Thursday, April 14, 2011

Exclusive Earth Day Stamps!

So, Club Penguin is having a Earth Day Party next week. Look what we dug up... some exclusive stamps. Check out this code:

You will be able to earn the Go Green Stamp, and the Tree Mob Stamp. Looks like you will need to get 10 penguin's to help you earn the Tree Mob stamp, probably wearing a tree costume. Phunnie!

What stamps would you like to see at the party?

Play Color Cleaner!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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  1. Cool wear a tree costume! Hilarious!
    Help ten penguins  piece of cake!

    >~~•+•~~ Greatdemuth ~~•+•~~<

    Bye 

  2. its wierd cuz i used to play cp ALL THE i could care less....mabye if there was stuff for non members i would play...but i dont care anymore :P
    kk bye

  3. Yay! Tree Costume!

    Wait, I hope it's a new one, cuz a tree costume already exists, but that's a pine tree.

  4. Hey Mimo777, I found a Glitch! Go to the Beacon (Thats where I found the glitch) and then Write in "Arr!" Exactly like that. Then try and press Spacebar or type something else with the word "Arr!", It wont Let you! And If you write in something other than you can write more!!

    What a Glitch!
    - Ikk200

  5. the first one u must throw a snowball in room id 122 that is the recycling plant, the other stamp 10 penguin wearing a tree costume and dont worry about u if you don't have it. Tje earth day party will have an special catalog with it. Hope this helps
