the iPhone and other mobile phones

  99. Floppy pt (Natasha) ;)July 12, 2011 at 10:23 AM

    1) Make more things for non-members aka. more puffle's available, buying some items etc.

    2) More chances to see Famous Penguins

    3) Make a query page so I can look at each penguins preferences and...

    4)Ok I know this is 4 but let all penguins get a new igloo item every month - but only if they log in on that month ;)

  100. Floppy pt (Natasha) ;)July 12, 2011 at 10:25 AM

    PS: I know this is 5 but I caant help it!!!

    5) Why you buy a puffle it is a baby and you have to raise it til its an adult - but it never dies! ;D

  101. 1.More missions and Parties
    2.New adventuresand rooms! Like maybe rockhopper island, cool ice caves.
    3. Parties! Lots and lots of them and don't keep them too long so they don't get boring.
    4. If I could add another I would Make cool plays for the stage and make the stage so much better and not boring.

  102. Anonymous said...
    ...3.Make puffles even cuter

    is that even possible?

  103. 1. i would lower membership rates
    2. do more things for non-members
    3.change the epf back to the psa
    there is so much more things i would do. i mean you have a ton of money you can do anything!

  104. Anonymous said...
    1.non memeber month where everyone is a memeber for one month no paying
    2.Around the world party(Where every room repsents a differnt country pet crabs(differnt color like puffles and diffent natures)

    Those are some awesome ideas!

    Great job


  105. 1. lower membership price

    2.bring back old parties (aka like the campsite party, water party and pirate party and sport party :D
    3. make more items and room for non members (i fell bad for them that they dont get to party with us)

  106. In answer to the bell, a sweet faced lady opened the door, greeted the.

  107. 1). No membership
    2). Be able to layer cloths
    3). More puffles

  108. Beta Hats for all!!!!

  109. (1)i would make the tallest Mountain a room.
    (2)i would make it so that every penguin had an island for their house.
    (3)give every penguin a bazillion coins.:)

  110. Make the entire game free. Make it so if you're over 13. You can go on certain servers that are made for more mature kids. And improve the EPF by bringing them guns and bringing back Missions/

  111. One of the things if i buy club penguin is make a remembrance day party in November and make all items free to everyone. the 2nd thing i would do is extend the famous penguin visits to about a week. The 3rd thing is Lower the memberships 1 cent- $2.25. The final thing is MAke puffles talk and let penguins play their own puffle toys!


  112. sorry, don't read the 4th thing.

  113. 1. No memberships, but have an admission fee of five dollars to start, or else how would you make money?
    2. Be able to design your own furniture, but not just the design... the whole look of it
    3. have more interactive furniture

  114. 1. Stop being so stingy and give out 10 items of their choice to everyone.

    2. Make everyone feel the same, and ask if we want this party before they make parties.

    3.Remove bugs

  115. 1) No More Member Only Rooms, pins and items, availible for EVERYONE

    2) Add more Games

    3) Remove so many speech filters (I mean, it's hard to just talk to people now on CP so I would remove like ALOT of the blocked words)

    And if you're worrying that deleting memberships would make me loose money, well I have all that money Grandma Rufus left me so it's all ok!


  116. 1. Make every penguin a moderator.

    2. Make memberships free.

    3. Give all the items since 2005, to penguins when they sign up.

  117. 1. BETTER CHAT FILTER!! (more things to say)

  118. 1.I would make non-members have more privileges,like playing all levels of all games (including card jitsu), and they could go in the all party rooms too, and have some more clothes, like the simple ones or the party ones (ones you buy in stalls, but not gift shop things).
    2.I'd make it so that when your not a member anymore, you would still be able to wear the things you bought when you were one, and have the same igloo.
    3.I'd change the mods from robots and hire actually people so that you'll get banned even if you say simple words, because they were with the intention of swearing. (oh crab, go to well, oh ship ect.)and just in case they didn't mean it, they can fight their case in "trial" via e-mail.

    hopefully club penguin actually uses these ideas, to make it a more fun and safe environment for kids.

  119. 1. Buy Club Penguin
    2. Make A Few Things For Non-Members
    3. Lower Membership Prices!

  120. No More Glitches No High Membership Prices And Add More Rooms!

  121. Wow Mimo, how did you think of a random number like squzillion? :D

  122. should get stuff for when its your cp birthday like a party hat or igloo items.

    2. you should be able to trade most items and sell things back to the shops for half the price.

    3.Stop bringing back so many items because every catolog a rare part of me dies... JUST MAKE NE STUFF!!!

  123. 1. I would bring back the old cp in a newer updated version
    2. I would make add a personal chat service for your friends
    3. I would improve some of the games so that EVERYONE cam play
    extra!!! it would seem almost like I would have to lower the membership prices as a new owner, so thats the bonus answer

  124. How many zeros are in one squzillion?

    1. I would bring back all the old parties(like the Christmas party)and the fireworks.
    2. I would update a whole lot of stuff(All throughout winter it would snow! yay!)
    3. I would make different igloo styles and a more customized playing experience(ie: beach igloos, forest igloo, a smart house igloo just for agents that were part of the PSA and have completed more than 50 field ops and all missions)
    4. a WHOLE lot more


  125. here's one thing
    Be able to ride on Rockhopper's shit to see Rockhopper island!!

  126. I would make every penguin uncontrollably famous, bring back ALL old items, and last I would make it so you didn't have to be a stupid member.

  127. Only three? Well I guess I'll just have to choose three things off of my list of 100 things that'll make CP better, kk here I go!

    1. Lower the member ship prices and make a three month membership, all the time (not just sometimes)

    2. Make clothing items and all puffles for non-members too.

    3. Water party an anual event again. (that was my fave party!)

  128. 1. change the membership prices back to the way they were

    2. return some old items to the clothing catalog

    3. more clothes for non members

  129. 1. Make Igloos saveable (so you can keep old designs). That would be so cool!

    2. Reintroduce proper Agent missions (instead of Field Ops). I miss them :(

    3. Make all of the games that Non-members could play until the end in the past until they changed it (like Jet Pack Adventure) back to normal again :D

  130. 1. update the dock and forest

    2. make the town center room

    3. make a clothing catalog for non-members with clothes and wigs not as cool as members stuff, butstill cool

  131. Add a "time machine" so you could go to all the old party's and rooms.
    Make more mods.

  132. next summer, when were all bored of card jitsu snow, have the expedition party and we discover the other half of the island,beyond the mountains

    make a custom map like custom shirts and furniture

    make penguins able to move to a new igloo up in the mountains(like on a cliff where theres a little village

  133. Hmmm...

    1. Parties and free items are for EVERYONE.

    2. Half the catalog for members, half the catalog for non-members.

    3. Adding a "time machine" where you could choose any date and you could look at how Club Penguin looked that day (including newspapers, pins and items [I don't know if I'd make them available], parties, rooms, etc.)

  134. 1.Make everything for members
    2.Raise the membership prices again
    (1 month=180$,6 monthes=390$,
    1 year=700$))
    4.Have no parties,no games,no puffles,and you have to be a member for a year to decorate your igloo even though you may already be a member :)I would make club penguin such a happier place :D

  135. Brock O Lee:

    1. I would hav less things for members. I mean, over half of CP is members only, including the games! I would make it more 'nonmember' friendly.

    2. I would lower the prices of membership bak to the original price.

    3. I would bring bak and make a lot of basic items. Most penguins today wear more of the basic things that CP used to offer. Basic wigs and outfits that generally looked good on penguins. Not hats with hair and bad looking outfits.

  136. get rid of membership have more updates and faster add food (your penguin needs to eat to but the snacks are free)

  137. 1. Make a favorites map so you can mark your favorite room and it would be easier to get to.
    2. Have a suggestion box added to CP.
    3. Add things for non - members

  138. 1.Cheaper membership

    2.More pet stuff

    3.Make another penguin style catolog for non-members and an igloo catolog for non-members

    4. More rooms with games in them

    5. More new parties and more old parties

  139. More missions
    Able to wear clothes when youre member ship expires
    Longer caterlogs

  140. Hey i was thinking of that i would make a room jsust for non members members are not aloud to go in there are going to a catalog and a free items


  141. 1.make all penguins able to get all puflles.

    2.make nonmembers able to buy items from the catalog.

    3.every new penguin able to get a free membership for a month

    i wish club penguin would do this!

    1 MONTH-2000 COINS
    6 MONTH-3500
    12 MONTH- 5000

  143. 1:i would let non members buy clothes and puffles
    2:let non members go into ANY room when there is a party even the rooftop and stuff
    3:let non members play card jitsu fire and water!

  144. 1. I would make clothes avalible for nomn-members.
    2. Make it so non-members can get member coloured puffles.
    3. Have alot more fun parties! (:

  145. 1. There will be no such thing as non members every penguin will be a member and u dont have to pay.

    2. Build sky scrapers.

    3. Penguins can buy cars and drive them around cp!

  146. 1. Lower membership prices

    2. bring back the old PSA and get rid of rooms that old cp had that no one uses or needs( eg stage, underwater room, games included, ect.).

    3. on cps birthday new people that have joined or arent a member would have a membership for three months!

  147. 1. make more missions

    2. make non members be able to buy furniture

    3.make it more exciting

  148. 1. two normal clothes items
    for nonmembers in every catalog

    2. fix the bugs

    3. bring back st. patricks day party

  149. Ok so...

    -I would fire Disney because they made A LOT of things worst.

    -I would lower the price for the Memberships.

    -Make the club penguin toys world-wide!

  150. 1.Fix all bugs.
    2. Make a non-membership day and let non mems see what they're missing out of and...
    3.Every day when you log in you get a login bonus and get 100 coins!

  151. bring back old items.

  152. 1. Make membership prices $4 or £3.

    2.Give EVERYONE (member or not) 5items of their choice.

    3. Remove all bugs, glitches and shut down all trainers.

  153. 1. i will make clubpenguin chocolate bars
    2. mimo will work at clubpenguin and be AWESOME
    3. every one gets......1,000,000,000 coins

  154. NO MEMBERSHIP AT ALL. Or $10.00 membership fro a year. :D

    Old clothing items come back.

    Get the old Club Penguin back.

  155. Only one thing:
    sorry for caps

  156. 1: make herbert build the PSA so its back
    2:make the catolog longer and more rooms.partys
    3: make a member party every year for a week so every penguin is is a member for a week

  157. Cuddlepots said...

    1)Rename it "Penguin Club".
    (I think it's a better name).

    2)Base it on agents and ninja.
    (Ninja and agents are epic!)

    3)Sell it to Artix Entertainment on the condition they would make a sequel named "Penguin Club Worlds".

    (They did well with DragonFable, Mechquest, AdventureQuest, EpicDuel, HeroSmash, AdventureQuest Worlds and their minigames, why wouldn't they do well with PC (Penguin Club)?


    hey funnyface112 here

    i play aq ( adventure quest)

    level 46 wizard master ah um i mean funnyface112 out PEACE

  158. I would make it more interactive..

    1. Be able to buy food to feed your penguin

    2. Actually work at the pizza parlor/coffee shop and earn coins

    3. Go to a salon and create your penguins hairstyle (choose color & length and braid, put in a pony tail, add beads, etc.)

  159. well for memberships i wouldnt make the game free, because CP does need the money, so just lessen the price.

    Make all free items available for nonmembers.

    Make Rockhopper Island

  160. OKAY
    1.make everything available for everyone
    2.make everyday some sort of special day (but that would be hard
    3.make more quests, missions, those ops thingys for secret agents ect. to make it more fun

  161. 1. I would make the prices for membership lower
    2. Make all catalogues longer (more stuff in each one of them) and reduce the prices for clothing.3.Update the places(make them more modern), map(change it according to the new buildings)and club penguin might have a 3D version if wanted. ;D

  162. #1. I would make new secret agent missions.

    #2. I would make a rainbow puffle

    #3. I would make herbert and klutzy our friends. Yay Club Penguin word peace! Yay! lol.

  163. 1. bring back the p.s.a 2.make a new kinda party like the festival of flight 3. make a prom party and you can get a tuxedo

  164. 1.Take away memberships.

    2.Make parties DIFFERENT every year. (sometimes in cp they are the same each year)

    3.Make new catalogs, that have old and new items, but way cooler than what CP has now!

  165. When will Club Penguin listen? People are mostly saying things like more for non-members,lower membership rates and bring back the Water party? Please club penguin bring back the water was the most fun in my opinion and there were 3 free items!

  166. 1.Add non member clothes every month in the catalog.
    2.Let non members play all the games to the finish.
    3.Lower the membership to the old price.
    4.More parties

  167. 1. Make membership cost a little less (maybe $4.00 a month?)
    2. Catalogs for non-members
    3. Make old items and parties return

  168. 1. I would make finding famous penguins easier.

    2. i would make memberships cheaper

    3. i would make it so that there would be some things that non-memebers could buy.

  169. GUYS GUYS Guys! your getting carried away! club penguin cant let non members do everything and make new things every day and cancel memberships! then they would be tired,and they would have no money by creating things every day and doing all this for nothing!!!!! here are more reasonable ones least add the old items and igloo musics back
    2.sell some cool free items! not like head phones and stuff! least stop making updates that make rooms look more lame!
    P.S when you guys say stuff like NEVER HAVE BUGS,MAKE NEW THINGS EVERY DAY!,and MAKE MORE PARTIES EVERY YEAR answer to 1 they dont control it when their computers have bugs!!! answer to 2 they cant they would loose money fast and get tired of drawing,and moving and typing all day!!! and answer to 3 they cant make parties all day because when parties are there you should be excited not forcing them to make more every year! enjoy the ones now before they make new ones and break other ones!
    (like the festival of flight!)
    rock on mimo!!!!!
    please please post!!!!!

  170. 1. bring back old parties(water party,etc.)
    2.let penguins design their own items(clothes, igloos,igloo items, etc.)
    3.add new rooms with games(rockhopper island, aunt artics igloo, etc.)
